• HVYRAIN: Excessive Rainfa

    From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Saturday, August 24, 2024 10:11:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 240846

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    446 AM EDT Sat Aug 24 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 24 2024 - 12Z Sun Aug 25 2024



    Another round of daytime convection is expected in the Southwest
    again on Saturday, although the primary threat area should be
    relatively narrow, focused in a plume of deeper moisture along the
    periphery of an advancing deep trough. The Marginal Risk was
    generally maintained in the same area as the previous outlook
    issuance with only minor adjustments around the southern periphery.
    Localized heavy downpours will remain possible given the plume of
    moisture still being drawn northward out of Mexico and northward
    around the western side of a sprawling upper level ridge. However,
    the mid-level flow will be much stronger than usual for this time
    of year helping to mitigate the flash flooding concern by providing
    a strong and persistent steering flow. Nevertheless, around an
    inch of rain falling in a short period of time may still lead to
    flash flooding, and the Marginal Risk was maintained.


    A complicated forecast exists with several conditional threat
    areas that still need to be sorted out. Models are generally in
    good agreement in showing several rounds of elevated convection
    along the periphery of a pronounced elevated mixed layer, with
    700mb temperatures approaching record highs in the sounding archive
    and ERA reanalysis dataset. One of the rounds is focused early in
    the Day 1 period in or near Missouri. Satellite and radar imagery
    from the overnight hours was showing thunderstorm development along
    the Kansas/Nebraska border moving westward around the 1000-700 mb
    thickness gradient and being fed by south to southwesterly winds of
    35 to 50 kts per area VAD Wind profilers upstream over Kansas and
    Oklahoma. The 06Z run of the HRRR continued to generate a narrow
    stripe of moderate to heavy rainfall in western Kansas...its areal
    coverage apparently being in check from the warm mid level
    temperatures noted above but providing support to maintain the
    Marginal risk area without much need to adjust the placement. The
    other round looks to be focused after 00Z farther to the north from
    southeast Iowa into northwestern Illinois. Ingredients favoring
    heavy to excessive rainfall extend to the north and northwest in
    so those solutions extending as far north and northwest into
    Minnesota or southeast South Dakota cannot be ruled out yet.
    Multiple hi- res models also show much of the northern sections of
    the region remaining almost entirely dry. However, the risk should
    an inch of rain falling in a short period of time may still lead to
    flash flooding, and the Marginal Risk was maintained.be assumed to
    be non- zero in the areas described above, and above 5 percent in
    the Marginal Risk areas. Further updates and expansion of the
    Marginal Risk is possible.

    ...South Florida..

    Incoming deep moisture with roots from the Caribbean will make
    headway into South Florida today with area precipitable water
    around the 90th percentile, which is well above 2 inches. The
    increasing moisture will be in proximity to a quasi-stationary
    front to the north...with a sharp delineation point of where the
    moisture pooling will reside. A Marginal risk area was maintained
    across the Southern FL Peninsula.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Aug 25 2024 - 12Z Mon Aug 26 2024


    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    As the western periphery of the Southern Plains upper level high
    begins to erode, the heavy rain threat area should expand eastward
    on Sunday into more of New Mexico and Colorado. Scattered daytime
    convection should develop in a plume of deeper moisture and
    moderate instability, and the thunderstorms will be capable of producing
    flash flooding within complex terrain and especially around any
    burn scars. Hourly rain rates may locally exceed 1 inch. The
    Marginal Risk was mostly maintained in the same areas.


    The latest guidance shows potential for for organized convection
    and an associated heavy rainfall threat to persist into the Day 2
    period over portions of southeast Iowa into western Illinois and
    northeast Missouri. The latest CSU machine learning Excessive an
    inch of rain falling in a short period of time may still lead to
    flash flooding, and the Marginal Risk was maintained.
    Rainfall Outlook still appeared to be displaced north and west of
    where the ensembles favored heaviest rainfall...and the 00Z runs
    did little to resolve the considerable degree of mesoscale
    uncertainty both from the overall setup across the region. The
    model consensus was best on the idea that heavy rainfall was
    possible but they varied widely on placement. Therefore, the
    Marginal Risk should still be viewed as the most likely placement
    for heavy rain on Sunday morning, but future updates are possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Aug 26 2024 - 12Z Tue Aug 27 2024


    ...Southwest US...
    The threat of excessive rainfall will linger into Monday across
    portions of the Southwest US as precipitable water values of 0.75
    to 1.00 inches remain in place from extreme southeast Arizona into
    New Mexico. Scattered daytime storms remain possible within the
    plume if deeper moisture...but strengthening steering flow should
    help limit residence time to mitigate some of the flash flooding
    concern. As mentioned earlier...though...even brief heavy rainfall
    rates in a short period of time may still lead to flash flooding,
    and a Marginal Risk was maintained in the region.

    ...Northern Plains...
    An upper trough over the Intermountain region will begin lifting
    northeastward across the High Plains helping to sharpen a front
    across parts of the Upper Midwest/Northern Plains. Precipitable
    water values are forecast to approach 1.75 inches over portions of
    the eastern Dakotas prior to the arrival of the surface front and
    increasing divergence/difluence associated with the upper level
    system. The expectation is that moisture flux convergence along the
    front will focus convection moving into an unstable environment
    driven by diurnal heating that leads to locally heavy downpours.
    Farther west where instability is more driven by cold mid level temperatures...rainfall should be less focused and less intense.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, August 25, 2024 08:57:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 250838

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    438 AM EDT Sun Aug 25 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Aug 25 2024 - 12Z Mon Aug 26 2024


    ...Arizona/New Mexico and Colorado...

    The axis of highest precipitable water values start the period
    extending from eastern Arizona and western New Mexico into
    southwest Colorado...with maximum values at or slightly above an
    inch near the international border. This should help fuel
    additional late day and evening convection...with at least a low-
    end chance for rainfall rates that approach an inch per hour.
    Flow increases across the region as the western portion of the
    upper high erodes and a closed low over Nevada this morning makes
    its way eastward...which should help convection be progressive
    enough to mitigate at least some of the excessive rainfall threat.
    Even so...even brief heavy rainfall can produce flash flooding
    within complex terrain and especially around any burn scars.


    With the upper high/warm temperatures firmly in place and
    apparently sufficiently strong to suppress buoyancy...and high
    resolution models now struggling to generate more than light
    showers...have removed the Marginal Risk area over portions of Iowa
    and Illinois.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Aug 26 2024 - 12Z Tue Aug 27 2024


    ...Southwest US...

    The threat of excessive rainfall will linger into Monday across
    portions of the Southwest US as precipitable water values of 0.75
    to 1.00 inches remain in place from extreme southeast Arizona into
    New Mexico. Scattered daytime storms remain possible within the
    plume if deeper moisture...but anomalously strong steering flow
    should help limit residence time to mitigate some of the flash
    flooding concern. As mentioned earlier...though...even brief heavy
    rainfall rates in a short period of time may still lead to flash
    flooding, and a Marginal Risk was maintained in the region.

    ...Northern Plains...

    An upper trough over the Intermountain region will begin lifting
    northeastward across the High Plains on Monday...helping to
    sharpen a front across parts of the Upper Midwest/Northern Plains.
    Precipitable water values are forecast to approach 1.75 inches
    over portions of the eastern Dakotas prior to the arrival of the
    surface front and increasing divergence/difluence associated with
    the upper level system. The expectation is that moisture flux
    convergence along the front will focus convection moving into an
    unstable environment driven by diurnal heating that leads to
    locally heavy downpours. Spread lingers in the guidance with
    respect to how progressive the system will be and how much of
    excessive rainfall threat will be associated with the upper system
    compared to the threat associated with the convection pushing into
    the better instability. Kept the westward extension introduced on Saturday...but there was a consensus that some territory could be
    trimmed out near the international border.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Aug 27 2024 - 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024


    ...Southwest US...

    The risk of excessive rainfall will linger on Tuesday afternoon and
    evening across portions of the Southwest US as a moisture plume
    lingers across the area and winds aloft/steering flow weakens in
    response to the a mid level wave moves away over the Northern
    Plains as it begins to fill. Model based ingredients suggest the
    potential for locally heavy downpours may extend a bit west of the
    area shown by the deterministic runs...so made a minor expansion
    that way.

    ...Upper Great Lakes...
    There is a Marginal risk of excessive rainfall over portions of the
    western Great Lakes as the upper trough initially over the Upper
    Midwest continues to move northeastward during the day.
    Precipitable water values of 1.75 to 2 inches should already be in place
    before the flow aloft becomes increasingly difluent along and
    north of a quasi-stationary boundary helping enhance rainfall rates
    locally. The operational guidance tended to the potential for a
    couple of inches of rain...although there was considerable north-
    south spread in the guidance limiting the confidence that excessive
    rainfall will occur at any spot.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Monday, August 26, 2024 09:36:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 260833

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    433 AM EDT Mon Aug 26 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Aug 26 2024 - 12Z Tue Aug 27 2024


    Per collaboration with WFOs ABR, FSD, MPX, and ARX, have hoisted a
    Slight Risk across eastern SD into southern MN, western WI, and a
    small portion of northeast IA. Have also added Marginal Risk areas
    across the Mid-Upper TX Coast to eastern portions of the Hill
    Country, much of the west coast of FL, and across parts of New

    ...Northern Plains into the Upper Mississippi Valley...
    An upper trough over the Intermountain region will begin lifting
    northeastward across the High Plains on Monday, becoming less
    amplified with time as it encounters the central U.S. ridge.
    Precipitable water ahead of the upper trough and associated surface
    cold front area expected to peak between 1.75-2.00 inches over the
    outlook areas. Pre-frontal surface low tracking slowly from northeast NE-southwest SD early Mon to the eastern MN-western WI border by
    12Z Tue will coincide with a slower eastward frontal progression
    later Monday and especially Monday night. As a result expect
    multiple rounds of organized convection across the outlook areas,
    with multicellular upscale growth potential along with some
    supercells. MLCAPEs of 3000-4000+ J/Kg this afternoon-evening within
    the very moist environment will support intense instantaneous
    rainfall rates; however, given the relatively weak llvl flow
    compared to the mid-upper levels, expect the convection to be
    forward propagating at a fairly decent clip through this evening.
    This will cut down on the rainfall potential during the daylight
    hours. However, given the slow moving surface low and front, again
    expect another round of convection Mon night as PWs remain between
    1.75-2.00 inches with MUCAPEs still between 1000-2000 J/Kg. The
    aggregate of both events will likely enhance the flash flood risk
    within the Slight Risk area, given the growing support from the
    high-res CAMs.

    Elsewhere, the Marginal Risk area remains, though did pull the
    southern edge south a bit into much of southern WI (including the
    MKE area) towards the max instability gradient.

    ...Mid-Upper TX Coast to Eastern Portions of the Hill Country...
    Well defined low-mid level circulation near the TX Gulf Coast early
    this morning will traverse slowly into South-Central TX this
    evening and overnight. Instability will remain greatest offshore,
    though SBCAPEs near 1000 J/Kg distributed in a tall/skinny profile,
    with WBZ levels over 13 kft and PWs of 2.00-2.25 inches, will
    produces areas of heavy rain. Given the weak deep-layer flow (0-6km
    bulk shear 20kts or less), expect the more intense rainfall rates
    to be short lived before the more intense updrafts collapse as the
    cells become outflow dominated. Therefore have opted for a Marginal
    Risk over this region, with the anticipation that any flash
    flooding/short term runoff concerns will be isolated.

    ...Western FL Peninsula...
    The guidance shows a more enhanced ECSB (East Coast Sea Breeze)
    given the added synoptic low-level easterly component. This will
    focus peak diurnal convective coverage along the west coast of the
    FL Peninsula, which is supported by the model QPFs (especially
    CAMs). PWs between 2.1-2.3 inches, along with SB CAPEs peaking
    between 1500-2500 during the afternoon and early evening will
    support intense short term rainfall rates. In fact, the 00Z HREF
    40km neighborhood probability of 2"/hr rainfall rates climbs to
    40-60% over/near the Tampa Bay area between 20-00Z (while 3"/hr
    rain rates climb to around 25%). Per the CAMs, localized totals of
    3-5" can be expected, much of which would be within a 3 hour
    period. Cannot rule out localized flash flooding as a result,
    particularly in urban areas in and around the Tampa Bay area.

    ...Parts of New England...
    Vigorous shortwave energy and compact LFQ forcing pivoting south-
    southeast on the western periphery of the upper low will set the
    stage for fairly robust deep-layer forcing over a relatively narrow
    corridor across parts of New England Today. The mid/upper ridge
    impinging from the west is likely causing the uptick in upper level
    flow (localized 90-100kt 250mb jet streak) across the Hudson
    Valley/eastern NY. Steepening mid level lapse rates along with
    MLCAPEs ~1000 J/Kg will help fuel numerous showers/tstms during the
    peak heating hours this afternoon, with storm motions south-
    southeast. The 00Z HREF depicts high probabilities of >1"/hr rates
    between 18-00Z, peaking between 60-70% across eastern
    CT/RI/southeast MA. Localized storm totals of 3+ inches may lead to
    isolated instances of flash flooding.

    ...Southwest US...
    The threat of excessive rainfall will linger into Monday across
    portions of the Southwest US as precipitable water values of 0.75
    to 1.00 inches remain in place from extreme southeast Arizona into
    New Mexico. Scattered daytime storms remain possible within the
    plume if deeper moisture...but anomalously strong steering flow
    should help limit residence time to mitigate some of the flash
    flooding concern. As mentioned earlier, although even brief heavy
    rainfall rates in a short period of time may still lead to flash
    flooding, and a Marginal Risk was maintained in the region.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Aug 27 2024 - 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024


    Have expanded the Marginal Risk southward across the Upper Midwest,
    to account for the potential of locally heavy rainfall before the
    frontal passage.

    ...Upper Midwest-Upper Great Lakes...
    Upper shortwave will continue to dampen somewhat by Day 2, which
    will weaken the deep-layer Qs forcing. Prior to the surface frontal
    passage, PWs will remain between 1.75-2.00 inches (around 2
    standard deviations above normal). Instability will be much greater
    over the southern portion of the outlook area (down towards the
    I-80 corridor, which was a big reason to nudge the ERO Marginal
    Risk farther south (matching up with SPC's Day 2 Severe Slight
    Risk). Expect the activity to move rather swiftly before dropping
    south of the outlook area Tue night. Still appears to be a
    localized flash flood risk though, given the weakening deep-layer
    forcing and degree of downwind propagation. Therefore, have
    continued with the Marginal Risk.

    ...Southwest US...
    The risk of excessive rainfall will linger on Tuesday afternoon
    and evening across portions of the Southwest US as a moisture plume
    lingers across the area and winds aloft/steering flow weakens in
    response to the a mid level wave moves away over the Northern
    Plains as it begins to fill. Model based ingredients suggest the
    potential for locally heavy downpours may extend a bit west of the
    area shown by the deterministic runs...so made a minor expansion
    that way.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 09:03:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 270841

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    441 AM EDT Tue Aug 27 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Aug 27 2024 - 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024


    Compared to yesterday's Day 2 ERO, we have expanded the Marginal
    Risk area to include much of the Upper to Mid MS Valley, along with
    parts of the Lower MO Valley. Only minor tweaks were made to the
    Marginal Risk area across the Southwest.

    ...Lower Missouri Valley-Mid to Upper Mississippi Valley-Upper
    Great Lakes...
    Upper shortwave over the Northern Plains early this morning will
    continue to dampen somewhat during the day, which in term will
    weaken the deep-layer Qs forcing. By the same token, as the
    shortwave becomes sheared, the confluence aloft will sharpen a
    compact upper level jet streak (90-100 kts) in the lee of the
    flattening shortwave, thereby increasing the Qn forcing within the
    right entrance region (strengthening the low-level frontogenesis).
    The guidance, including the CAMs, appears to be having a tough time
    resolving this transition of favorable dynamical forcing. The
    ensemble of model QPFs show a bimodal distribution with the max
    rainfall axes -- one to the north (central MN-northern WI-Upper
    MI), behind Monday night MCS, where the DPVA/Qs forcing is most
    favorable, and another farther south (northeast KS/southeast NE,
    southern IA, central-northern MO, much of IL-IN), where the uptick
    in right entrance region forcing (upper divergence and low-level
    frontogenesis) coincides with a more moist and unstable
    environment. TPWs climbing between 1.8-2.1 inches over this
    southern portion, along with ML CAPEs of 1500-2500+ J/Kg, will
    support locally intense shorter-term rainfall rates. Moreover, as
    the front flattens (becomes more W-E oriented), more parallel to
    the mean 850-300 mb flow, suspect cell training will become a
    greater risk. What will likely keep this event from needing a
    Slight Risk is the relatively weak low-level inflow. The mean flow
    is fairly weak as well (850-300 mb wind 15-20 kts), however there
    is sufficient shear to keep any organized segments forward

    Farther north, the instability won't be as robust, however the
    soils will have already been primed from the MCS Monday night.
    Therefore with this secondary max QPF axis that the 00Z CAMs are
    depicting, another round of heavy rainfall could lead to isolated
    flash flooding given the antecedent wet soils and reduced FFG.

    ...Southwest US...
    The risk of excessive rainfall will linger on Tuesday afternoon
    and evening across portions of the Southwest U.S., as the moisture
    plume lingers across the area and winds aloft/steering flow
    weakens in the wake of the departing Northern Plains shortwave. PWs
    peaking around 1.3 to 1.4 inches (1.5 to 2 standard deviations
    above normal for late August), along with MLCAPEs of 500-1000 J/Kg,
    will support isolated hourly rain rates of 0.75-1.00" underneath
    the strongest convective cores. The 00Z HREF probabilistic
    guidance depicts this, with the risk spreading a bit farther west
    (into eastern AZ) compared to yesterday. Have maintained the
    Marginal Risk in the Day 1 ERO given the continued localized flash
    flood threat during the peak heating hours (afternoon/evening).


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    Compared to yesterday's Day 3 ERO, the Southwest and northern-tier
    Marginal Risk areas were largely unchanged. However, based on the
    00Z guidance suite, the Marginal Risk across the northern Mid
    Atlantic Region was expanded westward to include much of the OH
    Valley and parts of the Mid MS Valley.

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue to support a more
    north-south outlook area compared to Day 1, though nonetheless
    still quite similar. Instability and moisture parameters (afternoon
    and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain similar, and thus the
    anticipation of more isolated/localized instances of flash flooding
    than otherwise, particularly after 18Z coinciding with peak
    diurnal heating.

    ...Upper Midwest...
    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level
    warm front. Models are still indicating spread with the QPFs,
    enough to keep the ERO risk level at Marginal for now. Later
    shifts will need to assess the need to upgrade at least a portion
    of the outlook area to Slight however, as the heavy rainfall signal
    exists given the degree of dynamical forcing and thermodynamical
    profiles. 00Z ECMWF and regional GEM in fact indicates localized
    totals of 3+ inches between 00-12Z Thu.

    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-
    Northern Mid Atlantic...
    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid- upper trough traverses the central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and
    instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along
    this boundary, while the easterly storm motions (parallel to the
    low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell training.
    Outside of the 00Z Regional GEM, the guidance at this point isn't
    overly robust with the QPF within the outlook area, at least not
    yet, despite some uptick in right- entrance region forcing from the
    upper level jet streak over northern NY-New England. Thus for now,
    have kept the ERO risk at Marginal.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 4 ERO Marginal Risk areas
    across the Central Plains to Upper Midwest and over the Mid

    ...Eastern Portions of the Central Plains into the Upper Midwest... Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold front will
    continue eastward on Thu-Thu night, though with the mid-upper low
    lifting north into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. This will keep the
    bulk of the deep-layer forcing north of the U.S., however
    sufficient low-level frontogenesis will persist ahead of the mid-
    upper shortwave well south of the main mid-upper low. Much
    cooler/drier post-frontal airmass will lead to a fairly tight
    moisture gradient along the front, with strengthening negative PW
    advection behind it. Given the anticipated swift movement of the
    front (strong deep-layer shear), for now it would appear any
    organized, more widespread linear convective segments ahead of the
    front will too be rather progressive. Therefore, have maintained
    the Marginal Risk area.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...
    Lingering quasi-stationary boundary across the Mid Atlantic will
    couple with increasing right entrance region forcing via an upper
    level jet streak traversing NY-New England. Over time, the CAD
    signature becomes evident from the guidance -- i.e. cooler/more
    stable low-level air and a south-southwest dip in the surface
    boundary occur along and near the Mid Atlantic Coast. However
    plenty of deep-layer instability should linger west of the
    DelMarVa, which along with the forcing, should allow for more widespread/organized convection and a localized flash flood threat.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 09:25:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 280829

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    429 AM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 2 ERO Marginal Risk

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue to support a more
    north-south outlook area compared to Day 1, though nonetheless
    still quite similar. Instability and moisture parameters (afternoon
    and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain similar, and thus the
    anticipation of more isolated/localized instances of flash flooding
    than otherwise, particularly after 18Z coinciding with peak
    diurnal heating.

    ...Eastern Dakotas-Western Minnesota...
    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level
    warm front. After 00Z, 850 mb southerly flow increases to 40-50 kts
    from west to east across the outlook area, which is around 4
    standard deviations above normal per the SREF and GEFS. Not
    surprisingly, 850-700 mb moisture flux anomalies also climb to +3
    to +4. Given the strength of the low-mid layer moisture transport
    and uptick in IVT, isolated QPF totals of 3-5" per some of the 00Z
    CAM runs should not come as a surprise. However, at least for now,
    reasons for keeping the ERO below the Slight threshold over this
    region Wed night include (a) the continued high spread in guidance
    QPFs (including CAMs), along with (b) progressive southeast motion
    of the convection growing upscale (MCS) per the forecast Corfidi
    Vectors, given the shear between the low-level flow and mean
    850-300 mb wind.

