• Our Heavenly Father 10-25-05

    From eridianne@eridianne@yahoo.com to rec.photo.equipment.35mm on Sunday, November 08, 2015 13:49:11
    From Newsgroup: rec.photo.equipment.35mm

    Our Heavenly Father says,
    " I have come on this day to remind you that it is Important for you to remember, that as you walk as a human being, you are gifted with 'a Portion' of Who I Am, What I Am. I am known as 'The Father'. Just as in the human way, human family, in accordance with the one who has been given the responsibilities and the caring as the father, you must see Me in this manner of how you live each day."
    ON OCTOBER 25,2005 AT 12:00 NOON
    " I have come on this day to remind you that it is Important for you to remember, that as you walk as a human being, you are gifted with 'a Portion' of Who I Am, What I Am. I am known as 'The Father'. Just as in the human way, human family, in accordance with the one who has been given the responsibilities and the caring as the father, you must see Me in this manner of how you live each day.
    There are so many things I would like to speak about regarding the Importance of the Creation of human beings; different, of course, than other things that were created by Me.
    I hold the little one tightly. She has been through much more than others see, but for My Words and My Intentions to be transferred from her to you, takes more mental and physical energy than it can be perceived.
    In the Creation of human beings, it has always been Important to make them aware that there is a right and a wrong, a pure and an impure manner of living, not always thought about by an individual as they partake in living in ways, manners that are not all pure in what they consist of.
    I know the little one is having a difficult time saying My Words on this day, but it is because of so many Important Things on different Subjects that preceded My Time with you on this day. It is a beautiful sight when this little one speaks My Words so faithfully, willingly, and I would say, courageously.
    Throughout the world, All that has thus far been delivered by Myself and Others Here with Me, it is Important that thousands and thousands and thousands have the privilege to read, allowing them to more indepthly understand how close they are to Who I Am, What I Am, and how Important their Soul is to Me.
    I will close My Words. I could speak hours on end, but I have spoken these Words through this little one to aid you, and to give you Facts that are Important, thus helping you to look at things in a more appropriate manner and way."
    Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
    Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
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