    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-
    Northern Mid Atlantic...
    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid-upper trough traverses the central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and
    instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along
    this boundary, while the easterly storm motions (parallel to the
    low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell training,
    especially when the Corfidi Vectors drop to 5 kt or less). WPC QPF
    and smart blends (NBM and HREF) have come up from the previous
    forecast, with the D1 period now fully within the high-res CAM
    window. Uptick in right-entrance region forcing (upper divergence...
    low-level FGEN) from the upper level jet streak over northern NY-
    New England will favor more widespread convection, especially when
    coinciding with peak diurnal heating. However, lack of robust low-
    level moist inflow/transport will likely not sustain/prolong strong
    updrafts and intense hourly/sub-hourly rainfall rates. As a
    result, have maintained the Marginal Risk from yesterday's Day 2
    ERO, albeit with a few tweaks based on the latest guidance trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    The biggest change from yesterday's Day 3 ERO was to upgrade a
    portion of the Marginal Risk to Slight across parts of the Lower MO
    Valley into the Upper MS Valley. Have also added a Marginal Risk
    across the central-western LA and Middle-Upper TX Gulf Coast.

    ...Lower MO Valley and Corn Belt into the Upper MS Valley...
    Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold front will
    continue eastward Thu-Thu night as the mid-upper low lifting north
    into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the progression of synoptic
    features, the bulk of the deep-layer forcing and more anomalous
    low-level inflow/moisture flux will pivot across the Upper MS
    Valley and southern Canada. Compared to the southern portions of
    the Slight Risk area, generally speaking instability will not be
    as high over the northern portion (i.e. along the path of the
    triple point). However, owing largely to the SSW LLJ, especially as
    it becomes more aligned with the mean 850-300 mb flow, the
    eastward progression of the quasi-linear convective segments will
    slow during the period as per the weakening Corfidi Vectors
    (decreasing forward propagation). Therefore the risk for cell
    training will increase along and ahead of the front.

    Farther south (IA and eastern NE), the pre-frontal activity should
    be more forward-propagating, however much higher deep-layer
    instability south of the triple point, especially by late Thu-Thu
    night, will maintain the risk of more intense hourly rainfall
    rates (1.75-2.00+ inches) a little while longer (beyond 00Z Fri)
    per the 00Z HREF exceedance probabilities.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...
    Lingering quasi-stationary boundary across the Mid Atlantic will
    couple with increasing right entrance region forcing via an upper
    level jet streak traversing NY-New England. Over time, the CAD
    signature becomes evident from the guidance -- i.e. cooler/more
    stable low-level air and a south-southwest dip in the surface
    across MD-VA. However plenty of deep-layer instability should
    linger west of the DelMarVa, especially west of I-95, which along
    with the forcing, should allow for more widespread/organized
    convection and a localized flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Underneath the broad upper ridge, models show a subtle mid-upper
    level shortwave lifting gradually northward toward the central-
    western LA Coast on Thu. Subtle upper-level forcing (DPVA/upper
    divergence) along with persistent (albeit not overly robust) low-
    level moisture transport from the GOMEX will make for a localized
    flash food risk, especially coinciding with peak diurnal heating
    Thu afternoon. PW values increasing to 2.3-2.4 inches along with
    MLCAPEs between 1000-2000 J/Kg (tall/skinny distribution) and WBZ
    heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an optimal
    thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall. Sub-hourly rainfall rates
    of 2-3" will be possible underneath the strongest cores. By the
    same token, 0-6km bulk shear generally 20kts or less will lead to
    more pulse-type convection and thus more short-lived intense
    rainfall rates. Still enough of a flash flood risk to support a
    Marginal Outlook area in the ERO, especially given the uptick in
    southeasterly low-level flow from the Gulf on Thursday, which
    would be of equal or greater magnitude compared to the 850-300 mb
    wind. Corfidi Vectors aligning in the opposite direction than the
    inflow would support increased upwind propagation and cell

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thursday, August 29, 2024 10:00:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 290823

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    423 AM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    Lower Missouri Valley to the Upper Midwest...

    Height falls associated with an upper trough and surface cold
    front will continue eastward today and tonight as a deep mid-
    upper low lifts north into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the
    progression of synoptic features, the bulk of the deep- layer
    forcing and more anomalous low-level inflow/moisture flux will
    pivot across the Upper MS Valley and southern Canada. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities for greater than 2 inch and greater than
    3 inch amounts remain fairly aggressive (40-70%) within the
    previously issued Slight risk area with the core of the potential
    being located over parts of Iowa and southern Minnesota. As
    mentioned before...this area has been dry as of late, so some of
    the precip will be beneficial, but anomalous moisture and strong
    mid- level ascent could generate rainfall rates capable of
    flooding, especially within any urban footprint.

    Mid Atlantic Region...

    Maintained the Slight risk area across the VA Piedmont down into
    portions of Southeast VA and as far north as the WV/MD/PA line with
    only minor modifications. There will be a fairly well-depicted
    axis of low- level instability and anticipated surface convergence
    in proximity to a backdoor front settling in to the area. A core
    of elevated theta-E will align with the front from northwest to
    southeast during the afternoon hours while a jet streak to the
    northeast catches the Central Mid Atlantic just within the right-
    entrance region of the jet leading to appreciable upper forcing
    during peak destabilization. Convective activity is expected to initiate
    across the Blue Ridge and adjacent Appalachian Front then drift
    eastward. various CAMs and global guidance. MLCAPE between
    2500-3500 J/kg will be common within the vicinity of the front, so
    ample surface based instability will be present to maximize
    potential of any thunderstorm development.

    Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...

    Models show a subtle mid-upper level shortwave lifting gradually
    northward toward the central- western LA Coast today and tonight.
    Subtle upper- level forcing along with persistent (albeit not
    overly robust) low- level moisture transport from the Gulf of
    Mexico will result in a localized flash food risk, especially
    coinciding with peak diurnal heating . Precipitable water values
    increase to 2.3-2.4 inches along with MLCAPEs between 1000-2000
    J/Kg and WBZ heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an
    optimal thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall as shown in the
    NAM and ARW guidance. This should result in rainfall rates of 2-3
    inch on a sub-hourly time scale will be possible underneath the
    strongest cores. Given that the overall forecast reasoning has not
    changed and the latest and the latest guidance continues to show 3
    to 5+ inch amounts hugging the coastline...saw little reason to
    make more than minor nudges to the Slight risk and Marginal risk


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    Gulf Coast...

    There is a Slight Risk of excessive rainfall along the immediate
    Gulf coast region of southeast Texas into a small portion of
    adjacent Louisiana...with a Marginal risk area extending as far
    north as the upper Great Lakes in response to gulf moisture
    streaming northward ahead of a well-defined cold front advancing
    eastward. In addition...a well defined circulation that has
    persisted a couple of days over the Gulf of Mexico and Texas will
    meander eastward into Arkansas. While its impact will be waning as
    the system fills...it still could allow for additional convective
    flare-ups along and near the Gulf of Mexico. Precipitable water
    values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from eastern Texas into
    Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then extending north and east
    ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5 standard anomalies above
    climatology being an indication of the moisture-laden atmosphere
    still in place. Discrepancies linger in the guidance on placement
    and amounts in where the deepest moisture gets funneled...with the
    above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role. Between
    the NBM still showing 2 to 4+ inch amounts along the southeast
    Texas coast on Day 2 alone and a more than 6 inches for a 2-day
    total in proximity to the 28/12Z guidance and already covered by
    yesterday's Day 3 outlook...saw little reason to make any changes
    to the Slight Risk area.

    Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that is
    initially drawn northward and then northeastward towards the Great
    Lakes ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and
    eastward. By 00Z Saturday...moisture anomalies of 2 standardized
    anomalies will be in place. The overall upper forcing still does
    not appear to be terribly robust but the diurnal instability
    supports at least the potential for locally excessive rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    There is a Slight risk of excessive rainfall once again over
    portions of the Upper Texas coast and adjacent portions of
    Louisiana with a broad Marginal risk are extending northward and
    eastward as gulf moisture streams northward ahead of...and
    eventually intersects with...a cold front. The 29/00Z suite of
    guidance focuses highest rainfall amounts from Saturday into early
    Sunday over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana
    where a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of
    2.25 inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a
    nearly 2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this
    time of year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the
    gulf coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS). Two inch
    precipitable water values are forecast to extend from eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana. During the
    ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front reaches
    portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Expectations are that downpours will be possible along
    and ahead of the front. Given the amount of moisture and weaker
    steering flow, though, the southern portion of the Marginal area
    has a better chance for excessive rainfall while storms to the
    north should be more progressive leading to a nominally low/more
    isolated excessive rainfall risk. The question remains whether or
    ot the stronger dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates.
    Will leave as a Marginal risk area for the time being in deference
    to the NBM amounts and guidance from the CSU ML EROs.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Friday, August 30, 2024 10:06:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 300826

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    426 AM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...Gulf Coast...

    Moderate to heavy rainfall expected along the Gulf coast as deep
    moisture advects northwards as a tropical low drifts in the
    northwest portions of the Gulf of Mexico. Repeated rounds of slow-
    moving heavy rain cells from the Gulf into the Texas/Louisiana
    border area east of Houston. Guidance depict 1 to 4 inches for
    areal average along the coast with isolated higher amounts
    possible. Some of the hi-res guidance have very isolated maximums
    of 6 to 11 inches. Areal averages of The focus for any potential
    flooding in this small area will be mainly in the urban areas
    around Beaumont/Port Arthur and points east. A Slight Risk is in
    effect from the Houston area east to Vermillion Bay. The
    surrounding Marginal risk was expanded to include areas near/west
    of Mobile.

    ...Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that
    is streaming into the north/northeast towards the Great Lakes
    ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and eastward.
    Precipitable water values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from
    eastern Texas into Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then
    extending north and east ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5
    standard anomalies above climatology being an indication of the
    moisture-laden atmosphere still in place. There continues to be
    some variance on where the deepest moisture gets funneled... with
    the above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role.
    Although the overall upper forcing still does not appear to be
    terribly robust, the diurnal instability supports at least the
    potential for locally excessive rainfall. A broad Marginal Risk was
    maintained for this period from New Mexico/Texas to Wisconsin/New


    Portions of the region will have PW values greater than 2 inches
    along with slow moving storms near the front. This environment
    looks to be quite favorable for localized heavy rain with some of
    the guidance showing probabilities of 3 inches/3 hour 30-50%
    across Northeast North Carolina. A Marginal Risk area was raised
    for portions of southeast Virginia and northeast North Carolina.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorms are expected to fire across portions of
    New Mexico and Texas as the trailing cold front slows its
    progression over the region. Some of these storms will be capable
    of producing hourly rain rates greater than 0.50/1 inch per hour.
    A Marginal Risk area was maintained for this part of the country.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Showers and thunderstorms will persist along the Gulf coast along
    the nearly stationary tropical low and frontal boundary. The Slight
    Risk area that was in effect has bee maintained as well as expanded
    eastward to just east of Vermillion Bay. A broad Marginal risk area
    extends northward and eastward as gulf moisture streams northward
    ahead of...and eventually intersects with...a cold front. Guidance
    shows the highest amounts occurring from Saturday into early
    Sunday over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana
    where a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of
    2.25 inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a
    nearly 2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this
    time of year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the
    gulf coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS).

    ...Lower Mississippi Valley to New England...

    Two inch precipitable water values are forecast to extend from
    eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana.
    During the ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front
    reaches portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Moderate to heavy rain will be possible for areas along
    and ahead of the advecting boundary.

    Given the amount of moisture and weaker steering flow, though, the
    southern portion of the Marginal area has a better chance for
    excessive rainfall while storms to the north should be more
    progressive leading to a nominally low/more isolated excessive
    rainfall risk. The question remains whether or ot the stronger
    dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates. Some of the
    guidance do signal a concentration of QPF and increasing threat for
    excessive rainfall over portions of central pennsylvania.
    Antecedent conditions will have lowered FFGs across this part of
    the region thus becoming more favorable for growing flooding
    concerns. After coordination with the local forecast office decided
    to hold off for another cycle to reassess the need for a possible
    upgrade to a Slight Risk for central portions of Pennsylvania.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024

    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorm activity is expected to linger with the
    capability of producing excessive rainfall. The threat for
    localized flood concerns will remain elevated thus a Marginal Risk
    was maintained for this period.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    The highest rainfall in this multi-day heavy rain event will have
    likely already occurred however showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to linger over the region near the coastline. A Marginal
    Risk remains in affect from the southeast Texas coastline to
    eastern Louisiana coastline.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic region...

    Moderate to locally heavy rainfall will persist across portions of
    the Mid-Atlantic as a cold front approaches the region. Some of
    these areas will have lowered FFGs by this period and may be more
    susceptible for additional rainfall to increase the threat for
    local flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk area was maintained from
    eastern Tennessee Valley to the Mid-Atlantic region.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Saturday, August 31, 2024 09:44:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 310823

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    423 AM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Day 1 Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...Texas to the Mid-Atlantic and New England...

    A slow-moving cold front over the Midwest will move into the
    central Appalachians this afternoon. Surface dew points in the 60s
    and rising precipitable water values to around 1.75 inches (+2
    sigma or 98th percentile) will support both a severe weather threat
    (see SPC outlook) and a heavy rain threat. Though convection
    should be progressive with the front (or pre-frontal trough), FFG
    values are around 1-2"/hr and 00Z HREF neighborhood probs show
    values rising to 40-80% for >1"/hr and 10-40% for >2"/hr. Focus of
    highest threat will lie from eastern WV northward through central
    PA and into the Southern Tier of NYS where the complex terrain can
    add to the flash flooding sensitivity coincident with slightly
    higher than average soil moisture. Maintained the Slight Risk from
    the previous forecast with little change in shape. Along the front
    in general, a Marginal risk was maintained from New England back
    through the mid-MS Valley/Mid-South into TX where convection will
    be a bit less coherent and the threat for any flash flooding will
    be lower, but non-zero.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Decaying mid-level vort max will drift eastward along the coast,
    detached from any surface trough just offshore. However, in-situ
    moisture remains highly anomalous -- precipitable water values
    around 2.25 inches which is about +2 to +3 sigma. Most of the hi-
    res guidance keeps the heaviest rainfall today along and just off
    the coast but hint at drawing some heavier cores inland a bit
    toward the I-10 corridor in LA. Maintained the Slight Risk outline
    for southern Louisiana given the continued threat of heavier rain

    Above normal moisture (PW > 2") will linger over southeast FL
    where afternoon convection could support some local downpours
    (2-3"/hr rates) that may induce some flooding over the urban areas
    from ~PBI to MIA/HST and perhaps into the Keys.

    Added a Marginal Risk for the Mogollon Rim as a weak mid-level
    vort center pushes through the region. Though precipitable water
    values are around normal, sufficient instability this afternoon
    could support some isolated heavier rain cores with 1"/hr rates.


    Day 2 Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...
    250mb upper trough moving out of northern Mexico and southern
    AZ/NM and mid-level vort max (perhaps weakly closed low) will creep
    closer to far western Texas day 2. Sufficient moisture (though
    near normal) will be in place over the region to sustain some
    isolated excessive rainfall via afternoon convection.

    ...Gulf Coast...
    Meandering weakness in the mid/lower-levels will again help drive
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern
    Louisiana. Maintained a Marginal Risk for now given the uncertainty
    in the day 1 period with respect to heavier rain placement (on or
    offshore) and amounts. Again, the highest rainfall may linger just
    off the coast but potential is certainly there to nudge inland.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic region...
    Cold front will continue to push through the area to the east and
    south, squeezing the best forcing into southern Virginia and into
    North Carolina where afternoon convection may yield 1-2" amounts
    and a localized threat of flash flooding. There and to the west
    over western VA into WV, FFG guidance is lower and some lingering
    rain may eclipse those values as the front works through.


    Day 3 Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5" in various locations but the
    spread is quite large -- nearly covering the whole state in their
    QPF max region among the deterministic, ensemble, and AI guidance.
    The CSU machine learning first guess fields suggest a broad Slight
    Risk over the Hill Country which is, perhaps, a best consensus
    placement, but prefer to hold off an upgrade to a Slight Risk for
    now until at least the ensembles come into better agreement.

    Cold front will sink into the Carolinas which will nudge the
    excessive rainfall threat south from day 2. Best dynamics move
    offshore with the trough axis but the Marginal Risk should cover
    any isolated flooding threat due to afternoon convection.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, September 01, 2024 09:54:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 010838

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    438 AM EDT Sun Sep 1 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    An approaching 250 mb upper trough will move into far West Texas
    today while a surface boundary lingers across the Hill Country.
    Precipitable water values are forecast to be around 1.5-1.75" which
    is about +1 to +2 sigma with the typical NW to SE gradient.
    Afternoon convection should percolate today and could fall over
    areas that have seen a few inches of rain on Saturday (with lower
    FFG values as a result). Coverage should be somewhat isolated so
    the Marginal Risk will suffice.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern
    Louisiana. Maintained the Marginal Risk as the bulk of the guidance
    keeps the heaviest rain offshore, though it will be close (again)
    just like on Saturday.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    A cold front will approach the Appalchians this afternoon as the
    lead boundary dissipates, leaving a trough over the coastal plain.
    The best forcing for afternoon convection will lie there, generally
    over far southeastern Virginia into central/eastern North Carolina.
    00Z HREF probs of exceeding FFG values are around 10-20% (via 1-2
    inch per hour rates), though there are hints at some higher rates
    still. Activity should be mostly progressive, suggesting a
    localized threat of flash flooding. Kept the Marginal Risk for this


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches near and around the Hill
    Country, with various foci in the deterministic models. ECMWF-AIFS
    was still decidedly north compared to the other models. The CSU
    machine learning first guess fields still suggest a broad Slight
    Risk over the Hill Country, so at least there is some consistency
    over the past 24-36 hours in this guidance vs the models (which is
    the point). FFG values are lowest near/south of San Angelo to Del
    Rio (due to recent rain) where the HREF probs of exceeding these
    values reach ~50%.


    Cold front will sink farther into the Carolinas from day 1, which
    will nudge the excessive rainfall threat south as well. Best
    dynamics move offshore with the trough axis so the Marginal Risk
    should cover any remaining isolated flooding threat due to
    afternoon convection.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    Mid-level vort will be exiting the region though precipitable
    water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma initially, then
    decreasing late Tuesday). Depending on how much (and where) rain
    falls on day 2, there is room to upgrade some of this region to a
    Slight Risk pending better model agreement in future runs. For now,
    ensemble consensus is just east of the Hill Country but individual
    models are quite varied north/south. First guess fields from the
    CSU machine learning algorithm do show a Slight Risk outline,
    lending credence to a future upgrade.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Monday, September 02, 2024 08:54:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 020830

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    430 AM EDT Mon Sep 2 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024



    An upper level trough with a mid-level vort will be advancing into
    western Texas during this period. Meanwhile a surface low hugging
    the South Texas Coast will maintain easterly flow from the Gulf
    allowing PW values of 2+ inches to pool over much of the state. The
    latest guidance continues to depict areal averages of 1 to 5 inches
    of QPF across the Hill Country into east-central Texas and along
    much of the Texas coastline. Recent rainfall has increased soil
    saturation across the state thus lowering FFGs. The hi-res guidance
    is showing training of slow moving convection capable of 1 to 2.5
    inches/hour rain rates which could easily lead to scattered areas
    of excessive rainfall and localized flash flooding. A Slight Risk
    areas remains in effect for west-central and central Texas.
    Additionally, a Slight Risk was added for the coastline today where
    storms will be producing rates of 1 to 3 inches/hour.


    A cold front sinking through the Mid-Atlantic region will continue
    to move showers and thunderstorms southward over the Carolinas
    today. Guidance keeps the bulk of the QPF offshore during this
    period where there are better dynamics in place however there will
    still be an isolated threat for localized excessive rainfall and
    flooding. A Marginal Risk area was maintained for eastern portions
    of the Carolinas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma
    initially, then decreasing late Tuesday). A large portion of the
    flooding potential will be contingent on a verified forecast from
    Day 1/Monday, as Monday will have the heavier rain/stronger storms
    of the two days. However, even the lesser amounts of rain expected
    Tuesday should still cause flooding issues in the area with a
    widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast with locally higher amounts. A
    Slight Risk remains in effect for central portions of the state.

    The heaviest rains in the state are expected to be along the Gulf
    Coast from Galveston south and west through Corpus Christi. Locally
    heavy rains to 2 inches per hour will be possible. For now the
    greatest flooding threat remains confined to any urban areas, but
    should Monday's rains overperform here then a Slight may be needed
    for the hardest hit areas with future updates.


    A potent shortwave trough will interact with up to 2 sigma above
    normal atmospheric moisture on Tuesday. PW values rising to near 1
    inch will support storms capable of heavy rain that may produce
    isolated flash flooding should the storms impact particularly flood
    sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The influx of anomalous Gulf Moisture will persist all across the
    southern tier states while the upper trough and vort exits the
    plains and into the Mississippi Valley. The surface front will
    continue to be draped west to east across the South continuing to
    provide focus for showers and thunderstorms across the region.
    During the late afternoon and evening hours there will be an
    intensification of instability and forcing to boost rainfall rates
    across the Lower Mississippi Valley, particularly over Louisiana,
    western Mississippi and southeast Arkansas. Most of the guidance
    are suggesting that 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part
    of the region thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and
    local flooding potential. There is the potential for a few
    locations for local maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas. Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and
    southern Mississippi could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. A Slight
    Risk area was raised for parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and


    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, September 03, 2024 08:37:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 031328

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    928 AM EDT Tue Sep 3 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...13Z Outlook Update...

    Slight risk areas were combined and expanded to include more of
    south Texas (near the Del Rio area). This morning, slow-moving
    convection has materialized and produced areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr
    rain rates just east of the Rio Grande. These storms are in a
    sufficiently moist/unstable enviornment with weak flow aloft for
    continued heavy rainfall. Low FFG thresholds (near zero in spots)
    were also noted. The flash flood threat should persist for most of
    the D1 forecast period under this regime. Reference MPD #0968 for
    additional mesoscale details.

    ...Southeastern Mississippi eastward to northern Florida...
    Latest CAMs indicate a robust axis of convection materializing amid
    weak flow aloft from the Pine Belt of Mississippi eastward to the
    Jacksonville Metro area. HREF probabilities of 24-hr, 3 inch+
    precipitation totals maximize near Jacksonville, where models
    depict a persistent fetch of deep convection originating along a
    frontal boundary over the Gulf Stream. Multiple rounds of
    precipitation are expected today through the early overnight
    hours especially across northeastern Florida. Localized flash
    flood potential is expected where rainfall can occur over
    sensitive/urbanized locales. The Marginal risk has been expanded
    northwestward and eastward to include areas of isolated flash flood

    The remainder of the forecast is unchanged. Refer to the previous
    discussion below for more details.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high. Flooding issues will be
    possible in the area with a widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast
    with locally higher amounts. A Slight Risk remains in effect for
    central portions of the state although it was expanded y 1 tier of
    counties to the south to reflect the latest trends in the guidance.
    A slow moving tropical low will continue to bring periods of heavy
    rain in the form of slow- moving showers and thunderstorms from
    the Gulf into the adjacent Texas Coast. Most areas will not see
    steady rain the entire time, but very localized areas of training
    storms resulting in flash flooding. The heaviest rains in the
    state are expected to be along the Gulf Coast from Galveston south
    and west through Corpus Christi. Locally heavy rains to 2 inches
    per hour will be possible.

    ...Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast...

    The Marginal Risk was maintained for the potential of slow moving
    and training storms to the east of the low along a stalling front
    into coastal Mississippi and Alabama. The abundance of atmospheric
    moisture and instability, as well as, the slow-moving nature of
    the synoptic systems increases confidence that an isolated flash
    flood or two could develop along this stretch of coast.


    There is potential for isolated to scattered heavy rainfall as an
    advancing shortwave encounters an anomalously moist airmass. PW
    values rising to near 1 inch will support storms capable of heavy
    rain that may produce isolated flash flooding should the storms
    impact particularly flood sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South, albeit further south than previous forecast cycles. This
    frontal boundary will provide focus for showers and thunderstorms
    to spread across the entire Gulf Coast from south Texas all the
    way to the Florida Peninsula on Wednesday. Most of the guidance
    shows 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part of the region
    thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and local flooding

    There is the potential for a few locations for local
    maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas.
    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. The focus for the heaviest rains
    will be in the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana east through the
    Florida Panhandle. Locally heavy rains are likely, especially from
    New Orleans east through Pensacola, where a higher-end Slight is in
    place. With increasing amounts of rain forecast in and around New
    Orleans, continued increases in rainfall there may require an
    eventual targeted Moderate Risk should trends continue.

    Given the trends, the back edge of the Marginal Risk was trimmed
    eastward toward the Texas coast in addition to reducing the
    northern boundary by 1 tier of counties across Alabama and


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The area of precipitation mentioned for the Day 2 period will
    shift eastward across the central Gulf Coast with the heaviest QPF
    still focusing across portions of southeast Louisiana, southern
    Alabama, southern Mississippi and clipping western portions of the
    Florida panhandle. Again, there was a notable southern shift in
    placement within a majority of the guidance from previous
    cycles.coastlineThe inherited Marginal Risk areas was removed
    from southern Tennessee and northern portions of Alabama,
    Mississippi and northwest Georgia while trimmed eastward across
    central Louisiana. The Slight Risk spans along the Gulf Coast from
    west-central Louisiana to eastern Choctawhatchee Bay Florida.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 09:47:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 040824

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    424 AM EDT Wed Sep 4 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South provide focus for convection to spread from south Texas
    to Florida Peninsula. The latest guidance has continued to favor a
    less progressive eastward advancement with the precipitation
    shield. A blend of CAMs/global guidance has shifted the focus for
    heavier rainfall to be along the Upper Texas coast where they will
    be located closest to an organizing and elongated area of low
    pressure in the western Gulf of Mexico. General consensus has 2 to
    5 inches along the coast between Corpus Christi and Lake Charles. Southeast
    TX also still sports >80% soil moisture percentiles within the
    0-40cm layer according to NASA SPoRT-LIS, suggesting soils there
    would be more sensitive to 2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 2 inches as well. Locally heavy rains are likely,
    especially from New Orleans east to Mobile. For the Florida
    Panhandle there will be an influx of anomalous PWs and modest
    instability along the stalled frontal boundary that may trigger
    additional thunderstorms capable of producing torrential downpours.
    Areas most at risk for possible flash flooding will be areas whose
    soils are more saturated following Tuesday's thunderstorm activity
    and as far east as the Jacksonville metro area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The latest guidance keeps a slower progression of the QPF
    associated with an elongated area of low pressure in the northwest
    Gulf of Mexico. As such, the Slight Risk area was expanded further
    west along the Gulf Coast, between Houston and Corpus Christi, to
    account for the westward trend. While dispersion is on the higher
    side on Day 2, there is a better consensus for heavier rainfall
    along the central Gulf Coast given the bulk of PWs >99th
    climatological percentile residing along the Gulf Coast. The region
    is also closer to the surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will
    sustain a steadfast regime of low level theta-e advection into the
    nearby stationary frontal boundary. Additional forecast changes are
    likely given so much of this setup lies with the development of
    low pressure along the Gulf Coast.

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    The frontal boundary is expected to slowly progress eastward during
    this period will draped along the Gulf Coast and the Southeast.
    Deep moisture will continue to override the boundary helping to
    concentrate the heaviest QPF along the central and eastern Gulf
    coast. A Slight Risk remains in effect from southeast Louisiana to
    the Florida Panhandle while a Marginal Risk area spans from south-
    central Louisiana to northeast Florida and northward to South
    Carolina. Areal averages of 1 to 2 inches will be common across the
    region with the possibility of very isolated maxes of 3 to 5
    inches, especially along the coastline.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thursday, September 05, 2024 08:45:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 050828

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    428 AM EDT Thu Sep 5 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...Gulf Coast, Lower Mississippi Valley and Southeast...

    In coordination with local forecast offices near the Mississippi
    Delta region, a Moderate Risk area was hoisted for this period to
    include portions of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. There
    is consensus for heavier rainfall along the central Gulf Coast
    given the bulk of PWs >99th climatological percentile residing
    along the Gulf Coast. The region is also closer to the
    surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will sustain a steadfast
    regime of low level theta-e advection into the nearby stationary
    frontal boundary. Additionally, the latest guidance shows a
    potential for locally higher amounts upwards of 10" per NBM 95th
    percentile to focus in the vicinity of the New Orleans metro and
    points east and south. A Slight Risk spans from the southeast Texas
    coast to southern Mississippi.

    Deep-layer instability across portions of the Southeast may be
    lacking, however PWs of 2.2-2.4" will make for highly-efficient
    rainfall rates as the quasi- stationary front shifts a bit
    northward by tonight as the upper shortwave trough dips across the
    western Gulf Coast. A Marginal Risk spans from extreme southern
    South Carolina to central Florida and westward to the central Texas

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    During this period the trough will be digging across the western
    Gulf Coast region and increasing (and persistent) low-level
    frontogenesis along the central-eastern Gulf Coast to the Georgia
    Coast. While narrowing with time, the corridor of favorable
    thermodynamics (PWs of 2.2 to 2.5" with tall/skinny CAPE profile)
    and low-level FGEN along the quasi-stationary surface boundary will
    favor the more intense short term rainfall rates. This is
    essentially where the Slight Risk was drawn, which also correlates
    well with the highest 24hr QPF exceedance probabilities from the

    While there is some spread on exactly where the highest QPF will
    focus there is a general consensus for 1 to 3 inches across the
    region. Local maxes may be closer to with the possibility of very
    isolated maxes of 4 to 7 inches, especially along the coastline.
    The NAM, although hedging toward being an outlier solution for
    this period, does show isolated maximums closer to 10 inches. At
    this time, a Slight Risk seems to adequately cover the level of
    threat for excessive rainfall and flooding concerns. There may be
    the need to upgrade with a targeted Moderate Risk along the central
    Gulf Coast should guidance continue to trended up.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    Slow moving convection will continue to focus along the draped
    frontal system along the Gulf Coast and Southeast U.S. Abundant
    Gulf moisture will continue to feed into the region leading to
    higher rainfall rates. Multi-day rains will have increased soil
    saturation and lowered flash flood guidance by this period thus
    there will be a continued threat for excessive rainfall and local
    flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk is in effect across northern
    Florida and southern Georgia.


    An upper trough/low will pivot across the region during this
    period sending showers and thunderstorms across the Northeast where
    multiple recent rains have increased soil sensitivity. A Marginal
    Risk area is in effect for eastern New York, northeast
    Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey and northwest Vermont.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Friday, September 06, 2024 08:10:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 060804

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    404 AM EDT Fri Sep 6 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf Coast & Southeast...

    A very slow moving tropical low will track east along a stationary
    front draped along the Gulf Coast today. Near record amounts of
    atmospheric moisture in place across the Gulf will be drawn
    northward into the front ahead of the low. PWATs currently are
    around 2.6 inches and will not change much through the day. This
    would be over 3 sigma above normal for this time of year...which
    for southeastern Louisiana is no small feat.

    The southerly flow ahead of the low will keep a steady supply of
    deep Gulf moisture tracking into the Gulf Coast primarily...but
    will spread east across portions of the Southeast in the Slight
    Risk. The big question about heavy rain will be how much
    instability will be available for any showers and thunderstorms.
    Since it's currently raining over much of Louisiana and will
    continue into tonight, any instability will need to be advected in
    to the Gulf. That said, given the near record levels of moisture
    available, it will not take much to result in 2+ inch per hour
    rates with the strongest convection. The area's soils are quite
    water-logged from multiple days of rains, so today's rainfall
    should fully convert to runoff...greatly increasing the flooding

    In coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast office, the Moderate
    Risk area was left unchanged with this update, with the greatest
    threat for the greater New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas due to
    lower FFGs. The Slight was nudged a row of counties north, and
    removed from most of northeast Florida. Due to recent heavy rains
    across much of the Peninsula however, the Marginal risk was
    expanded to include the Orlando, Tampa, and Ft. Myers metros.

    ...New Mexico...

    A small low-confidence Marginal Risk area was added for the
    Sacramento Mountains of south-central New Mexico with this update.
    Afternoon showers and thunderstorms may form right over the very
    flood prone burn scars near Ruidoso, which could cause local flash
    flooding once again. However, it would require just that scenario
    to unfold for flooding to occur which is low confidence since the
    storm would have to form right over the correct spot, a microscale
    challenge that's nearly impossible to know for sure well in
    advance. The pattern supports one more day of area showers and
    storms, prompting the localized upgrade.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024



    The stationary front from Friday will drift southeastward across
    the Southeast on Saturday. For the Central Gulf Coast, it would
    probably be more accurate to call it a cold front, as the front
    will make steady progress across southern Louisiana and into the
    northwestern Gulf. Meanwhile across the Southeast, the front will
    stall out over the Florida Panhandle, southern Georgia and up the
    Carolina coast. It's in this region where training storms may cause
    localized flash flooding. Moisture will not be a problem at all as
    PWATs will be from 2 inches in the Carolinas to nearly 2.5 inches
    in the Florida Panhandle. Thus, just as on Friday, the big limiting
    factor for heavy rainfall will be instability, as very slow moving
    fronts tend to be very lacking in that department due to extensive
    cloud cover.

    In coordination with TAE/Tallahassee, FL forecast office, a Slight
    Risk area was introduced with this update. Storms are likely to be
    robust rain makers out over the northern Gulf on Saturday. With
    very weak steering flow and limited instability inland however,
    the area with greatest likelihood for the storms to impact land
    will be around the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle. The most
    likely hazard area was highlighted in the Slight. The expectation
    is that any storms that move into the Emerald Coast will greatly
    struggle to maintain the heavy rainfall rates more than a few miles
    inland from the coast, so the Slight is only for the immediate

    The Marginal Risk area was expanded several rows of counties north
    with this update, while in the Carolinas it was more like a couple
    states. The primary driving factor for these changes is the slowing
    of the front in recent model runs. Thus, the rain may persist for a
    bit longer than expected into Saturday morning on the northern edge
    of the Marginal Risk area. Meanwhile Saturday will be another day
    with potential strong thunderstorms capable of heavy rains across
    the northern Florida Peninsula. This hard-hit area is likely to see
    multiple days of afternoon thunderstorms capable of isolated flash


    The inherited Marginal Risk area was removed in coordination with BTV/Burlington, VT and ALY/Albany, NY forecast offices. Fast-moving
    storms with this fast-moving front in this part of the country,
    very limited/no instability, and somewhat dry weather in recent
    days should all preclude any flash flooding in this area.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...Louisiana to the Atlantic Coast...

    The stalled out front will weaken in place through the day on
    Sunday. This once again should prevent most areas from getting
    prodigious amounts of rain, despite abundant atmospheric moisture.
    Further, there is increasing disagreement in the guidance as to
    where the axis of heaviest rainfall associated with the front will
    be on Sunday. Guidance trends have been towards the northwest,
    resulting in a large expansion of the Marginal in that direction
    due to the aforementioned uncertainty. It's likely given how wet
    this entire area of the country has been that an area of Slight
    Risk impacts will occur somewhere within the Marginal risk, but
    where that will be is highly uncertain right now. Thus, it's likely
    a Slight Risk upgrade will be needed with increased confidence.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    A Marginal Risk area was added to the Brownsville to South Padre
    Island area of Deep South Texas with this update. A tropical wave
    will have moved through the Caribbean and into the western Gulf by
    Sunday. Associated heavy rainfall may impact the immediate Deep
    South Texas coast. Recent heavy rainfall has lowered FFGs here
    which may not fully recover by the arrival of this heavy rainfall
    due to potential additional shower and thunderstorm activity both
    today and Saturday prior to this period.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, September 08, 2024 08:13:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 080817

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    417 AM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024



    Only a few very minor changes were made to the inherited Marginal
    Risk areas across the CONUS.


    A bit more widespread convection is expected with the monsoon this
    afternoon across the Southwest. Much of the convection will once
    again be focused along the various mountain ranges from the
    Peninsular Ranges of southern California through the Sangre de
    Cristos of Colorado. As usual in the desert Southwest, somewhat
    limited moisture will be the limiting factor, even though areas
    could be 2 sigma above normal for atmospheric moisture for this
    time of year. Thus, the primary flood threat is for urban areas,
    slot canyons, and arroyos where slow moving convection in chaotic
    steering flow may result in long-duration localized heavy rain from
    the most persistent convection. Any resultant flash flooding will
    be isolated.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    The Marginal Risk area was trimmed closer to the coast with this
    update, now primarily for the urban area of Brownsville over to the
    South Padre Island beaches. A stalled out front will begin to focus
    an area of heavy rainfall associated with a slowly developing
    tropical low over the western Gulf. Guidance has shifted east a
    bit, resulting in lower forecasted rainfall totals for all of Deep
    South Texas, with little if any rain expected west of Brownsville
    through tonight. However...given the abundance of atmospheric
    moisture available any stronger showers and storms will be capable
    of very heavy rainfall rates which could cause isolated flash


    The stalled out front that has been haunting the Southeast for well
    over a week now remains in place from far southern South Carolina
    through the northern Florida Peninsula. Besides the front itself
    being strong...indicative of a tight gradient between the extremely
    humid air mass over the Gulf and an outright autumnal air mass to
    its north...instability remains very lacking since this front
    hasn't moved in days, so diurnal heating is limited under the
    extensive low cloud cover. Thus, almost all of the rain will be
    light across this region. This is countered by the aforementioned
    abundant amounts of atmospheric moisture available for any
    convection that can form. Thus, a low-end Marginal remains in
    place, with the greatest threat for flooding over the Florida
    Peninsula well south of the front where diurnal heating can
    actually make a difference.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    As on Day 1, very few changes were needed to the inherited ERO risk

    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    Weak easterly flow north of a developing tropical low over the
    southwestern Gulf will advect increasingly deep tropical moisture
    into coastal Deep South Texas on Monday. This is highly likely to
    result in much more rainfall for South Padre Island and over to
    Brownsville as compared with Day 1/Sunday. Given PWATs that could
    exceed 2.5 inches, or 3 sigma above normal for this time of year,
    any convection that moves west off the Gulf into the coast will be
    capable of very heavy rain rates. Thus, the real question regarding
    flood coverage will be how frequent storms producing those rates
    move over urban areas. Think right along the coast widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding can be reasonably expected. Any
    training could quickly result in significant flash flooding. That
    said, the system will only really just be getting organized, so
    overall rains will likely be more intermittent in most areas. Urban
    areas such as Brownsville will be at a higher likelihood for flash

    ...Four Corners Region...

    Convective coverage should shift northeastward a bit on Monday.
    Thus, the flooding threat shifts into the Four Corners region and
    away from the West Coast. Flooding concerns will be greatly
    focused in area slot canyons and arroyos of southern Utah and
    southwest Colorado Monday afternoon and evening with peak heating.

    ...Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    Rinse and repeat weather pattern will continue, albeit shifted just
    a bit south of Sunday's focus. Thus, most of the north Gulf Coast
    will get a relative break from the potential for steady heavy rain,
    as the heaviest rains shift south a bit away from the coast. The
    exception will be into the Florida Peninsula, where a repeat day of
    sea breeze showers and thunderstorms can be expected to the south,
    with more widespread lighter rain expected further north.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, September 08, 2024 12:58:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 081545

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1145 AM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    Very little changes were made to the overall D1 outlook with the
    consensus remaining steady for low to medium end MRGL impacts
    expected across portions of the West, Southeast, and Deep South
    Texas. A small shift was made across South TX where the MRGL risk
    was tightened even further to the coast to confine mainly
    Brownsville and South Padre Island as the two main areas of focus
    with the northern periphery of any banding associated with the
    tropical wave to the south. The latest 12z HREF mean QPF output
    depicts a sharp western gradient for precip through the period with
    the best potential aligning with the overnight time frame as the
    wave scoots more to the northwest, bringing some of the deeper
    tropical moisture north into the tip of South TX. There's some
    discrepancy on the timing of any banding with a 50/50 split amongst
    CAMs and some global deterministic. There's enough merit to
    warrant the continued MRGL to maintain continuity, especially with
    a tropical disturbance positioned to the south. There's a chance
    this materializes after the period, but as a precaution for the
    low-end threat, decided against removal.

    Over the Southeast, the main focus will reside along the coasts of
    FL and perhaps over the coast of SC as convection will align near
    the coastline during peak diurnal destabilization. The best
    opportunity for heavy rain will likely occur with the sea breeze
    across Northeast FL between Jacksonville to Melbourne with the HREF neighborhood probabilities and EAS both fairly aggressive in the
    latest update for >3" of rainfall in the vicinity. The airmass in
    place is sufficient for these higher hourly and intra-hour rates to
    produce some localized flash flood concerns, especially within the
    urbanized areas along the coast. This was enough maintain the MRGL
    risk with no real changes to the risk positioning from previous

    Out West, the only change occurred over the northern extent of the
    Peninsular range where 12z CAMs indicate a few cells developing
    just north of where the risk area was forecast. HREF mean SBCAPE
    values lie within the 500-1000 J/kg with a few CAMs a bit more
    robust in the depiction. Considering a marginally more favorable
    airmass overhead and the complex terrain additions over the area,
    thought the expansion was favorable and was agreed upon in
    coordination with the San Diego WFO. Otherwise, no other changes
    were necessary from the previous issuance across the west.


    ..Previous Discussions..


    A bit more widespread convection is expected with the monsoon this
    afternoon across the Southwest. Much of the convection will once
    again be focused along the various mountain ranges from the
    Peninsular Ranges of southern California through the Sangre de
    Cristos of Colorado. As usual in the desert Southwest, somewhat
    limited moisture will be the limiting factor, even though areas
    could be 2 sigma above normal for atmospheric moisture for this
    time of year. Thus, the primary flood threat is for urban areas,
    slot canyons, and arroyos where slow moving convection in chaotic
    steering flow may result in long-duration localized heavy rain from
    the most persistent convection. Any resultant flash flooding will
    be isolated.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    The Marginal Risk area was trimmed closer to the coast with this
    update, now primarily for the urban area of Brownsville over to the
    South Padre Island beaches. A stalled out front will begin to focus
    an area of heavy rainfall associated with a slowly developing
    tropical low over the western Gulf. Guidance has shifted east a
    bit, resulting in lower forecasted rainfall totals for all of Deep
    South Texas, with little if any rain expected west of Brownsville
    through tonight. However...given the abundance of atmospheric
    moisture available any stronger showers and storms will be capable
    of very heavy rainfall rates which could cause isolated flash


    The stalled out front that has been haunting the Southeast for well
    over a week now remains in place from far southern South Carolina
    through the northern Florida Peninsula. Besides the front itself
    being strong...indicative of a tight gradient between the extremely
    humid air mass over the Gulf and an outright autumnal air mass to
    its north...instability remains very lacking since this front
    hasn't moved in days, so diurnal heating is limited under the
    extensive low cloud cover. Thus, almost all of the rain will be
    light across this region. This is countered by the aforementioned
    abundant amounts of atmospheric moisture available for any
    convection that can form. Thus, a low-end Marginal remains in
    place, with the greatest threat for flooding over the Florida
    Peninsula well south of the front where diurnal heating can
    actually make a difference.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    As on Day 1, very few changes were needed to the inherited ERO risk

    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    Weak easterly flow north of a developing tropical low over the
    southwestern Gulf will advect increasingly deep tropical moisture
    into coastal Deep South Texas on Monday. This is highly likely to
    result in much more rainfall for South Padre Island and over to
    Brownsville as compared with Day 1/Sunday. Given PWATs that could
    exceed 2.5 inches, or 3 sigma above normal for this time of year,
    any convection that moves west off the Gulf into the coast will be
    capable of very heavy rain rates. Thus, the real question regarding
    flood coverage will be how frequent storms producing those rates
    move over urban areas. Think right along the coast widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding can be reasonably expected. Any
    training could quickly result in significant flash flooding. That
    said, the system will only really just be getting organized, so
    overall rains will likely be more intermittent in most areas. Urban
    areas such as Brownsville will be at a higher likelihood for flash

    ...Four Corners Region...

    Convective coverage should shift northeastward a bit on Monday.
    Thus, the flooding threat shifts into the Four Corners region and
    away from the West Coast. Flooding concerns will be greatly
    focused in area slot canyons and arroyos of southern Utah and
    southwest Colorado Monday afternoon and evening with peak heating.

    ...Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    Rinse and repeat weather pattern will continue, albeit shifted just
    a bit south of Sunday's focus. Thus, most of the north Gulf Coast
    will get a relative break from the potential for steady heavy rain,
    as the heaviest rains shift south a bit away from the coast. The
    exception will be into the Florida Peninsula, where a repeat day of
    sea breeze showers and thunderstorms can be expected to the south,
    with more widespread lighter rain expected further north.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Monday, September 09, 2024 09:12:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 090830

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    430 AM EDT Mon Sep 9 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    The Slight Risk for the coastal sections of Cameron, Willacy, and
    southeast Kenedy Counties remains largely unchanged, though trimmed
    a hair on the west/inland side with this morning's forecast update.
    The northern edge of the convection associated with Potential
    Tropical Cyclone Six (hereafter, PTC6), will try to move into the
    coast today into tonight. A strong front remains draped over South
    Texas, along the coast, but extending west/inland over Deep South
    Texas. This front is keeping dry air nearby, greatly limiting any
    westward extent to the rainfall, but is also a source of forcing
    for the very deep tropical moisture currently in place over most of
    the Gulf. Thus, as PTC6 organizes today into tonight, waves of rain
    may move into the coast over South Padre Island and Brownsville.
    Widely scattered instances of flash flooding are probable,
    especially where the storms are the most persistent today.

    ...Louisiana through Florida Gulf Coast...

    Few changes were made to the Marginal Risk area...which will be
    largely in place for afternoon sea breeze convection as deep
    tropical moisture associated with PTC6 move east across the
    Peninsula and along the Gulf Coast. There has been a nominal
    southward shift in the guidance, so the Marginal was trimmed to
    just the immediate Gulf Coast except over the Florida Peninsula
    where sea breezes and outflow boundaries will be much more of a
    factor in forcing storms capable of producing heavy rain and
    resultant flash flooding.

    ...Four Corners...

    No changes were made to the Marginal Risk area, where isolated
    flash flooding is possible especially in slot canyons and arroyos.
    Guidance has backed off a bit on the areal coverage of convection
    in this region, so this area is a low-end Marginal.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...Gulf Coast...

    Potential Tropical Cyclone 6 (PTC6) will continue organizing over
    the western Gulf based on the latest NHC forecast as it tracks
    north and east over the northwestern Gulf. Heavy rains associated
    therewith will impact all of the Gulf Coast, especially into
    Louisiana and Texas. The latest guidance has been shifting the
    axis of heaviest rainfall east, in response to very dry air north
    of a strong front that will be guiding PTC6 northeastward. Thus,
    the westward extent of the associated rainfall will be greatly
    limited. Thus, the inherited Slight Risk was trimmed from the west,
    especially over Texas. With that said, any heavy rain associated
    with PTC6 will have well above average amounts of atmospheric
    moisture to work with, making it more common for prodigious
    rainfall rates to occur. Much of southern Louisiana has been very
    wet in recent weeks, so saturated soils will only quicken the onset
    of flooding once the heavy rain gets going.

    Into Florida, the same stalled out front will shear some of the
    moisture from PTC6's circulation, adding fuel for diurnally driven
    showers and storms once again on Tuesday afternoon. Isolated flash
    flooding will be possible once again.


    No changes were made to the inherited Marginal Risk area, where
    numerous showers and storms may develop Tuesday afternoon. The most concentrated and heaviest showers and storms will be in the
    Marginal Risk area from eastern Utah into western Colorado.
    Isolated flash flooding will be possible in flood prone areas such
    as slot canyons.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    Potential Tropical Cyclone Six (PTC6) is forecast to continue
    strengthening up until landfall in southwest Louisiana on
    Wednesday. Abundant associated moisture will advect north ahead of
    and alongside the low center, resulting in multiple inches of rain
    over almost all of Louisiana and adjacent southern Mississippi. For
    Louisiana, much of the southern half of the state has seen abundant
    rainfall over the past couple weeks, resulting in highly saturated
    soils. A hurricane making landfall here will cause most of the rain
    to convert to runoff. Thus, in coordination with LCH/Lake Charles,
    LA; LIX/Slidell, LA; JAN/Jackson, MS, and SHV/Shreveport, LA
    forecast offices, a Moderate Risk upgrade was introduced with this
    update. The greatest risk of significant and potentially life-
    threatening flash flooding will be in the hardest hit areas of the
    I-10 corridor from New Orleans west through Baton Rouge to
    Lafayette. A higher-end Moderate is considered in effect for this
    portion of the I-10 corridor.

    Considerable uncertainty persists on the north and west side of the
    ERO risk areas. To the west, a notable and persistent drying trend
    continues, partially due to eastward shifts in the track and
    partially due to disagreement as to whether PTC6 will begin
    extratropical transition around landfall. With the center expected
    to track along the spine of Louisiana, locations to the west will
    be on the dry side of the storm, which will quickly cut down on
    rainfall totals. Given these trends, the Slight was trimmed on the
    western side. To the north, the concern will be more about rapidly deteriorating antecedent conditions, as northern Louisiana,
    Mississippi, and Arkansas have all been much drier than points
    further south towards the Gulf Coast. This in turn will make the
    watersheds much more able to absorb heavy rainfall before
    significant flooding commences. Thus, the Slight and Marginal Risk
    areas are quite conservative, as the first few inches of rain
    should be largely beneficial in these areas.

    The aforementioned eastward shift in track should mean wetter
    conditions into Alabama and the Florida Panhandle, and the Slight
    was expanded east for that reason, though Alabama has been
    similarly dry away from the Gulf Coast as its neighbors to the

    With PTC6 really still trying to form, expect continued adjustments
    in the track and expected rainfall associated therewith.
    Uncertainty with locations and amounts have also precluded some
    areas well away from the current forecast track of the center from
    being upgraded, but may be with future updates, especially east of
    the track.

    ...Intermountain West...

    A Marginal Risk was introduced for this region as a strong digging
    shortwave trough interacts with topography and above normal
    moisture for this region. Forecast amounts may be high enough to
    potentially need a targeted Slight with future updates in this

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 08:35:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 100727

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    327 AM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...Gulf Coast...
    Tropical Storm Francine will continue making headway to the north
    and northeast towards Louisiana, with NHC forecasting the system to
    become a hurricane. The combination of dry/cool air to the west
    and northwest of the storm will lead to a tight rainfall gradient
    on its west side. Further enhancing the western gradient will be
    the increasing vertical wind shear with time out of the west-
    southwest, which will attempt to shift convection downshear and
    downshear left of its center (to its northeast). With QPF
    continuing to trend downward, the Slight Risk for the TX coast was
    removed this cycle. Across the immediate Brownsville and Port
    Isabel area, recent heavy rains could make them more sensitive to
    additional rainfall this morning. Even though the risk area was
    reduced to Marginal, Slight Risk impacts cannot be ruled out.

    Prospects increase gradually along the central Gulf Coast for
    heavy rainfall. While initial bands from the periphery of tropical
    cyclones can quickly erode existing instability ashore, portions of
    Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana along with far southern MS have
    had an exceeding wet week from a cyclone that ultimately merged in
    with Francine, so keeping the inherited Slight Risk makes sense.
    Also, guidance tends to bias slow with tropical cyclone
    recurvature, and this Slight Risk area can account for some
    possible track acceleration between now and its coastal approach.
    As with any warm core cyclone, the low-level inflow will exceed
    the mean flow, aiding precipitation efficiency. Plentiful effective
    bulk shear will organize convection into curved bands within its
    cyclonic circulation. Hourly rain totals to 3" will be possible
    with any bands that manage to train.

    An unusually far south synoptic front for Mid-September focuses
    very high moisture east of Francine where, at times, effective bulk
    shear could flirt with 25 kts. Where semi- organized and organized
    convection manages to form, hourly rain totals to 3" and local
    amounts to 6" are considered possible where storms merge, train, or
    get tied to the boundary. The 00z NAM and 00z Canadian were
    especially bullish with local maxima, both remained widely
    scattered to isolated in coverage of the heaviest rainfall. This
    kept the risk at the Marginal level.

    Another area with sufficient instability and moisture is behind
    the front near the northeast FL coast. Adding to possible issues
    there is low level and upper level flow trying to zero out. Short
    bands of efficient convection, which could lead to hourly totals to
    2" and local amounts to 4", are possible. Kept this area in the
    Marginal Risk to help support their flood watch.

    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...
    A scattered convective footprint is anticipated across portions of
    the West with the main threat residing over the Southern Rockies
    into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower end of
    probabilities considering the middling signal within the latest
    HREF for >1" chances over the region. However, with precipitable
    water values near 0.75" and sufficient instability, localized flash
    flooding can't be ruled out in any dry washes/arroyos, burn scars,
    slot canyons, or steep topography where hourly rain totals manage
    to reach 1.5". The Marginal Risk area maintained showed good


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall Wednesday afternoon/evening, with a developing dry slot possible. This should
    lead to a convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic
    trough/developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of
    its center which would both be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall.
    The cities of Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans (along with
    their suburbs) would be most susceptible for flash flooding as
    hourly rain totals to 4" (if not more) should be possible,
    particularly within the trailing band/forming front to its
    southeast. Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana are more susceptible
    due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused by the cyclone
    which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be more primed
    relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was generally
    maintained in the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...
    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so increased the risk area to Slight for
    portions of western MT. Hourly rain totals to 1.5" with local
    amounts to 3" are expected, which would be most impactful in burn
    scars. Some of the QPF would be in the form of snow at the highest
    elevations of the northern Continental Divide.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front, but its progression is expected to limit issues. Still,
    hourly rain totals to 2" and local amounts to 4" should be

    Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...
    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this
    period through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture,
    and instability from the east to be concerned about the potential
    for organized convection. The guidance signal is not cohesive as of
    yet, so left the risk across the area as Marginal. Should the
    guidance get more agreeable or confidence increase, a Slight Risk
    could become necessary in later updates. Hourly rain totals to 2"
    and local amounts to 4" appear possible.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 19:15:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 102042

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    442 PM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...Central Gulf Coast and Florida...

    Rainfall along the far south Texas Gulf coast should come to an
    end by early afternoon, with the expectation that the risk for any
    additional heavier rainfall should remain along the immediate
    central and upper Texas Gulf Coast as Francine tracks to the north-
    northeast. The greater threat will be with bands of convection
    already focused along the central Gulf coast far to the northeast
    of Francine, with additional bands expected later this evening and
    overnight as the center of the system approaches from the
    southwest. Updated 12Z hi-res guidance shows remarkably good
    agreement on the heaviest rainfall footprint along the central Gulf
    Coast, stretching from near Cameron, LA east through southeastern
    LA and to the immediate coast of MS. Areal average totals through
    early tomorrow morning are on the order of 2-3" with locally higher
    amounts of 3-6" possible with training bands.

    Additional storms are expected further east in vicinity of a
    quasi-stationary frontal boundary draped through central Florida.
    Enhanced moisture in the area from Francine will help contribute to
    some locally heavy downpours with rain rates of 2-3" per hour,
    which could lead to some isolated flooding/ponding issues in urban

    ...Intermountain West...

    General footprint for the current Marginal Risk remains the same
    with a small northwestward extension into southwestern Wyoming to
    cover additional areas of scattered convection expected this
    afternoon. Latest hi-res guidance indicates the potential for some
    locally heavy storm total rainfall of 0.5-1", possibly as high as
    1.5", as well as some low-end HREF probabilities (20-30%) of
    exceeding 2-year ARIs. These totals may be enough to lead to some
    isolated concerns for flash flooding in the usual more terrain
    sensitive areas such as slot canyons, dry washes, and any burn


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast...
    Tropical Storm Francine will continue making headway to the north
    and northeast towards Louisiana, with NHC forecasting the system to
    become a hurricane. The combination of dry/cool air to the west
    and northwest of the storm will lead to a tight rainfall gradient
    on its west side. Further enhancing the western gradient will be
    the increasing vertical wind shear with time out of the west-
    southwest, which will attempt to shift convection downshear and
    downshear left of its center (to its northeast). With QPF
    continuing to trend downward, the Slight Risk for the TX coast was
    removed this cycle. Across the immediate Brownsville and Port
    Isabel area, recent heavy rains could make them more sensitive to
    additional rainfall this morning. Even though the risk area was
    reduced to Marginal, Slight Risk impacts cannot be ruled out.

    Prospects increase gradually along the central Gulf Coast for
    heavy rainfall. While initial bands from the periphery of tropical
    cyclones can quickly erode existing instability ashore, portions of
    Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana along with far southern MS have
    had an exceeding wet week from a cyclone that ultimately merged in
    with Francine, so keeping the inherited Slight Risk makes sense.
    Also, guidance tends to bias slow with tropical cyclone
    recurvature, and this Slight Risk area can account for some
    possible track acceleration between now and its coastal approach.
    As with any warm core cyclone, the low-level inflow will exceed
    the mean flow, aiding precipitation efficiency. Plentiful effective
    bulk shear will organize convection into curved bands within its
    cyclonic circulation. Hourly rain totals to 3" will be possible
    with any bands that manage to train.

    An unusually far south synoptic front for Mid-September focuses
    very high moisture east of Francine where, at times, effective bulk
    shear could flirt with 25 kts. Where semi- organized and organized
    convection manages to form, hourly rain totals to 3" and local
    amounts to 6" are considered possible where storms merge, train, or
    get tied to the boundary. The 00z NAM and 00z Canadian were
    especially bullish with local maxima, both remained widely
    scattered to isolated in coverage of the heaviest rainfall. This
    kept the risk at the Marginal level.

    Another area with sufficient instability and moisture is behind
    the front near the northeast FL coast. Adding to possible issues
    there is low level and upper level flow trying to zero out. Short
    bands of efficient convection, which could lead to hourly totals to
    2" and local amounts to 4", are possible. Kept this area in the
    Marginal Risk to help support their flood watch.

    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...
    A scattered convective footprint is anticipated across portions of
    the West with the main threat residing over the Southern Rockies
    into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower end of
    probabilities considering the middling signal within the latest
    HREF for >1" chances over the region. However, with precipitable
    water values near 0.75" and sufficient instability, localized flash
    flooding can't be ruled out in any dry washes/arroyos, burn scars,
    slot canyons, or steep topography where hourly rain totals manage
    to reach 1.5". The Marginal Risk area maintained showed good


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    Minimal adjustments were made to the current Moderate Risk area
    focused mainly on a narrowing corridor of heavier rain totals along
    and to the east of the forecast path of Francine, which has been
    extended a bit further northeastward into Mississippi. This region
    covers an area with moderate to high (50-90%) probabilities of
    rainfall totals exceeding 5" and rain rates in excess of 2-3" per
    hour. The majority of this rainfall is expected to fall within 6-12
    hours, exacerbating the potential for scattered to numerous
    instances of flash and urban flooding. Storm total rainfall in the
    broader Slight Risk area is expected to be on the order of 2-4".
    The western edge of the Slight Risk has been trimmed eastward as
    increasing shear will limit convection and subsequent rainfall
    along the western side of the system track.

    ...Intermountain West...

    Still expect post-frontal, moist upslope flow (PWs 1.0-2.0
    standard deviations above the mean) will lead to periods of locally
    heavy rainfall across portions of western Montana into central
    Idaho. Newly available hi-res guidance shows storm total rainfall
    of 1-3", backed by HREF guidance indicating high (70-90%)
    probabilities of totals over 1".


    ...Previous Discussion...

    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall Wednesday afternoon/evening, with a developing dry slot possible. This should
    lead to a convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic
    trough/developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of
    its center which would both be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall.
    The cities of Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans (along with
    their suburbs) would be most susceptible for flash flooding as
    hourly rain totals to 4" (if not more) should be possible,
    particularly within the trailing band/forming front to its
    southeast. Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana are more susceptible
    due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused by the cyclone
    which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be more primed
    relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was generally
    maintained in the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...
    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so increased the risk area to Slight for
    portions of western MT. Hourly rain totals to 1.5" with local
    amounts to 3" are expected, which would be most impactful in burn
    scars. Some of the QPF would be in the form of snow at the highest
    elevations of the northern Continental Divide.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 12:51:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 111603

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1203 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    ...16Z update...

    The latest NHC track is very similar to the previous issuance
    therefore no significant adjustments were needed for the Moderate
    and Slight Risk areas that follow the core path of Francine as it
    approaches the coast, makes landfall and then moves inland. The
    latest guidance did show a decrease in QPF across portions of
    eastern Texas and Oklahoma therefore the Marginal Risk area was
    trimmed eastward by 1-2 tiers of counties to reflect the reduction
    in threat for excessive rainfall.

    The latest hi-res and global guidance continues to show convective
    activity firing up along the higher terrain areas of western
    Montana and central Idaho, with the potential for hourly rainfall
    rates to pulse up to 1.5 inches/hour. The inherited Slight Risk
    area encompasses where the majority of the guidance suggest an
    elevated threat for excessive rainfall and isolated to scattered
    instances of flash flooding concerns



    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall late on
    Wednesday, with a developing dry slot possible. This should cause
    sheared convection initially expected to prefer the north and
    northeast quadrants -- near and left of track -- and eventually a
    convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic trough/
    developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of its
    center which would be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall. The
    cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans (along with their suburbs)
    would be most susceptible for flash flooding as hourly rain totals
    to 4" (if not more) should be possible, particularly within the
    trailing band/forming front to its southeast. Southern Louisiana is
    more susceptible due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused
    by the cyclone which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be
    more primed relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was
    generally maintained in the risk areas, though gradients were
    sharpened across LA and the slower track for Francine inland caused
    some retreat of the northern fringes of the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...

    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so the Slight Risk area remains for portions
    of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates up to 1.5 inches/hour will be
    possible as individual cells pass through along with a daily
    accumulations up to 3 inches in isolated locations; which would be
    most impactful in the vicinity of burn scars. Some of the QPF
    would be in the form of snow at the highest elevations of the
    northern Continental Divide.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024



    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front which shows a greater signal for excessive rainfall
    overnight. Broadened the risk area to encompass the possible
    training rain band, as enough moisture, instability, and possible
    stalling to be concerned about hourly rain totals to 3".

    ...Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...

    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this period
    through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture, and
    instability from the east to be concerned about the potential for
    organized convection. The Slight Risk raised by continuity has been
    maintained across portions of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates may
    intensify up to 2 inches/hour during this period, with a few
    isolated locations possibly accumulating up to 4 inches by the end
    of the day.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    A broad Marginal Risk of excessive rainfall exists for portions of
    the Mid-South and Southeast with the weakening extratropical/Post-
    Tropical Cyclone Francine. The guidance isn't showing a great deal
    of overlap in potential heavy rain areas, so left the risk area
    as-in, but in theory, portions of northern FL and the Southeast,
    possibly including the southernmost Appalachians, have potential
    for hourly rain totals to 2.5" and local amounts of 5" as enough
    instability and low- level inflow/effective bulk shear exists for
    possible issues. Should the guidance align on this idea QPF-wise
    further, a Slight Risk could be added in later cycles.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 20:34:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 120053

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    853 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024



    Francine has come inland over southern Louisiana but continues to
    show a healthy circulation approaching the greater New Orleans
    areas. Though some dry air has disrupted part of the core, intense
    rainfall rates of 2-3.5"/hr are shown per MRMS, with storm totals
    over 7 inches in south central LA. Rainfall tapers off notably to
    the southwest of the center. Will maintain the Moderate Risk area
    near the path of the center overnight given the likelihood of high
    rainfall rates to continue as additional moisture is drawn in off
    the Gulf across into southeastern LA and southern MS. The New
    Orleans metro area will bear the brunt of the rainfall this evening
    before translating northward, with the inflow band off to the east
    responsible for the eastward bump in the outline. Francine will
    continue inland overnight where the threat for excessive rainfall
    extends northward trough much of Mississippi. Removed much of the
    rest of Florida that was in a Marginal risk as lingering activity
    should be diminishing over the next couple of hours.

    ...Intermountain West...

    A deep layer cyclone moving across the northern Continental Divide
    has brought afternoon convection and some flash flooding to parts
    of Idaho into western Montana. Precipitable water values are
    sufficient for heavy rain-related issues (0.75"), and the Slight
    Risk area remains for portions of western MT and just into west-
    central ID overnight. Hourly rainfall rates of 0.50-1.00" have been
    observed and/or shown via MRMS which have been enough to reach
    generally low FFG values in areas of complex terrain. With earlier
    rainfall soaked in, additional rainfall may still exceed FFG values
    overnight, but did trim off the western side of the risk area as
    the focus should be mostly over western MT tonight closer to the
    frontal boundary.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024



    21Z update... The latest guidance favored a general
    south/southeast trend with the QPF footprint associated with
    Francine from the previous cycle. As such, this resulted in WPC
    increasing amounts across eastern Tennessee, northern and central
    Mississippi, and northern and central Alabama. This uptick
    increased the threat for excessive rainfall and flooding concerns
    for both rural and some major metropolitan areas. The Slight Risk
    area was trimmed a little eastward across eastern Arkansas but also
    expanded to the south and east to encompass more of central
    Mississippi, central Tennessee, and west-central and eastern
    Alabama. The latest guidance also suggested an increase in feeder
    band convection across the Florida Panhandle thus the Marginal Risk
    area was extended 1-2 counties to the south.


    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front which shows a greater signal for excessive rainfall
    overnight. Broadened the risk area to encompass the possible
    training rain band, as enough moisture, instability, and possible
    stalling to be concerned about hourly rain totals to 3".

    ...Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...

    21Z update... Multiple impulses within the flow will trigger
    showers and thunderstorms that will track across the Northern
    Rockies region. PW values around 0.50-0.75 inches will be pooled
    over the region throughout this period and will bolster rainfall
    efficiency wit each passing impulse. Per the CAM guidance any of
    these storms will be capable of producing periods of moderate to
    heavy rainfall as they pass over the favored upslope areas and then
    exit into the adjacent High Plains. There was a trend for
    increasing QPF coverage and amounts across portions of the Hi-
    Line. The Slight Risk area was expanded eastward to now include
    more of north-central and northeast Montana and southwestward to
    extend into portions western Montana and into Idaho.


    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this period
    through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture, and
    instability from the east to be concerned about the potential for
    organized convection. The Slight Risk raised by continuity has been
    maintained across portions of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates may
    intensify up to 2 inches/hour during this period, with a few
    isolated locations possibly accumulating up to 4 inches by the end
    of the day.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thursday, September 12, 2024 08:40:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 120838

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    438 AM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    ...Mid-South into the Southeast...
    As of 08z Tropical Storm Francine continues to move northward out
    of Louisiana and into Mississippi. The consolidated core of heavy
    rainfall to the north of Francine will lift north across MS today,
    and eventually into portions of far eastern AR and western TN by
    this afternoon. This is the corridor that will likely see the most
    widespread axis of 3-6" of rainfall. However rainfall rates along
    this axis will generally be on the decline through the day. At 12z
    we still may seeing some 1-2" per hour rainfall just north of the
    center, but by 18z we are probably below 1" per hour for the most
    part, and by 00z we may be struggling to even get 0.5" per hour.
    Thus even though this axis has the highest HREF EAS probabilities
    of 1,2 and 3", the flash flood risk is likely mitigated by the
    lower rainfall rates. In fact despite the high QPF in the HREF, the
    probability of exceeding 3 or 6 hr FFG in the HREF is negligible
    over this area. Now 3-6" is still a lot of rain, and will probably
    see some urban and perhaps small stream flooding, however currently
    not expecting to see more widespread higher end impacts. Thus the
    Slight risk should cover the threat.

    The higher risk of flash flooding may actually end up well east of
    Francine over portions of central and northern AL. Areal averaged
    rainfall may be lower here than areas along the track of Francine,
    but rainfall rates and upper bound rainfall potential is likely
    higher. A narrow axis of enhanced convergence appears likely, with
    south southwesterly flow east of Francine, and easterly flow from
    the building high over the western Atlantic. This axis may stay
    rather persistent though the period, with around 1000 j/kg of
    instability advecting northward behind Francine as well. This
    environment does appear conducive for possible training convective
    bands and several high res model solutions suggest we do see
    periodic training convective bands across this area by this
    afternoon and evening. HREF neighborhood probabilities of exceeding
    5" are 50-70% and exceeding 8" are as high as 30-40%. Not
    necessarily expecting widespread coverage of these amounts, however
    localized swaths of 6-10" of rain are a possibility today/tonight.
    This could lead to locally considerable flash and urban flood
    impacts. For this reason we have upgraded to a small MDT risk where
    the conditional threat of high end impacts appears greatest.

    Slow moving/backbuilding convection also appears possible today
    over portions of the FL Panhandle. Model agreement on the
    potential is not quite as strong as over AL, but certainly some
    potential for higher end impacts here as outer banding east and
    southeast of Francine could train/backbuild at times near the
    coast. Given a bit more uncertainty and higher FFG here, we will
    not upgrade at this time, but do consider this area as a higher end
    Slight risk.

    We did trim the Marginal and Slight risk areas some with this
    update. Overall not convinced we will see much in the way of true
    flash flooding today over MT. Instability is lacking over much of
    the state which will keep rainfall rates generally below flash
    flood thresholds. However with strong and persistent forcing the
    latest WPC deterministic rainfall forecast is 1-3" near and just
    south of Great Falls. If this occurs it would be an event that
    falls in the 5-25 year ARI range. So despite weak rates rainfall of
    this magnitude could certainly cause some areal flood concerns.
    Over northeast MT there should be more instability and the
    potential for rainfall totals over 1"/hr. Current indications
    suggest this stronger convection would be progressive in nature
    likely limiting the flood risk...however given the high PWs and
    instability forecast could certainly see pretty impressive sub
    hourly rates which could cause some flood concerns in any more
    sensitive areas. Thus even though the Slight risk appears lower
    end...we opted to maintain it over areas that may either see a
    higher ARI longer duration rain or the potential for at least short
    duration high rates.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    By Friday the remnant surface circulation of Francine will likely
    be somewhere near the AR/TN border. By this time the surface
    feature will not be a main driver of heavy rainfall. However the
    pattern will remain favorable for periodic training convective
    bands from portions of TN into AL/GA and the FL Panhandle. While
    the surface circulation of Francine will be dissipating, we will
    still have plenty of mid level energy left over. Meanwhile we will
    also have a trough of low pressure off the Southeast coast and a
    high pressure to the north over the Western Atlantic. The
    combination of these features will likely result in a corridor of
    persistent low level convergence over TN/AL/GA. We should have
    plenty of moisture and instability in place as well, and thus a
    notable flash flood risk could continue. We will carry a higher end
    Slight risk across portions of TN/AL/GA with this update.
    Depending on what happens on day 1 (impacting soil and streamflow
    conditions) can not rule out needing a MDT risk over a portion of
    this area. However there is a bit more uncertainty on convective
    details by Friday compared to Thursday, and so would like to
    continue to evaluate future high res model runs, as well as see how
    convection evolves today, before making any decision on an
    upgrade. Either way flash flooding appears possible, and a locally
    considerable threat could evolve.

    Uncertainty increases with northeastward extent. There is some
    flash flood risk over the western Carolinas, but unclear how far
    northeast the risk will get. Quite possible the better convergence
    and convective threat stays further west and southwest on Friday
    as that appears to be the trend at the moment. Thus will only
    carry a Marginal risk here. There is also some risk over the
    coastal Carolinas where a low pressure may try to form offshore.
    Again at the moment the most likely scenario sees the heaviest
    rainfall stay offshore...however we could see some heavier
    convective cells along coastal areas, warranting a Marginal risk.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Friday, September 13, 2024 08:21:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 130755

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    355 AM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    ...Deep South...

    Remnant circulation from Francine will be pivoting back south and
    then southeast in retrograde thanks to a strong block from a stout
    mid- level ridge positioned over the Great Lakes through
    Ontario/Quebec. This will allow for the a migration of elevated
    moisture centered under the disturbance to pivot back across MS/AL
    where drier air has punched through under prevailing southwest flow
    aloft, mainly above 500mb. This is well- documented within the 00z
    sounding analysis out of KJAN where moisture is pooled between the
    surface to 500mb with a large wedge of drier air focused above. The
    sounding from KBMX was beginning to show signs of the dry tongue
    and can be noted within the radar presentation as deep convective
    development is struggling to initiate this evening. Tomorrow
    afternoon and beyond is when the pattern shifts to a more favorable
    convective regime across far Eastern MS into much of AL, especially
    the northern 2/3's of the state thanks to the stacked synoptic
    circulation sliding back overhead. Guidance is keen on the deeper
    moisture return as indicated within the 700-500mb RH field leading
    to an uptick in regional PWATs back above 1 deviation above normal
    with ample mid- level energy accompanying.

    The latest 00z HREF remains very aggressive within its depiction
    for a broad axis of heavy rainfall in-of Northern and Central AL
    during the late- afternoon and evening time frame in conjunction
    with the increased upper forcing approaching from the west along
    the tightened theta-E gradient located across much of the state.
    Surface ridge to the northeast will also begin wedging south into
    Northern GA with an axis of convergence developing upstream between
    the approaching circulation from now Post-Tropical Francine. This
    will place a good portion of AL into the crosshairs for a better
    convective training episode as the deep layer flow aligns perfectly
    from the southeast. HREF neighborhood probability for >5" is robust
    between the area of KHUN down to KBHM indicating a 50-70% prob with
    an EAS signal of 50-80% for at least 2", a signal correlated highly
    for a higher end risk. Hourly rate probs are also aggressive in the
    means with a corridor of elevated probs for between 2-3"/hr within
    the HREF, along with some intra-hour rate potential exceeding 4"
    given the efficient rainfall processes and expected instability
    presence within the eastern fringe of the general circulation. All
    these prospects weighted on the decision to maintain the inherited
    MDT risk with some minor adjustments to correlate with the blended
    mean QPF off the latest HREF, as well as the EAS prob field
    coverage of higher probs for at least 2" of rainfall. The changes
    made were not extensive in the grand scheme, so the overall
    forecast was close to general continuity.

    ...Coastal Carolinas...

    A weak inverted trough located off the Southeast coast will allow
    for a targeted axis of heavy rainfall across the Eastern Carolinas,
    mainly north of KCHS with a bullseye being forecast along the coast
    of Southeast NC. The prevailing easterlies off the Atlantic within
    the integrated water vapor field (IWV) from the GFS signal the axis
    very well with a nose of elevated PWATs being advected right into
    the coastal areas of NC during the first half of the period. 00z
    CAMs also signal the threat for a period of heavy rainfall with
    some varying degrees of the latitudinal push of where the heaviest
    precip would occur. The greatest probabilities for >3" are centered
    from Wilmington up through Morehead City into Cape Hatteras.
    Considering the area FFG's, the main flooding risks will be
    relegated to more urbanized areas where run off potential is
    highest. The signal was good enough for a continued MRGL risk with
    some expansion further inland, mainly west of Raleigh where some
    convergence from the damming high to the north and the prevailing
    easterlies may intersect allowing for a small axis of enhanced
    precip away from the coastal plain. Not anticipating a large areal
    coverage of flash flooding in any case for the region, but a few
    pockets are plausible leading to a low to middle ground MRGL for
    the forecast.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Deep tropical flow pulling north from the Gulf will allow for an
    axis of heavy convection to push north out of the Gulf into the Big
    Bend of FL. Areal FFG indices for 1/3/6 hr rates are pretty
    substantial, so the threat is low-end within the MRGL risk
    category. Still, the signal for amounts >5" is relatively high
    right along the coast leading to the MRGL continuation from
    previous forecast.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    The remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine will get stuck
    under the blocking pattern positioned across the northern and
    eastern U.S with little propagation of any kind during the period.
    This will allow for a continuation of broad, cyclonic flow across
    the Southeast with a steady convergence pattern positioned over
    parts of the Deep South. A steady southeast flow pattern will
    preside over much of AL and Western GA with a sharp convergence
    signal focused over the central portion of the outlined area thanks
    to the persistent anti-cyclonic "wedging" occurring around the
    southern flank of the ridge, banking against the cyclonic regime
    centered around Francine's remnants. Ensemble QPF distribution is a
    bit further south compared to the previous forecast allowing for an
    adjustment in that direction for the SLGT risk prospects. Totals
    are generally favored to be within 1-3" overall, but some pockets
    of higher totals are depicted within the 00z deterministic suite
    leading to some locally impactful flash flood prospects, especially
    when coupled with the previous period(s) of rainfall lowering the
    area FFG's across AL/GA.

    The SLGT risk is on the higher-end of the spectrum with a higher
    risk potential relying on the contingency of how the D1 period
    plays out across the region. There's a non-zero chance of an
    upgrade, but the slowly degrading axis of instability may thwart
    the potential all together. Regardless, the SLGT risk is sufficient
    just given the variables at hand.


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of AZ by the middle to
    end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal heating
    Saturday afternoon, environment across Southern and Southeast AZ
    will destabilize allowing for isolated to scattered thunderstorms
    to initiate in-of the terrain situated within Pima/Santa Cruz
    counties to possibly as far east as Cochise county in proxy to the
    Huachuca mountains. MUCAPE forecast is relatively favorable for
    convective development with the ensemble SBCAPE forecast between
    750-1250 J/kg off the latest HREF mean. The combination of
    increasing moisture anomalies and environmental buoyancy adds
    favor to an isolated flash flood risk, especially within the
    terrain and adjacent locales. A MRGL risk was maintained from
    previous forecast, but trimmed on the northern edge given the
    expected timing of the moisture push to be delayed for a greater
    convective threat within Pinal/Maricopa counties. This area will
    have more favorability later on D3.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Saturday, September 14, 2024 08:48:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 140809

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    409 AM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    Current radar/satellite composite depicts a broad cyclonic gyre
    situated across the Southeastern U.S with a north-south band of
    convection bisecting the a good portion AL into Western TN around
    the northeast periphery of the remnant cyclone. The surface
    reflection from what was Francine will become more diffuse over the
    next 6 hrs with a degrading surface signature, leaving much of the
    flow tied to the leftover mid and upper lows associated with the
    storm. That said, the cyclonic spin from the tandem 850-500mb
    low(s) will allow for a continued favorable moisture stream around
    the circulation with small mid-level perturbations stuck over the
    same areas allowing for locally enhanced ascent within the confines
    of AL/GA/TN. PWATs generally residing within the +1 standard
    deviation anomaly across the Deep South will be sufficient enough
    within the pattern to yield another round of scattered to
    widespread convection across similar areas that were impacted
    today. The difference is the magnitude of the convective pattern
    will be a bit less vigorous thanks to the weakening mid and upper
    low centers as denoted within all the recent guidance height
    fields. Still, the combination of the moisture anomaly and semi-
    favorable ascent under the remnant mid and upper lows will be
    plenty to offer another round of convection across the Deep South.

    To the northeast, a stout surface ridge will nose down further into
    the interior Southeast with a formidable easterly regime focused
    in-of Northern GA down into the Northwest side of AL. The
    combination of the cyclonic flow from the mid-level remnants and
    wedging associated with the surface ridge will create a tightened
    axis of convergence within the state of AL down into Western GA.
    The consensus this evening within the 00z CAMs suite was very well
    represented within the HREF mean QPF and associated probability
    fields, highlighting the semi-narrow corridor of higher rainfall
    potential located just to the south and west of Huntsville,
    bisecting much of North-Central AL down into the Southwest side of
    GA. This area has been the beneficiary of some significant rainfall
    the past 24-48 hrs leading to a degraded FFG footprint where flash
    flood prospects will be greater, relative to average. Signals for
    1-2"/hr rainfall rates would be sufficient given the antecedent
    conditions across the area, and with the setup likely to garner
    some locally enhanced rainfall rates >2"/hr as indicated within the
    prob fields, there's a higher likelihood for continued flash flood
    concerns within the confines of those areas in AL and GA mentioned
    above. A higher end SLGT risk is the forecast for those areas
    extending from Northwestern AL near the AL/MS line, southeast
    through Columbus, GA, an area that includes the Birmingham metro.
    SLGT risk extends further northwest and southeast, respectively
    with a broad MRGL extension around the periphery as heavy rain
    concerns exist from as far north as Western KY to as far Southeast
    as Northeastern FL.


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of AZ by the middle to
    end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal heating
    anticipated this afternoon, the environment across Southern and
    Southeast AZ will destabilize allowing for isolated to scattered
    thunderstorms to initiate in-of the terrain situated within
    Pima/Santa Cruz counties to possibly as far east as Cochise county
    in proxy to the Huachuca mountains. MUCAPE forecast is relatively
    favorable for convective development with the ensemble SBCAPE
    forecast between 500-1250 J/kg off the 00z HREF mean. The
    combination of increasing moisture anomalies and environmental
    buoyancy adds favor to an isolated flash flood risk, especially
    within the terrain and adjacent locales. A MRGL risk was maintained
    from previous forecast with only minor adjustments based within the
    HREF blended mean QPF footprint, and aligning with the edges of the
    10% or great probabilities within the neighborhood probability
    output for >2" rainfall potential. This area will have more
    favorability later on D2.

    ...South Florida...

    Surface trough located in-of South FL will maintain a prevailing
    westerly flow across the Southern part of the Peninsula, placing
    the mean steering pattern pointed towards the population centers
    along the Southeast FL coast in time for the sea breeze convective
    initiation this afternoon. Area PWATs are very elevated this
    evening with the 00z sounding out of KMFL depicting a solid 2.40"
    PWAT reading placing the area within the +1-2 standard deviation
    anomaly for the period. This environment will be conducive for
    convective generation just inland along the penetrating sea breeze
    in the afternoon with locally strong convective cores producing
    rainfall rates between 2-3"/hr on initiation, moving towards the
    coast thanks to the prevailing steering flow. HREF probabilities
    for >3" are solidly between 50-80% along the population centers
    extending from PBI down through MFL with the highest probs situated
    between PBI and FLL. Lower end 5+" probabilities are also
    highlighting the area of interest, so the threat is within the
    middle grounds for flash flood concerns leading to an addition of a
    MRGL risk situated along the Southeast FL coast encompassing the
    population centers.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024



    Despite the remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine
    degrading in its presentation, another period of enhanced
    convective activity will spawn underneath the primary upper forcing
    lingering over the Southeastern U.S. There's a bit more emphasis on
    an axis of convection developing across portions of the Lower
    Mississippi Valley in-of AR and MS, extending southeast into parts
    of the Deep South, mainly Southern MS and AL. Areal PWATs will
    remain elevated within +1 standard deviations, enough of an anomaly
    to spur up some potential heavier convective cores that could
    result in some flash flood prospects, especially over any urban
    zones where run off potential is greatest. Ensemble bias corrected
    QPF and the 75th percentile of the NBM indicate a fairly stout axis
    of heavier precip likely to occur under the influence of the upper
    low and remnant energy pivoting around the general circulation. The
    primary concerns will continue to be those locally heavy rates that
    will reach between 1-2"/hr with some intra-hour potential for
    heavier rates that typically cause more issues in this part of the
    country. A SLGT risk was added to the previous forecast with an
    adjustment southwest to the overall SLGT/MRGL risk areas to align
    with the current trends and ensemble forecast consensus on the
    heaviest precip location. The MRGL expands into the FL Panhandle to
    cover the area that has been hit pretty hard in the past 36 hours
    as isolated storms are still forecast for those areas that have
    seen copious amounts of rainfall in the above time span.


    Remnant moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana will continue to
    advect northward into the rest of the Desert Southwest with a
    trajectory towards the Four Corners, wrapping back eastward into NM
    during the afternoon hours Sunday. The ensemble QPF footprint upped
    the total precip forecast compared to the previous periods, a trend
    that was noted when assessing the QPF differential from 12z to 00z.
    This places the convective pattern towards those areas we've been
    highlighting all summer for flash flood concerns thanks to a
    plethora of burn scars located within the terrain across parts of
    NM. The previous forecast was relatively unchanged over AZ into the
    Four Corners, but the MRGL risk was expanded to include much of NM
    with a focus into the terrain over the Sangre de Cristos and the
    Sacramento Mountains. General QPF average between 0.25-0.75" is
    expected, but maxima of >1" will be plausible anywhere within the
    confines of the forecast risk area. A targeted SLGT risk is still
    possible, but the scattered nature of the convection forecast
    doesn't instill enough confidence at this time. A reassessment with
    the addition of CAMs guidance could sway that the other way, so
    stay tuned for future updates.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, September 15, 2024 08:51:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 150911

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    511 AM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024


    ...Central Gulf Coast into MS...
    The setup that has resulted in a convective bands and locally
    heavy rainfall the past couple days will continue today, just
    shifted a bit to the southwest. Lingering mid level energy and low
    level convergence will result in convection today from coastal AL
    northwestward across MS and into eastern AR. The persistence of the
    convergence will allow for some training/backbuilding potential
    locally increasing rainfall totals. The overlap of strongest
    convergence and higher instability looks to focus closer to the
    Gulf Coast today, across portions of coastal MS/AL and the western
    FL Panhandle. The flash flood risk is likely highest across these
    areas, with 5"+ HREF neighborhood probabilities as high as 50-80%.
    HREF guidance indicates one round of potential backbuilding cells
    this afternoon, with another round possible late tonight into
    early Monday. Given this signal the Slight risk was expanded into
    this region, and do consider this area to be a higher end Slight
    risk, with locally significant flash flooding a possibility given
    what should be very efficient rainfall producers.

    The flash flood risk is a bit lower further north across MS and AR
    given weaker instability and what should generally be more
    transient convective cells. Nonetheless some training/backbuilding
    is still possible, and soil saturation is still above average due
    to rainfall from Francine a few days ago. Thus still think a
    Slight risk is warranted, with isolated to scattered flash flooding

    ....Coastal Carolinas...
    An area of low pressure off the southeast coast may bring heavy
    rainfall into portions of coastal SC/NC between 06z-12z Monday. The
    GFS remains a fast outlier in bringing heavy rainfall inland from
    this system, and thus is not a preferred solution. While there is
    still some spread amongst the other model solutions, some form of
    consensus is developing. This consensus would suggest that some
    bands of locally heavy rainfall may get into coastal portions of
    the Carolinas early Monday. Still think the greater flash flood
    risk ends up after 12z Monday, but can not rule out some heavier
    totals right along the coast by 12z...and thus will introduce a
    Marginal risk.

    ...South TX...
    A small Marginal risk was added to far southern TX. Will likely be
    an active convective day across northeast MX today, with easterly
    low level flow advecting in moisture off the Gulf, and westerly
    mid/upper flow bringing in tropical moisture off the Pacific. Low
    level convergence should be enhanced in this pattern, and also
    have some mid/upper level energy to work with as well. In general
    expect the bulk of convective activity to be over northeast MX
    where convergence is strongest, however there is at least some
    threat far south TX can see some activity as well. Guidance
    indicates that any convection that organizes over south TX should
    drop back south into MX, however there is an opportunity for some
    slow moving cells later this morning or afternoon before this
    propagation takes hold.

    A Marginal risk covers portions of AZ and NM today where a
    localized flash flood risk may exist. This risk area was reduced in
    size to just cover areas where convective coverage should be a bit
    greater and instability more pronounced. Rainfall over the
    Marginal risk area could locally exceed 1" which could produce an
    isolated flash flood over any more susceptible basins.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...Carolinas into Virginia...
    An area of low pressure will likely move into portions of NC on
    Monday bringing a heavy rainfall threat to the area. Confidence is
    increasing that this system will have a notable core of heavy
    rainfall near the center and heavy convective banding to the east
    of the center. The threat of flash flooding across portions of
    eastern NC appears to be increasing, with locally significant
    impacts possible. With that said there remains some model spread
    regarding the location of landfall and the structure/intensity of
    the system.

    Like was mentioned in the day 1 discussion, think the 00z GFS
    remains a less likely fast and west outlier with this system on
    day 2. After discounting that solution the overall model consensus
    improves, although not without some notable spread. The 00z NAM
    and Gem Reg are two of the stronger and further south solutions,
    with the 00z CMC and UKMET further east over coastal NC. With the
    high res models you have the 00z 3km NAM and ARW stronger/quicker
    and further south near the SC/NC border, and the HRRR and ARW2 a
    bit slower/weaker and north. Overall it appears that the earlier
    the low begins to deepen the stronger, quicker and further south it
    moves ashore. Where as the models with a slower developing low
    keep it a bit weaker and east over NC. At the moment do not really
    have a strong preference, with things likely becoming clearer today
    as the low begins to become more well defined offshore.

    The above described uncertainties will keep us from upgrading to a
    MDT risk at this time. However do consider this a higher end
    Slight risk across portions of southeast NC. Wile the details still
    need to be ironed out, what we can say is that the flash flood
    risk from this system is increasing and locally significant flash
    flooding is possible over portions of eastern NC (and possibly
    northeast SC depending on the track). Just about every model
    solution brings a low pressure ashore with locally heavy rainfall
    near and east of the center...however enough spread still exists
    with the track and intensity of the system to keep the risk level
    at Slight for now. Once the low develops and confidence on the
    evolution of the system continues to increase, a MDT risk upgrade
    may be needed.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Some flash flood risk will likely linger across portions of the
    central Gulf Coast into southeast AR on Monday. However the pattern
    becomes gradually less favorable with time, and thus currently
    expecting that only a localized flash flood risk will linger into

    ...Southwest to Four Corners... A strong deep layered low moving
    into the CA will result in an uptick in large scale forcing over
    portions of the Southwest on Monday. Broad south to southwesterly
    flow ahead of this feature will also advect moisture into the
    region, and should have plenty of instability and moisture in
    place for locally heavy rainfall within convection. Given the
    increased forcing convective coverage should be notable over the
    region, suggesting at least an isolated flash flood threat. Cell
    motions should be fairly quick off to the northeast limiting the
    duration of heaviest rainfall and the overall flash flood risk.
    However with the persistent forcing in place areas could see
    multiple convective cells/clusters move through over the period
    adding to rainfall totals.

    An axis of higher areal averaged rainfall is likely closer to the
    stronger forcing underneath the deep layered low over portions of
    northern NV, southeast OR and into ID. On Monday morning there is
    some signal for potential training rainfall bands over portions of
    NV, although instability looks rather weak, suggesting rainfall
    rates may struggle to get high enough for flash flooding.
    Nonetheless will need to be monitored and some areas of 1-2" of
    rainfall are possible, which for some of this area could be around
    a 5yr ARI event. Thus even without higher rates some areal flooding
    is a possibility. By Monday afternoon we should see some increase
    in instability over the broader region likely allowing for some
    heavier convective cells. However currently expecting these cells
    to be rather quick moving. Thus overall think a Marginal risk
    should suffice, with localized flooding concerns a possibility.

    A Marginal risk was added across portions of ND and MN. Model
    guidance shows a lifting warm front, mid level vort energy moving
    through, and divergent flow aloft between two jet streaks...likely
    enough forcing to get convective development Monday into Monday
    night. Convective details differ from model to model, but the
    overall ingredients are similar and instability should be
    plentiful. Overall the threat is there for an axis of training
    and/or backbuilding convection within the Marginal risk area, and
    some flash flooding could evolve.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Monday, September 16, 2024 08:33:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 160829

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    429 AM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024



    PTC8 continues to churn off the Carolina coast with an ill-defined
    center of circulation and convective clustering to the north of
    the analyzed low off the coast of SC. The beginning wave of
    tropical rainfall has started across Northeast SC into Southeast
    NC with rates anticipated to pick up as the deeper tropical
    moisture flux located offshore begins to propagate into the coast.
    There has been relatively modest uncertainty to exactly where the
    heaviest rainfall will occur due to a less defined surface low
    center that provides more consensus on the specific track and
    subsequent heavy rain axis. One of the notable observations through
    the past 6-8 hrs has been the QPF shield displaced further north
    away from the analyzed surface center provided by NHC. A lot of
    this is likely due to the moderate shear impinging the southern
    flank of the circulation allowing for an offset of the precip field
    to the north and northeast of the primary circulation. This has
    caused issues within the NWP suite of forecasts, especially higher
    resolution guidance that tends to need a more defined surface
    initiation to outline short range prospects within the precip
    field and track of the surface reflection. There is enough data to
    project the current QPF swath to be displaced further north than
    some of the CAMs and global deterministic output with a surface
    reflection likely to come ashore a bit further north than even the
    00z consensus. For that, the trend is for 4-8" totals with locally
    up to 10" possible across the Northeastern corner of SC through
    Southeast NC, an agreed axis within the neighborhood probability
    fields from the latest HREF. The signal for >5" is very robust with probabilities between 70-90% located across Southeastern NC with
    the strongest signal located near Wilmington, an area of greatest
    concern considering the urbanization factors.

    The storm will induce some pretty good rainfall across Northern SC
    and much of NC through the periods as the circulation moves inland
    and progresses westward into the Carolina Piedmont. Bands of
    tropical rainfall with efficient warm rain processes will pivot
    inland with the prospects of flash flooding increasing over areas
    that see training. As a result, a broad SLGT risk is centered
    across much of North Carolina and the northern periphery of South
    Carolina. A targeted MDT risk is in place over the northeast corner
    of SC and much of Southeastern NC as the consensus for higher
    rainfall amounts is most prolific within that zone.

    ...Northern Plains and Upper Midwest...

    Aloft, a shortwave will eject out of the Central Plains and push
    quickly to the northeast, entering the Northern Plains of the
    Dakotas into Northwestern MN by later this evening providing ample
    mid-level ascent conducive for convective initiation. At the
    surface, a pre-frontal trough will develop in-of the Southern
    Canadian Prairies, shifting southward into Northern ND and MN by
    early this evening, setting the stage for a strong surface
    convergence axis located across Eastern ND and Northwest MN. This
    is thanks to the tandem mid-level ascent pattern and convergence
    signature located within a formidable theta-E tongue bisecting the
    area. The signal has grown considerably in the past succession of
    runs with the latest CAMs all generally robust with its
    presentation of locally enhanced rainfall located over the above
    regions. With the mean flow generally parallel to the pre-frontal,
    surface based trough, there is a growing concern for training cells
    that develop upstream over ND and progress east-northeast along the
    slow-moving trough axis. The 00z HREF blended mean QPF is quite
    robust in its depiction with an areal average of 1.75-2.5" of total
    precip located from just west of Grand Forks up through the
    International border in Northern MN. A bullseye of 3-5" is co-
    located within the axis of the surface trough positioning extending
    over much of Northwestern MN, an area that typically does not favor
    these types of convective outputs. HREF EAS probabilities for 1"
    (80-90+%) and 2" (30-50%) are incredibly high for an event that is
    not tied to a strong organized synoptic complex, only adding
    emphasis to the potential with such high agreement within this
    evenings CAMs. Neighborhood probs are just as impressive with a
    strong >3" signal (70-90+%) and modest >5" (15-30%) output with the
    latter tied closer to the Canadian border where the model agreement
    is strongest for the heavier totals. A SLGT risk was added given
    the favorable forecast from this evening and a strengthening
    consensus amongst CAMs members for a locally enhanced flash flood
    threat across the northern tier of the ND/MN area.

    ...Western U.S...

    Upper air analysis indicates a broad closed upper circulation
    positioned over Northern California with an expectation to
    strengthen as we progress through the period. Increasing moisture
    on the eastern flank of the mean trough will allow for a better
    convective environment as the region enters a strong upper forcing
    regime with a correlated instability maximum located over the Great
    Basin. The approach of the upper low will initiate a blossoming of
    convection across the Eastern and Northern Sierra, extending into
    NV and eventually ID as we progress through today and this evening.
    MUCAPE between 500-1000 J/kg will be most common within the
    interior, plenty to induce a swath of enhanced convection over an
    area not typically acclimated to see a decent amount of rainfall.
    The current forecast calls for a multi-region impact of
    convectively driven rainfall that could easily exceed 1" in any
    area located from the Great Basin, Four Corners, and portions of
    the Southwestern U.S. A fairly robust and widespread probability
    for >1" (70+%) is well documented within the 00z HREF neighborhood
    probability output over the above locations, a strong enough signal
    to warrant a continuation of the previous MRGL risk forecast.

    ...Deep South...

    Lingering low-level moisture with the proximity of a quasi-
    stationary front across the Deep South will allow for another
    period of locally enhanced rainfall that could cause some flash
    flood concerns, generally over the Lower Mississippi Valley into
    the Central Gulf coast. The signal is more diffuse than previous
    periods, but the probability fields still indicate a formidable
    potential for >3", especially along the Gulf coast where the
    surface based instability is most prominent. This is a low-end MRGL
    risk with a better chance for flash flooding to occur over those
    areas that have been hit hardest the past several days from
    Francine and its remnants.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The remnant cyclone will be perusing through the Mid Atlantic come
    Tuesday with its moisture flux steadily pushing northward through
    the Central Mid Atlantic, carrying a potential for locally enhanced
    rainfall and flash flood prospects. As of this time, the consensus
    is still muddled on exactly where the remnant circulation will be
    progressing, as well the forecast instability positioning on the
    eastern flank of the circulation. PWAT anomalies will be creeping
    closer to 1-2 standard deviations above normal, a historical
    characteristic for heavy rain and flash flood concerns within the
    Mid Atlantic. Ensemble instability fields are generally more
    defined in-of the Blue Ridge in VA and across Southeastern VA.
    These would likely be the areas with the most interest when it
    comes to any higher risk. The shifts within the ensemble mean QPF
    add too much variance to conclude the prospects for a higher risk,
    at this time. With coordination from the local WFOs across the Mid
    Atlantic, a MRGL was maintained from the previous forecast with
    some adjustments based on the latest ensemble QPF footprint.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. This is a lower-end MRGL risk categorically,
    but with forecasts within the deterministic still pointing towards
    cells producing >2" of rainfall, this was enough of a signal to
    warrant the MRGL risk inherited from the previous forecast.

    ...Southern Rockies...

    Ejecting shortwave trough out of the Four Corners will provide
    ample mid and upper support for a generation of scattered
    convection located across the Southern Rockies down into the
    Sacramento Mountains in NM. The setup is geared towards locally
    enhanced rainfall prospects tied to the terrain with the best
    opportunity for impacts likely occurring over burn scars located
    within the Sangre de Cristos and the Sacramento Mountains near
    Ruidoso. Those two locations are very sensitive, and the setup
    would certainly be conducive to providing local impacts within the
    two separate MRGL risk areas. Areal QPF average is between
    0.25-0.5", but deterministic output still signals potential for
    upwards of 1.5-2" of rainfall, plenty to cause issues within the
    complex terrain and over any sensitive grounds. A MRGL risk was
    added over the above locations to account for the threat.

    ...Western Montana...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). Current QPF distribution
    signals a scattered array of 1-2" totals with the most precip
    footprint of the maxima tied closer to the terrain thanks to the
    orographic elements typically favored in these types of setups. The convectively driven pattern is one that maintains prominence on
    local flash flood prospects and still has some room for a targeted
    higher risk pending the convective outlook once into better range
    of the CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity with some
    extension on the southern periphery of the risk area over MT.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 07:37:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 170800

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    400 AM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The disturbance that pushed ashore yesterday will continue to churn
    over the Southern Mid Atlantic with a funneling of moisture off the
    Atlantic aimed across far Northeastern NC and the adjacent VA
    Tidewater through the morning and afternoon hours. Modest SBCAPE
    located across the above areas will justify enough instability to
    trigger heavier convective cores capable of producing heavy
    rainfall in an area that has a historically lower FFG due to the
    urbanization factors over places like Norfolk, Virginia Beach, up
    to Williamsburg. The pattern has produced a relatively robust precip
    footprint as it is with models struggling to handle the overall
    magnitude of the rainfall on the eastern flank of the low. 00z HREF
    probability fields are still pretty exuberant for >3" (50-70%)
    across the Tidewater with an extension of 30-50% further inland
    towards Richmond. PWAT anomalies are sufficiently around +2
    standard deviations with the 00z sounding out of MHX producing an
    observed PWAT of 2.27", a similar airmass that will be advecting
    north with time. This pinpoints the Southeastern VA area as the
    most notable area for potential flash flood capabilities for the
    period when you couple the moisture anomalies and anticipated areal
    instability presence for tomorrow. This allowed for a general
    maintenance of the SLGT risk from the previous forecast with only
    an minor adjustment necessary on the western and northern flank of
    the risk area.

    Across the rest of Western NC and Western VA, the general
    circulation of the remnant low will drift into the Carolina
    Piedmont and become fairly stationary over the course of the
    forecast. The weakening of what's left over from the disturbance
    will mitigate the precip field enough to limit the flash flood
    concerns further inland, although still within the low end of the
    MRGL risk. In fact, some of the 24 hr totals within the means are
    pretty high across Western NC and VA, but a lot of the rainfall
    comes from a persistent, steady light to moderate rain with
    embedded heavier echoes during the afternoon and evening hours with
    marginal diurnal destabilization. Forecast 1"/hr rainfall
    probabilities are relatively tame with basically no calls for 2"/hr
    within the prob fields. The signal was sufficient to maintain the
    MRGL for the forecast with most of the rain accumulating over a
    long period of time and not so much a classic flash flood prospect.
    Those areas along the Blue Ridge into the Shenandoah will have the
    best opportunity for flooding in this setup, but with higher FFGs
    across the region, the prospects are lower than normal for a
    heightened flash flood concern.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. 00z HREF neighborhood prob output signals a
    stripe of 25-50% in any given location across the I-10 corridor
    down towards Apalachicola for >3" potential with a 10-15% prob for
    5" over the same area. The convective coverage is more scattered
    in nature, so the previous MRGL has merit given the probabilities
    and anticipated rates hovering between 1-2"/hr.

    ...Southern Rockies and High Plains...

    A strong, broad upper low over the Great Basin will continue to
    slowly migrate to the northeast with increasing large scale forcing
    downstream of the mean trough. Model consensus has grown over the
    past succession of runs for a broader ascent pattern to develop
    across the Southern Rockies with some aid of modest surface based
    instability and terrain to generate a period of convection
    beginning later this afternoon and early evening. Further east into
    the NM and TX High Plains, a region of relatively favorable SBCAPE
    between 500-1500 J/kg will allow for convection to develop
    downstream of the mountains with cells becoming rooted at the
    surface and helped along by shortwave energy ejecting out of the
    adjacent terrain. 00z CAMs are more robust with the convective
    pattern than even 24 hours ago, matching well with the recent ML
    output from the ECMWF AIFS and Graphcast with some precip focus
    over those areas. The HREF probs for >1" were much higher than
    previous forecast as a result with some lower end probs for >2" and
    3" located across parts of the Southern Rockies and High Plains.
    The focal points for flash flooding potential will continue to be
    the complex terrain and burn scars situated within the Sangre de
    Cristos along with the Sacramento Mountains, further south. The
    High Plains area is low-end within the MRGL risk threshold, but the
    favorable pattern lends credence to the chance at an isolated cell
    or two over-performing and causing some flood concerns. This also
    matches the current UFVS First Guess Field forecast for the period
    allowing for the two previous MRGL's in the region to be bridged
    together and expanded east to account for the threat.

    ...Northern Rockies and High Plains...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). The latest 00z
    deterministic and relevant ensembles, including the HREF provide a
    strong consensus on the potential for locally heavy rainfall
    extending from Western MT, where the signal is the strongest, over
    into the High Plains of Eastern MT and points south near the Bad
    Lands of SD. Ensemble QPF output is still within that 1-2" range
    for an areal average, but pockets of higher QPF are dispersed all
    across the above area thanks to the approach of the potent mid-
    latitude cyclone. Considering the overall setup and growing
    convective support of the CAMs downstream of the previous MRGL
    risk, the risk area was expanded to include much of the rest of MT
    down into Northeast WY and Western SD, areas that have more
    favorability for flooding potential due to lower FFGs and higher
    run off capabilities given the soil type and topographic makeup in
    those locations.

    A SLGT risk was mulled over for Western MT, but with coordination
    from the local WFO in Great Falls, decided against the upgrade with
    retaining focus for the higher impacts anticipated the next period


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
    Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
    impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
    instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
    upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
    western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
    off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
    with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
    of Great Falls. There has been some adjustments within the ensemble
    means for the heaviest axis of QPF with a small displacement to the
    east. When assessing the 500mb height anomalies between ensemble
    runs and the current deterministic, there is a subtle, but
    noticeable difference in the closed upper reflection being a bit
    more into East-Central MT leading to a heavier QPF distribution
    being a bit further east than previous iterations. This also
    follows with the ML outputs recently with the trend having the axis
    of deformation a bit further east of Great Falls, a general marker
    for where the heaviest precip will focus. Ensemble bias corrected
    QPF is also a touch east with totals relatively similar in the 2-4"
    range with a max of just over 5". This will be something to
    monitor going forth, but the signal is still very much present for
    a locally impactful rainfall thanks to a strong mid-latitude
    cyclone entering the interior Northern U.S. A SLGT risk was
    maintained with a small extension eastward to reflect the recent
    trends in guidance.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 09:19:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 180753

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    353 AM EDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024



    Current WV satellite imagery is a sight this evening with a broad
    upper circulation engulfing much of the Inter Mountain West through
    Big Sky Country in MT. Height falls have been impressive with this
    disturbance as it pivots northeastward with an intensifying
    dual surface low reflection located across Central MT with
    pressures now down below 1000mb. The expectation is for the
    cyclone to continue to intensify through the evening with an
    occlusion phase occurring later this morning allowing for a strong,
    well- defined deformation axis to center itself over the Northern
    Rockies, east of Great Falls. PWAT anomalies approaching the upper
    end of climatological peak for not just this time of year, but all
    years according the latest NAEFS and ECENS moisture return
    intervals. PWAT anomaly forecast is between +3 to +5 deviations, a
    solid 97th to 99th percentile outcome given climatology which is
    impressive to say the least. The strong large scale forcing
    focused on the western side of the occluded cyclone will induce a
    focused TROWAL across the aforementioned area above, in good
    agreement amongst all guidance, including the CAMs and global
    deterministic. Regardless of which model output you assess, the
    prospects for 3-5" of rainfall with locally higher are being
    forecast in-of the terrain east of Great Falls and the I-15
    corridor in MT.

    Latest HREF probabilities are pretty stout within both the
    neighborhood and EAS fields across that general area with the
    neighborhood probs running between 50-80% for >5" and even some
    15-30% probs for the >8" totals being expressed. EAS probabilities
    are >80% for at least 2", a testament to both the expected rainfall
    and the consistency among the CAMs. This is no different from the
    totals expressed within the global deterministic, and even the
    ensemble blends are signaling over 4" in places. The bottom line
    is; this will be a pretty formidable storm for the Northern Rockies
    and adjacent Great Plains of MT with scattered instances of
    flooding increasingly likely as we move through the daytime,
    Wednesday. The storm will drift north and begin losing steam the
    back end of the forecast leading to the organized TROWAL to fade
    with lighter rates before tapering off later in the evening. The
    previous SLGT risk was maintained given the strong continuity from
    guidance. The only limitation to this being a higher risk is the
    lack of sufficient surface instability with most of the positive
    buoyancy relegated above the boundary layer. Still, rates of
    1-1.5"/hr are still possible in the stronger cores, enough to
    solidify the SLGT risk forecast.

    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The period can be characterized by uncertainty within the guidance
    as a disheveled surface and mid-level reflection left over from
    what was Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 (PTC8) continues to meander
    over the Mid Atlantic with a broad PWAT anomaly positioned across
    Northern NC through the Delmarva. The interesting aspect of the
    forecast is multiple deterministic outputs have some prospects of
    heavy rainfall across parts of the Mid Atlantic, but there is a
    large disagreement on where exactly that could take place. The
    issue is the lack of an organized surface reflection that can help
    bring everything together, but still has a presence that can allow
    for smaller zones of opportunity to crop up. Assessing the ensemble
    QPF has helped curb some of the discontinuity within the
    deterministic leading to two areas of focus within the next 24 hrs.

    The first is across the coast of NJ where an axis of convective
    potential seems reasonable as the weak surface low analyzed over
    Eastern NC begins to drift northeast with some resemblance of
    organization as it enters over the Gulf stream. A modest jet streak
    is forecast to develop over the Western Atlantic with the surface
    low likely to lie within the left exit region of the jet allowing
    for some modest strengthening as it moves northeast off the coast
    of DE/NJ. The synoptic evolution is moving towards the "classic"
    axis of deformation prospects as the low begins to intensify and
    the western side of the cyclone exhibits a band of heavier precip
    close to the DE/NJ coastal plain. This was outlined within the
    latest HREF ensemble blended mean QPF with the matched mean QPF
    displaying a relatively significant heavy QPF signature within the
    Southern and Central NJ coast impacting areas from just north of
    Cape May up through Atlantic City to just to the east of Toms
    River. These areas aren't as flood prone compared to some of the
    focused urban corridors inland, but the combination of some heavy
    surf with rainfall rates between 1-2"/hr could cause some localized
    flooding within the coast. Considering some of the uncertainty, the
    only risk to add was a MRGL as the probabilities for >3" and >5" are
    still favorable (40-60% and 15-30% respectively), but with only
    modest agreement amongst guidance, it would be hard to issue
    anything higher.

    The second area of interest lies within much of Northern and
    Eastern VA where the closed 500mb low will continue to spin south
    of the region prompting some weak ascent focused over a region of
    relatively modest instability and deep layer moisture. This is
    another scenario where the guidance has precip, but the focus is
    anywhere from Southern PA down to Hampton, VA. HREF probabilities
    signal a broad axis of 40-60% probs for >3" somewhere from the WV
    Panhandle down to Virginia Beach with some low end >5" probs
    lingering within the same corridor. Ensemble QPF footprint depicts
    an areal average of 1-1.5" located across the above zone with a
    maxima centered over Northern VA. The prospects for heavy rainfall
    also include areas along the Potomac, including the DC metro which
    has notoriously lower FFGs thanks to urban sprawl. There is too
    much uncertainty again for anything more than a MRGL risk, however
    the environment is favorable for somewhere to see a heavy cell or
    two that could cause issues. For that, have opted to add a second
    MRGL risk within the Mid Atlantic with points between the two risk
    areas void from the threats due to a greater model consensus
    pointing at a relative QPF min within that area of the Delmarva.

    ...North-Central Sierra and Western NV...

    Another broad closed upper low will come ashore over Northern CA
    from the Pacific leading to increased moisture and favorable upper
    forcing across the terrain of CA/NV beginning later this afternoon.
    Despite cooler surface temps, steep low and mid-level lapse rates
    with a decent outline of positive buoyancy within the forecast
    soundings out of KREV signal the potential for some heavier
    convective cell initiations across the North-Central Sierra over
    into Western NV. There has been an uptick in the ensemble QPF
    across this area the past succession of runs leading to a bit more
    potential than what was thought prior. Historically, including with
    the past system, we've seen these strong upper lows tend to
    overachieve at times with the magnitude and spatial coverage of the
    convection downstream. In this case, it's favoring the prospects
    for locally heavy rainfall in the complex terrain and over an area
    of lower FFGs like Reno which carry the urbanization factor. The
    latest UFVS First Guess Field has also introduced a recommended
    MRGL risk for the first time in its runs as of late with the uptick
    in the signal. A MRGL risk was added to account for the threat with
    the threshold still on the lower half of the risk spectrum.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    A non-zero flash flood threat does exist across portions of the
    Upper Midwest, however the antecedent dry conditions will allow for
    much of this rain to be beneficial over the area of interest
    (Northern IA, Southeastern MN, Western WI, and the Arrowhead of
    MN). Urban corridors will be the most favorable spots for flash
    flood prospects. Rates generally capped around 1-2"/hr, falling shy
    of the current FFG forecast in the area. If the signal becomes more
    impressive in the next 24 hours, a targeted MRGL is possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thursday, September 19, 2024 08:08:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 190742

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    342 AM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024



    A fairly stout closed upper low over the Pacific will be the
    driving force behind increased forcing and region moisture
    advection into the southern half of California this period. Recent
    wildfires have brought about a plethora of burn scars within the
    terrain of the Transverse Ranges that have become increasingly
    susceptible to flash flooding prospects due to hydrophobic soils
    allowing for consistent run off capabilities. The pattern evolution
    supports a strong mid and upper forcing regime to be co-located
    within the Central and Southern CA coasts, as well as the immediate
    terrain to the east of the coastal plain. Latest 00z HREF mean QPF
    distribution pinpoints a regional maxima within the confines of
    the Transverse Range, intersecting an area with multiple burn scar
    locations that will likely exhibit flash flood effects thanks to
    the current antecedent soil environment. There's a consensus within
    both the mean QPF and probability fields for >1" of rainfall in-of
    the aforementioned area with even some prospects for locally >2"
    as noted within the neighborhood probabilities for D1. With
    coordination from earlier updates by the local WFOs involved
    prompting the MRGL risk, and with the signal remaining prolific
    enough from the latest guidance, the MRGL risk was maintained to
    project continuity.

    ...Upper Midwest...

    An increasingly favorable pattern will invoke a period of
    scattered to widespread thunderstorm activity capable of producing
    locally enhanced rainfall cores leading to 1-2"/hr rain rates in
    the strongest convective cores. Steepening lapse rates, increasing
    bulk shear, and modest surface to mid-level buoyancy will create an
    environment conducive for not only thunderstorm initiation, but
    prolonged updrafts capable of maintaining significant storm
    structure within a core of elevated PWATs advected ahead of a mean
    trough to the west. Latest HREF EAS signals for >1" are pretty high
    (60-80%) across much of Northwest WI, an area where most CAMs are
    pinpointing as the primary area of focus for this afternoon's and
    evening's convective prospects. Neighborhood probs are a bit less
    emphatic than what normally constitutes a higher impact potential,
    but still fairly significant nonetheless for potential totals
    ranging between 2-4" over portions of Eastern MN into Northwest WI.
    The antecedent conditions present within the zone of highest
    probabilities is borderline unfavorable for flooding with NASA
    SPoRT indicating soil moisture percentiles closer to 40-50% over
    the area. Considering the favorable environment and SPC outlining
    the area with a Slight Risk for severe weather, believe the setup
    is good enough for a targeted MRGL within the core of the best
    probabilities based off the latest hi-res ensemble.

    ...Southeast Florida...

    A meandering frontal boundary in-of South FL will become a focal
    point for elevated convective coverage, especially just inland of
    the urban metro of Miami up to West Palm Beach when sea breeze
    initiation becomes tied within the frontal positioning later this
    afternoon. The steering pattern is favorable for convective
    development to drift back over the urban metro, settling within a
    modest PWAT anomaly situated over the area. The core of convection
    will likely drop rates between 1-3"/hr with intra-hour rates >3"
    more than plausible, a factor that typically causes flash flood
    concerns within the urban corridor. HREF blended mean QPF has a
    bullseye situated within the Fort Lauderdale/Pompano Beach area
    with a small secondary max near Miami. This signal is fairly
    classic for a lower category risk, especially when you add the
    steering pattern leading to favorable motions back over the cities
    along the Southeast FL coast. The previous forecast was maintained
    with only a very minor adjustment along the western periphery of
    the risk area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    ...Southeast Florida...

    A secondary period of impact from active sea breeze convection and
    propagation into the urban corridor is forecast to transpire on
    Friday afternoon. The signal is not as robust as the previous
    period, but any heavy rainfall prior would precede this potential
    event with lower FFG signals leading to a bit more sensitivity to
    flash flood prospects. The ensemble mean QPF is a touch less
    aggressive as stated, so it will remain a period to monitor to see
    if the threat trends higher once we move closer to the range of the
    CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity as the signal
    persists for a flash flood threat in-of the urban corridor
    extending from Miami up through West Palm Beach.

    ...New Mexico...

    The prolific closed upper circulation out across the Southwest will
    begin pressing eastward with an increased upper forcing pattern
    thanks to a broad diffluent axis downstream of the mean
    trough/upper low. Most of the latest global deterministic eject a
    rapidly moving shortwave out of Chihuahua, traversing over the
    Eastern half of NM by the afternoon and evening hours Friday. A
    tongue of modest instability based off the mean MUCAPE forecast
    from all the deterministic is forecast to bisect that eastern side
    of the state with the best focus aligned from the Sacramentos up
    through the western side of the Caprock and into the High Plains of Northeastern NM. Flash flooding threats will likely be tied to
    urban areas and some of the remnant burn scars located within the
    Sacramento Mountains, however these setups are notoriously tricky,
    especially with the propensity for convection to become anchored
    along the instability gradient favored in the terrain and adjacent
    Caprock. Some of the deterministic output is pretty reasonable for
    isolated flash flood prospects, especially when you add the
    increasingly favorable upper pattern. A small MRGL risk was added
    to encompass the areas above with the threat lying on the lower-end
    of the risk threshold.

    ...Desert Southwest...

    Our deep closed upper reflection will migrate slowly to the east
    with the circulation likely crossing Southern CA into the interior
    Desert Southwest as we move towards the end of the period. As of
    now, the current QPF output is not exactly what would constitute a
    favorable flash flood scenario. However, considering the expected
    pattern evolution and the advection of more moist, buoyant air
    northward ahead of the upper low, you have to acknowledge the
    prospects of a more scattered pulse convective pattern over an
    area that is much more conducive for flash flood potential. Recent
    ECMWF AIFS ML output was actually more aggressive than the recent
    deterministic in the spatial coverage of precip, and even for the
    magnitude of the expected setup. This tends to signal a red flag
    for the deterministic not being aggressive enough with such a
    strong mid and upper pattern. A low-end MRGL was placed over
    portions of Southern CA/NV into Western AZ to outline the favored
    area for scattered convective development with modest storm cores
    capable of locally heavy rainfall.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Friday, September 20, 2024 09:54:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 200821

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    421 AM EDT Fri Sep 20 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    ...Southern California/Western Arizona Deserts...

    An upper low moving down the coast early today will move inland over
    the Desert Southwest later today. Increasing coverage of showers
    and thunderstorms are expected as moisture will accompany the low
    into the usually dry areas of southeast California, southern Nevada,
    and northwestern Arizona..with greatest coverage tied to the
    steepest low- to mid-level lapse rates at the center of the upper
    low where upper level temperatures will be coldest. That is also
    where steering flow becomes weak...leading to slow moving storms.
    With any more persistent showers and storms, expect isolated flash
    flooding with any burn scars, dry washes, and other flood-prone
    areas.PWATs between 0.5 and 0.75 inches in these areas will peak at
    about 1.5 sigma above normal for this time of year.

    ...New Mexico...

    Broad upper level diffluence ahead of the positively tilted low
    over the Desert Southwest will cause a somewhat narrow 50-100 mile
    wide plume of training showers and possibly embedded thunderstorms
    to develop over eastern New Mexico and into portions of the far
    western Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. Given the sensitivities of
    some of these areas to prolonged rainfall, the Marginal risk
    remains in place, especially for any burn scars or flood prone

    ...South Florida...

    Today looks to be the final day of heavy rainfall potential is
    expected in South Florida...especially in the urban corridor from
    West Palm Beach south through Homestead. Highly efficient rainfall
    producing thunderstorms should be slow-moving on the leading edge of
    an advancing cold front. The front will clear South Florida by
    early Saturday turning the predominant flow more northeasterly. This
    will cut down on the precipitable water values some, while also
    greatly limiting, though not eliminating the coverage of storms by
    Saturday. Thus, the Marginal flash flooding threat should end once
    the convection simmers down late this afternoon or this evening.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024


    A broad upper trough with evolution of a closed low over the West
    will translate eastward on Saturday with an evolving setup capable
    of showers and thunderstorms across the Rockies through the
    Central Plains, especially once the trough axis picks up forward
    speed. A combination of favorable ascent and increased moisture
    advection thanks to a developing LLJ pattern east of the Front
    Range will lead to thunderstorms capable of producing several
    heavy cores with locally enhanced rainfall. The 20/00Z HREF
    neighborhood probabilities...available only during the first half
    of the day 2 outlook period on the overnight shift...focuses brief
    periods of 30 percent or greater probabilities of exceeding 1 inch
    per hour developing out over the plains of eastern New Mexico that
    ease into West Texas by early evening...with the threat continuing
    into Saturday night in response to the development of a low level
    jet. Farther north...the signals for locally heavy rainfall also
    appear across portions of the Plains states as thunderstorms form
    along and ahead of a cold front tied to an amplifying upper trough
    building across the northern US. As mentioned in a previous discussion...antecedent conditions and the fact that much of the
    area is rural will help mitigate some of the flash flooding concern
    due to amount of infiltration possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 23 2024


    An upper trough initially over the central and southern Rockies on
    Sunday morning will move eastward on Sunday into early Monday
    morning...with showers and thunderstorms developing ahead of the
    front in an airmass characterized by precipitable water values
    generally in the 1.6 to 1.8 inch range. Given the moisture in place
    and enough mid- and upper-level shear to support some convective organization...the possibility exists for excessive rainfall due to
    some intense downpours. Tended to favor the cluster of models
    guidance led by the ECMWF/GFS/CMC with respect to the potential for
    heaviest amounts somewhere from southeast Kansas into
    Missouri...but did not go as far east as suggested by the
    aggressive UKMET. Suspect there is a non-zero threat of excessive
    rainfall farther to the southwest where storms may also be able to
    organize but for now favored the better moisture and the region of
    better upper difluence.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Saturday, September 21, 2024 09:52:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 210835

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    435 AM EDT Sat Sep 21 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024


    ...New Mexico into Texas/Oklahoma Panhandles...
    The large-scale flow across the southern Great Basin will continue
    to draw moisture northward at the low levels while becoming increasingly diffluent aloft in response to the approach of an upper low moving
    across the southern Great Basin today. Precipitable water values
    are forecast to exceed 1.5 inches across parts of West Texas by
    late afternoon while the right entrance region of an upper level
    jet rounds the base of an upper trough and tracks over the region.
    This combination should help support multi-cell storms capable of
    producing isolated rainfall rates of an inch or more and storms
    total rainfall amounts in excess of 2 inches over portions of
    northeastern New Mexico into the Texas panhandle during the
    afternoon or evening hours with an associated risk of flash
    flooding. There was one round of showers and thunderstorms
    that developed on Friday evening over southeast Kansas and
    weakened as it moved into southwest Missouri...followed by a second
    flare up of convection in the overnight hours on a track a bit to
    the south of the first round. There was some concern is more about
    the cumulative effect of multiple rounds lowering the flash flood
    guidance here ahead of anything developing later in the day...but
    warming cloud tops and limited coverage of 1 inch amounts was
    enough to keep the area in the Marginal risk category for the time


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 23 2024


    The focus for areas of heavy rainfall will continue to be along a
    plume of deeper moisture...precipitable water values generally at
    or above 1,75 inches...from the western portion of Texas
    northeastward to where it begins to encounter a cold front moving
    in from the northern United States. An upper level shortwave trough
    over the central and southern Rockies on Sunday morning will eject
    eastward during the day...aiding the formation of storms over parts
    of western Texas capable of heavy downpours around the time of
    maximum heating. Farther to the east...model guidance tends to
    generate at least some convection capable of producing isolated 2
    to 3 inch rainfall amounts over portions of Missouri as moisture
    flux convergence occurs ahead of a cold front pushing southward.
    Mesoscale guidance...available through the first 12 hours of the
    Day 2 period for the overnight EROs...does show low-end potential
    for 2 inch per hour rates embedded within a broader area where
    probabilities of 1 inch per hour rates are on the order of 10 to 25
    pct. There was already a Slight Risk introduced here and only
    needed a bit of realignment to fit the latest guidance.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 23 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 24 2024


    As the large scale upper trough continues to move eastward on
    Monday...the plume of available moisture gets elongated and the
    moisture flux along the front becomes less well defined. There will
    be some broader upper support along the front which will have taken
    on a more east-west orientation...so there is at least some
    potential for problems from run off with 1 to 2 inches or rainfall
    over portions of Illinois into Indiana. But with convection
    expected to become increasingly elevated and with flash flood
    guidance tending to be 2.5 inches per hour or greater...will
    maintain a Marginal Risk area for now and evaluate the need for an
    upgrade if rates/amounts pick up in later model cycles.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, September 22, 2024 08:37:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 220834

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    434 AM EDT Sun Sep 22 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 23 2024


    The focus for areas of heavy rainfall will continue to be within a
    plume of deeper moisture ahead of a large-scale upper trough making
    its way out over the plains towards the Mid-Mississippi Valley. The
    airmass already in place had precipitable water values generally
    at or above 1,75 inches...from the western portion of Texas
    northeastward to where it encounters a cold front moving in from
    the northern United States. Latest model runs still support two
    areas of more concentrated rainfall warranting a Slight Risk area--
    namely over western Texas and from southern Missouri into southern
    Illinois. The southern area should be more driven by diurnal
    instability strong enough to support spotty 2 or 3 inch rainfall
    amounts and rainfall rates topping an inch per hour. The area
    farther east will have the added advantage of a surface front to
    help focus moisture convergence but the upper support is not
    expected to be as strong as it was on Saturday. For that
    reason...confidence in occurrence is somewhat diminished. Made a
    small southward adjustment to the Slight Risk area based on latest
    guidance and a trimmed a bit of the northern periphery of the
    Marginal given the placement of the cold front.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 23 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 24 2024


    Surface low pressure begins to develop on Monday as shortwave
    energy moving through the southern stream trough...leading to
    renewed showers and thunderstorms in the Mid-Mississippi Valley
    early in the day that shifts into the Ohio Valley by late Monday
    night/early Tuesday morning. The best overlap of ingredients and
    forcing looks appears to be from the afternoon into the early
    evening across portions of southeast Missouri into parts of
    southern Illinois. After that...low level flow should take on an
    increasing component parallel to the front. Between the weakening
    magnitude of moisture flux convergence at the front and the loss of
    daytime heating/destabilization...rainfall rates should be waning.
    There are a few ensemble members which generate over an inch of
    rain over the Ohio Valley as upper flow backs in response to energy
    in the northern stream...but the expectation is that the flash
    flooding risk is minimal with those rainfall rates and dry
    antecedent conditions.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 24 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024


    Ohio Valley...
    As energy in the southern stream interacts with digging energy in
    the northern stream late on Day2...the flow begins to back and
    become diffluent leading to increasing coverage of rainfall by the
    time Day 3 begins. The flow should continue to become increasingly
    diffluent aloft with precipitable water values now about 1.75
    inches in place. Spaghetti plots of QPF from the ensembles show
    minimal support for amounts greater than 2 inches...and most of
    that support is from just a few GEFS members. With antecedent
    conditions being so dry...it is presumed that only isolated
    instances will occur that run off problems occur.

    Light southeasterly on-shore flow across far southern Texas will
    start to draw moisture northward again on Tuesday afternoon. As it
    does so..a weakening cold front will help provide some focus for
    showers and a few thunderstorms in central or western Texas. The
    NAM and ECMWF were the only two operational runs from the 22/00Z
    model suite to generate 2+ inch amounts of QPF while the GFS had
    support from the GEFS favoring a weaker/drier solution. Given the uncertainty...opted to maintain a Marginal risk for this cycle.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Monday, September 23, 2024 08:57:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 230815

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    415 AM EDT Mon Sep 23 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 23 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 24 2024


    Precipitation over the southern Plains will continue to spread
    north ahead of a positively-tilted upper shortwave trough drifting
    east through the central Plains. Deepening moisture (PWs ~1.75-2
    inches) supported by southwesterly inflow, and large-scale ascent
    generated by the upper shortwave, are expected to produce a broad
    area of precipitation spreading northeast early in the period from
    the Ozarks through the lower Missouri and mid Mississippi valleys.
    There is the potential for a stripe of locally heavy amounts, with
    the 00Z HREF showing high neighborhood probabilities for
    accumulations of 3 inches or more from central Missouri eastward
    through the St. Louis metro. However, limited instability should
    help to keep rainfall rates in check through the morning hours. A
    better chance for heavy rainfall rates may develop later in the day
    as trailing energy and daytime heating contribute to storms
    redeveloping near the Ozarks and tracking northeast through the mid
    Mississippi Valley and into the lower Ohio Valley later this
    afternoon into the evening.

    Moisture spreading further east is expected to fuel showers and
    storms developing later today across the central and southern
    Appalachians. Some of the hi-res guidance continue to show some
    potential for isolated heavy amounts across the region, with the
    greatest threat centered over western North Carolina, where the
    HREF is showing high neighborhood probabilities for accumulations
    of 2 inches or more.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 24 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024


    The shortwave trough moving across the mid Mississippi Valley on
    Day 1 will begin to interact with a northern stream trough
    amplifying over the northern Plains early in the period. Models
    show the upper pattern quickly amplifying over the Mississippi
    Valley on Tuesday. At the surface, low pressure is expected to
    track northeast from the mid Mississippi Valley to the Great Lakes,
    with a trailing cold front extending back through the Ohio Valley.
    An axis of deeper moisture (PWs ~1.50-1.75 inches) coinciding with
    deep southeasterly flow ahead of the upper trough will fuel
    showers and storms along the low track and ahead of the trailing
    cold front. Models do not present a signal for widespread heavy
    amounts but show the potential for locally heavy amounts,
    including for portions of the central to southern Appalachians,
    where relative soil moisture is slightly higher and flash flood
    guidance values lower.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 26 2024


    Although disagreements on the track continue, the consensus of the
    models show a powerful tropical cyclone tracking north through the
    eastern Gulf of Mexico during this period. Apart from the faster
    Canadian solutions, which bring heavy amounts into the Florida
    Panhandle, most of the deterministic models and their ensemble
    means show moderate to heavy rains brushing the coast, but the
    heaviest amounts remaining out over the open waters through 12Z
    Thu. Therefore, just a Marginal was maintained from South Florida
    and the Keys northward along the Florida Gulf Coast through the
    Panhandle. However, should more guidance begin to trend toward a
    faster solution, future upgrades may be necessary.

    Despite their disagreements with the cyclone track, the models are
    presenting a growing signal for heavy amounts developing well to
    the north. The cold front pushing east into the Ohio, Tennessee,
    and lower Mississippi Valley prior to the period is forecast to
    slow across the region, providing a focus for moisture ushered in
    by strong southeasterly to easterly flow ahead of the system. With
    some longitudinal disagreement, the GFS and ECMWF show PWs
    increasing to 1.75-2 inches along an axis of strong low level
    convergence extending north from the northern Gulf Coast into the
    Tennessee Valley. Meanwhile, an upper low that will begin to
    develop over the mid Mississippi Valley on Wednesday is expected to
    drop south, enhancing lift across the region. While there is some
    west-east disagreement on its placement, most of the 00Z
    deterministic runs showed a stripe of 2-4 inch accumulations
    extending northeastward from northern Alabama into the southern

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 08:20:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 240826

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    426 AM EDT Tue Sep 24 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 24 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024


    One area of showers and thunderstorms that produced spotty moderate
    to heavy rainfall overnight along a quasi-stationary front
    overnight should be weakening as it reaches portions of the Mid-
    Atlantic region by morning. However...shortwave energy in the
    northern stream will be developing a closed low that deepens with
    time as it tracks from the Upper Midwest into the Mid-Mississippi
    Valley later tonight. This backs the flow aloft and supports some
    convection with locally heavy rainfall rates in a diffluent flow
    regime over the eastern Ohio Valley as well as thunderstorms ahead
    of the low track and ahead of a trailing cold front. Model guidance
    continues to show the potential for locally heavy amounts while not
    presenting a signal for widespread heavy rainfall
    totals...including portions of the central and southern
    Appalachians where relative soil moisture is slightly higher and
    where flash flood guidance was lower.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 26 2024


    Only minor adjustments were needed to the previously issued Slight
    risk area from portions of Alabama and Georgia into southeast
    Tennessee...while a targeted Slight Risk area was introduced along
    the coastline of the Florida panhandle. It appears that a
    predecessor rainfall event will take shape somewhere in the
    Southeast US as moisture streams northward from the Gulf of Mexico
    ahead of Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine and interacts with a cold
    front dropping southward from the Tennessee Valley. There is still
    some disagreement among the various models with respect to where
    the axis may set up but the area covered by the Slight risk has the
    best overlap of different solutions so only minor adjustments were
    needed to what is effectively a high-end Slight Risk area. Along
    the coast...model QPF has increased along portions of the Florida
    coastline to the point where a Slight seems warranted.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 26 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 27 2024


    There should be an increasing threat of widespread and potentially
    significant rainfall as Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine approaches
    the coast and eventually makes landfall sometime around 27/00Z
    based on the latest guidance from the National Hurricane Center.
    Moderate to heavy rainfall may develop across portions of Florida
    panhandle into the Southeast US well before PTC Nine make landfall
    as strong transport of Gulf moisture interacts with deepening mid-
    and upper-layer closed low over the central/southern Mississippi
    Valley. Primary changes were to extend the Moderate risk area
    northward along the NHC path of PTC Nine where the guidance had
    shown an increase in rainfall amounts...with the Moderate risk now
    into the southern Appalachians where terrain effects look to result
    in locally enhanced rainfall amounts.

    With an unusually deep low best seen in the mid- and upper-levels
    located to the west...at least some of the moisture being drawn
    inland by Nine will begin to get drawn westward over portions of
    the Tennessee Valley and into the Mississippi Valley. As a
    result...part of the Slight risk area from the Southeast US gets
    pulled westward into the Tennessee Valley around the mid- and
    upper-level low. Given the model spread and the poor run to run consistency...refrained from taking the Slight risk area too far
    westward at this point.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 12:43:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 241659

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1259 PM EDT Tue Sep 24 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 24 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...VA/NC border...

    In coordination with RNK/Blacksburg, VA; RAH/Raleigh, NC; and
    AKQ/Wakefield, VA forecast offices, a Slight Risk area was
    introduced with this update along the VA/NC border in the Piedmont
    area. Tonight, much of the guidance, including the 12Z HRRR, HREF,
    and both ARWs are suggesting an area of training convection will
    develop. The heavy rain will be forced by a stationary surface
    trough over the area combined with a local maximum of atmospheric
    moisture with PWATs over 1.75 inches. A strong and deep upper level
    trough over the Mississippi Valley will greatly increase the upper
    level divergence to its east. This too will greatly add lifting
    support to the storms as they form with the convective maximum
    after sunset this evening. HREF probabilities are up to 30% of
    exceeding FFGs in the western part of the Slight risk area, as well
    as over 80% of exceeding 3 inches of rain in the neighborhood
    probabilities and almost 50% of exceeding 5 inches through

    The factors working against heavy rain and flash flooding are some
    antecedent dry conditions, with at least average soil moisture
    across this area, and marginal instability generally around 500 to
    1,000 J/kg. The instability will limit to some extent the
    widespread coverage of the heavy rain, but the excellent forcing
    may be able to make up for that. Portions of the Slight Risk area
    saw heavy rainfall last week, which at least has kept those area
    from having totally dry soils...but average soil moisture can
    sometimes work against flash flooding as some clays can be
    hydrophobic when they're really dry, resulting in extra runoff.
    Such is not expected to be the case here.


    Elsewhere across the Upper Ohio and Tennessee Valleys expect
    continued off and on showers and storms, but general struggles with organization. Very dry soils north of the Ohio River should also
    generally limit the flooding threat...whereas along the west facing
    slopes of the Appalachians, localized upslope may enhance it a bit.
    Regardless any flash flooding in these areas should be confined to
    urban and flood-prone locations.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    One area of showers and thunderstorms that produced spotty moderate
    to heavy rainfall overnight along a quasi-stationary front
    overnight should be weakening as it reaches portions of the Mid-
    Atlantic region by morning. However...shortwave energy in the
    northern stream will be developing a closed low that deepens with
    time as it tracks from the Upper Midwest into the Mid-Mississippi
    Valley later tonight. This backs the flow aloft and supports some
    convection with locally heavy rainfall rates in a diffluent flow
    regime over the eastern Ohio Valley as well as thunderstorms ahead
    of the low track and ahead of a trailing cold front. Model guidance
    continues to show the potential for locally heavy amounts while not
    presenting a signal for widespread heavy rainfall
    totals...including portions of the central and southern
    Appalachians where relative soil moisture is slightly higher and
    where flash flood guidance was lower.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 26 2024


    Only minor adjustments were needed to the previously issued Slight
    risk area from portions of Alabama and Georgia into southeast
    Tennessee...while a targeted Slight Risk area was introduced along
    the coastline of the Florida panhandle. It appears that a
    predecessor rainfall event will take shape somewhere in the
    Southeast US as moisture streams northward from the Gulf of Mexico
    ahead of Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine and interacts with a cold
    front dropping southward from the Tennessee Valley. There is still
    some disagreement among the various models with respect to where
    the axis may set up but the area covered by the Slight risk has the
    best overlap of different solutions so only minor adjustments were
    needed to what is effectively a high-end Slight Risk area. Along
    the coast...model QPF has increased along portions of the Florida
    coastline to the point where a Slight seems warranted.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 26 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 27 2024


    There should be an increasing threat of widespread and potentially
    significant rainfall as Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine approaches
    the coast and eventually makes landfall sometime around 27/00Z
    based on the latest guidance from the National Hurricane Center.
    Moderate to heavy rainfall may develop across portions of Florida
    panhandle into the Southeast US well before PTC Nine make landfall
    as strong transport of Gulf moisture interacts with deepening mid-
    and upper-layer closed low over the central/southern Mississippi
    Valley. Primary changes were to extend the Moderate risk area
    northward along the NHC path of PTC Nine where the guidance had
    shown an increase in rainfall amounts...with the Moderate risk now
    into the southern Appalachians where terrain effects look to result
    in locally enhanced rainfall amounts.

    With an unusually deep low best seen in the mid- and upper-levels
    located to the west...at least some of the moisture being drawn
    inland by Nine will begin to get drawn westward over portions of
    the Tennessee Valley and into the Mississippi Valley. As a
    result...part of the Slight risk area from the Southeast US gets
    pulled westward into the Tennessee Valley around the mid- and
    upper-level low. Given the model spread and the poor run to run consistency...refrained from taking the Slight risk area too far
    westward at this point.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 09:31:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 250903

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    503 AM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 25 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 26 2024


    Even though Helene should still be well off-shore during the
    period...abundant moisture should be streaming northward ahead of
    the storm. The models have been increasingly aggressive with
    rainfall amounts coming off the Gulf into the Florida panhandle
    with locally excessive amounts of rainfall along the coastline. Of
    greater concern is the moisture that continues to stream northward
    into portions of northern Georgia and upstate South Carolina where
    a surface cold front acts to focus a predecessor rainfall event.
    Some pieces of guidance...including the HAFS A and B parent grids
    ...drop 5 or 6 inches or rainfall within a broader area of 2 to 4
    inches of rainfall. The overall agreement on placement of the axis
    is really very good with only subtle east/west variations...which
    necessitated an expansion of the moderate risk area and now
    includes some of the complex terrain of the southern Appalachians.
    Slight and Marginal risk areas surrounding covered the risk of
    convection forming along broad synoptic scale flow getting drawn
    into the environment ahead of Helene.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 26 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 27 2024


    Given the increasing confidence about the overlap of the axis of
    a predecessor rainfall event on Day 1 period and the amount of
    rainfall expected as the center of Helene approaches the southern
    Appalachians during the latter part of the Day 2 period...there has
    been a growing number of models generating close to 10 or 11
    inches of rainfall for the 2-days combined in the complex terrain.
    That raises concerns about impactful flooding becoming widespread
    with considerable and potentially life-threatening flash and urban
    flooding as well as areas of significant river flooding over
    portions of Florida, the Southeast U.S. and the southern
    Appalachians. Widespread minor to moderate river flooding is likely
    and major river flooding is possible. Landslides are possible in
    areas of steep terrain in the southern Appalachians given these
    rainfall amounts. This prompted the upgrade to a high risk over
    portions of northwestern Georgia into far western South Carolina
    that was mainly confined to the terrain. What effectively amounts
    to a high-end moderate risk surrounds the high that extends along
    much of the track as Helene makes landfall along the Florida
    panhandle coastline around 27/00Z (give or take a couple of hours)
    based on the latest NHC guidance. In terms of model guidance...the
    tracks tended to be clustered well resulting in NHC guidance being
    close to most model runs. For the Day 2 period...that resulted in
    the highest rainfall totals being close to each other where the
    orographic forcing was consistent. A second axis of excessive
    rainfall branched off to the northwest from Helene's track towards
    a deep-layered low developing over the southern portion of the
    Mississippi Valley as moisture gets entrained into that system
    leading to scattered convection that could produce locally heavy
    amounts. Mainly confined the Slight risk to the Tennessee Valley
    and only a Marginal risk extending back towards the core of the
    upper system.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 27 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 28 2024


    Based on latest NHC track guidance...Helene should be in northern
    Georgia and tracking on a more northwestward course during the day.
    This suggests the flow of deep moisture should be on-going to the
    terrain of western Carolinas into southwest Virginia. Latest model
    guidance shows several inches of rainfall in addition to what falls
    in the predecessor 48 hours...felt a focused Moderate risk placed
    where there was best model consensus was warranted. It was also a
    multi-day rainfall total farther south along the NHC track in the
    eastern Tennessee Valley that was the main reason to keep a Slight
    Risk where model QPF be a little too light to support one. That
    portion of the Slight Risk area extends westward to the deep-
    layered low where steepening low level lapse rate and the
    additional moisture streaming off of Helene could lead to some
    showers and thunderstorms capable of producing locally heavy

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Saturday, September 28, 2024 08:59:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 280758

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    358 AM EDT Sat Sep 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 28 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 29 2024


    ...Ohio/Tennessee Valleys...

    The combined upper low and remnant circulation of what is left of
    Helene is expected to slow/stall over the Ohio and Tennessee
    Valleys. With very little if any instability to work with the bulk
    of rain today will likely be stratiform with hourly rates around
    0.5 inch/hour or lower. At best there may be some isolated flash
    flooding, therefore maintained the broad Marginal Risk that is in
    place over the region.


    A trailing cold front across the Florida peninsula will be present
    during this period along with abundant instability and moisture
    within proximity to this feature. The development of strong
    thunderstorms can be expected, especially on the western side of
    the peninsula. Recent heavy rain has increased soil sensitivity for
    much of the area therefore maintained a Marginal Risk for excessive
    rainfall for the western and central peninsula.


    Day 2 Valid 12Z Sun Sep 29 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 30 2024


    ...Mid-Atlantic/Central Appalachians...

    During this period the remnant low of Helene will get picked up by
    the upper level jet and track eastward into the Mid-Atlantic and Central/Northern Appalachians. There will be an increase in
    available instability which may lead to localized enhanced rainfall
    rates for portions of the Shenandoah Valley and west to the
    Allegheny Front in Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia; which may
    result in isolated to widely scattered instances of flash
    flooding. The level of threat continues to be handled well with the
    Marginal Risk that is currently in effect. There may be a need for
    a Slight Risk with future updates depending on model trends and


    Convection will continue to fire up in proximity to a stalled
    frontal boundary draped across northern/central Florida. Storm
    motion may be fast-moving with some tracking over areas hard-hit
    by Helene, but because progressive nature of the convection a
    Marginal Risk remains appropriate for this period.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 30 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 01 2024


    The lingering upper low over the East and accompanying moisture
    from Helene will continue to produce some showers and thunderstorms
    over portions of the Appalachians and Mid-Atlantic into Monday.
    Heavy intensity and accumulations are not expected to be widespread
    or heavy, however the recent wet period keeps an elevated threat
    for excessive rainfall and isolated flooding concerns. A Marginal
    remains in effect from south-central Virginia to central

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, September 29, 2024 09:54:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 290815

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    415 AM EDT Sun Sep 29 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 29 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 30 2024


    ...Mid-Atlantic/Central Appalachians...

    Remnant moisture from Helene will remain caught up in the upper
    trough pattern across the Ohio Valley while the mean trough begins
    to slowly advance eastward through the period. During this period
    precipitable water anomalies will be on the order of 1 to 2
    standard deviations above normal and will encounter increased
    forcing from the upper jet and modest lift through the column over
    much of the Mid-Atlantic. This setup will support the development
    of scattered to numerous thunderstorms that will likely have slower
    storm motions. Recent rains have lowered local FFGs and increased
    sensitivity across the region. Areal average QPF for the region
    will be in the 1 to 3 inch range with isolated maximums in excess
    of 3 inches will be possible. A Slight Risk for excessive rainfall
    is in effect for extreme western Maryland, eastern West Virginia, northern/central/south-central Virginia and north-central North
    Carolina. A Marginal Risk area spans from northeast
    Georgia/northwest South Carolina to southern Pennsylvania and
    southeast Ohio.


    An unstable airmass coupled with lingering deep layer moisture
    will promote isolated to widely scattered thunderstorm activity
    capable of localized flooding, especially within urbanized zones.
    Any of these storms will have the capability to produce 2 to 4
    inches, especially along the coastline. A Marginal Risk for
    excessive rainfall is in effect for central portions of the


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 30 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 01 2024


    High pressure to the north, and a developing surface reflection
    off the Mid-Atlantic coast thanks to the upstream trough will
    create a persistent northeasterly flow setup with greater upslope
    emphasis within the terrain across Western Virginia into the
    far eastern West Virginia. There will be an enhancement of forcing
    through the column of atmosphere near the Appalachian/Blue Ridge
    spine that may result in hourly rainfall rates of 1 to 1.5
    inches/hour during this period. Soils near saturation from recent
    rains will keep the threat for flash flooding elevated for much of
    this region thus maintained a Slight Risk for excessive rainfall
    for extreme south-central Pennsylvania, western Maryland, eastern
    West Virginia and northern/central Virginia. A Marginal Risk area
    spans from northeast Tennessee/northwest North Carolina to southern Pennsylvania.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Oct 01 2024 - 12Z Wed Oct 02 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Monday, September 30, 2024 09:17:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 300809

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    409 AM EDT Mon Sep 30 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 30 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 01 2024


    The latest guidance continues to show the south/southeast trend of
    where the heaviest rain is expected to occur Monday across the
    Virginias. During this time the slow moving upper low will be transferring
    its energy to a coastal low feature located offshore Virginia and
    North Carolina. This will likely lead to a prolonged local
    enhancement in hourly rainfall rates near the Blue Ridge of 1 to
    1.5 inches/hour during this period. Soils near saturation from
    recent rains will keep the threat for flash flooding elevated for
    much of this region. A Slight Risk for excessive rainfall remains
    in effect for extreme eastern West Virginia, northern/central
    Virginia, and north-central North Carolina. The Marginal Risk was
    extended to cover much of coastal North Carolina in association
    with the developing coastal low potentially locally increasing
    rainfall totals due to slow- moving convection especially on the
    western side of Pamlico Sound.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Oct 01 2024 - 12Z Wed Oct 02 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Oct 02 2024 - 12Z Thu Oct 03 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, October 01, 2024 09:29:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 011241

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    841 AM EDT Tue Oct 1 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Oct 01 2024 - 12Z Wed Oct 02 2024


    ...Virginia/North Carolina...

    During this period an area of low pressure will slide off the
    Virginia and North Carolina coast while periods of heavy rainfall
    persists from Richmond south and east through Hampton Roads and
    portions of far northeastern North Carolina and the northern Outer
    Banks. A majority of the rain is expected through about mid-
    afternoon. Rain amounts and coverage with decrease as the low moves
    further offshore. The inherited Marginal Risk was maintained albeit
    with minor adjustments to reflect the latest model guidance and
    WPC forecast.

    ...Central Florida...

    A disturbance moving along the stationary front over central
    Florida may support more widespread shower and thunderstorm
    activity from Tampa through Orlando to the Space Coast Tuesday
    afternoon. Training of the convection and impacts with the urban
    centers may result in isolated flash flooding. The inherited Marginal
    Risk was maintained with a minor southward expansion.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Oct 02 2024 - 12Z Thu Oct 03 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    There will be a lingering potential for convection near the
    eastern coastline that could result in bursts of modest or very
    local heavy rainfall intensities. The threat for excessive rainfall
    and flooding concerns will remain below the 5 percent threshold for
    this period.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Oct 03 2024 - 12Z Fri Oct 04 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    There is a non zero possibility for locally modest to heavy
    rainfall to move northward from the Gulf of Mexico along the Gulf
    Coast anywhere from the Mississippi River delta to west of the
    Florida bend. There is a fair amount of model spread that further
    serves to decrease confidence on where any of these storms may
    occur. At this time a trends suggest that the bulk of the heaviest
    rainfall will remain south of the coastline.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, October 02, 2024 08:09:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 020757

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    357 AM EDT Wed Oct 2 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Oct 02 2024 - 12Z Thu Oct 03 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    There will be a lingering potential for convection near the
    eastern coastline that could result in bursts of modest or very
    local heavy rainfall intensities. The threat for excessive rainfall
    and flooding concerns will remain below the 5 percent threshold for
    this period.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Oct 03 2024 - 12Z Fri Oct 04 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    For a few days now there has been a signal for moderate to possibly locally heavy rainfall to move northward from the Gulf of Mexico into far
    southeast portions of Louisiana and up near the Mississippi River
    delta. This is associated with moisture convergence along a quasi-
    stationary frontal boundary over the northern Gulf of Mexico. There
    have been a fair amount of spread on where and how much will occur
    and that has not resolved much for this round of guidance. In
    general consensus keeps the highest QPF over the Gulf while a
    couple of solutions suggest 2-3+ inches may reach the coastal water
    and the wetlands. In coordination with the local forecast office
    in New Orleans the forecast QPF will likely not lead to any impacts
    of significance for the wetland areas of southeast Louisiana
    especially given their recent drier stretch. The Marginal Risk area
    was removed for this period.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Oct 04 2024 - 12Z Sat Oct 05 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    As mentioned during the Day 2 period there has been a multi-day
    pattern where the convection is just offshore the Gulf Coast but
    within the convection there could be a few inches of isolated heavy
    rainfall. The spread for this period favors a placement more over
    the Gulf than the Gulf Coastline. There is a non zero potential for
    localized moderate, possibly heavy rainfall intensities however
    nothing that is expected to become problematic at this time.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thursday, October 03, 2024 09:27:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 030828

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    428 AM EDT Thu Oct 3 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Oct 03 2024 - 12Z Fri Oct 04 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    The latest guidance continues to have heavier QPF over the
    Southeast Louisiana Parishes with areal averages of 2 to 3 inches
    for areas along and south of I-10 from near New Orleans through
    Biloxi towards Mobile, with some of the CAMs as much as 3 to 5
    inches near the coastline. Spread persists in the placement of the
    local maxima with the highest potential likely over either St.
    Bernard or Plaquemines Parishes, both areas that are very difficult
    to flood due to the swampy land structures and sandier soils that
    limit flash flood potential.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Oct 04 2024 - 12Z Sat Oct 05 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    During this period there will be broad cyclonic over the Western
    Gulf along with deep tropical air that advects into the flow. This
    will result in convection that breaks out across the Gulf and
    creeps inland into South Texas. A majority of the guidance
    maintainsthe highest QPF offshore however there could be 0.75 to
    1.5 inches that occurs in South Texas that should provide
    beneficial moisture to the area rather than pose as an threat for
    local flooding concerns.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Oct 05 2024 - 12Z Sun Oct 06 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Friday, October 04, 2024 09:42:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 040733

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    333 AM EDT Fri Oct 4 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Oct 04 2024 - 12Z Sat Oct 05 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Oct 05 2024 - 12Z Sun Oct 06 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Oct 06 2024 - 12Z Mon Oct 07 2024


    A tropical wave or weak and slow-moving disturbance over the Gulf
    will drift east into the Florida Peninsula Sunday. Multiple inches
    of rain are expected through the day from Tampa south into the
    Keys. The heaviest rain is expected Sunday afternoon and evening,
    where added instability from diurnal heating will locally increase
    rainfall rates. The slow-moving nature of any storms will be the
    greatest contributor to flash flooding. FFGs have recovered since
    Helene last week, so despite the forecast of 2-4 inches of rain
    broadly over the Florida Gulf coast, only isolated flash flooding
    is expected at this point.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Saturday, October 05, 2024 07:43:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 050745

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    345 AM EDT Sat Oct 5 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Oct 05 2024 - 12Z Sun Oct 06 2024


    ...Deep South Texas...

    Easterly flow to the north of a developing but weak low over the
    western Gulf that is the focus for widely scattered thunderstorm
    activity over the Gulf is forcing storms to move inland from the
    Gulf over Padre and South Padre Islands this morning. A cold front
    will push south across Deep South Texas today, which will push the
    tropical moisture south into Mexico, so the threat for flash
    flooding is confined to the immediate coast down to Brownsville for
    the day today. The flood threat should abate by tonight.

    ...South Florida...

    The urban corridor of southeast Florida, including Miami may see
    occasional heavy rain from westward-moving thunderstorms this
    afternoon and evening. The storms should continue moving and weaken
    as they move inland, so the threat while non-zero, should remain
    under Marginal Risk levels. Better agreement in the CAMs may
    necessitate a Marginal Risk issuance for this area with the midday


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Oct 06 2024 - 12Z Mon Oct 07 2024


    A trough developing ahead of a slowly developing tropical low over
    the Gulf will form over the southern Florida Peninsula on Sunday.
    The air mass the trough will be developing in will be incredibly moisture-rich...with PWATs anywhere from 2.2 to 2.6 inches. This
    will be close to the climatological maximum for this time of
    year...between the 95th and 99th percentile and more than 3 sigma
    above normal. The predominant mid-level wind flow will switch from northeasterly to southwesterly during the period, resulting in
    chaotic storm motions. The heaviest rainfall totals will be along
    both coasts, from Tampa south through Cape Coral on the Gulf Coast
    as well as from the Treasure Coast south through Miami on the
    Atlantic side. This bimodal distribution of QPF suggests
    organization will be somewhat lacking, depending more on mesoscale
    phenomena such as sea breezes or differential heating between the
    urban areas and their surroundings.

    This will likely be the first day of several where heavy rain will
    be common and widespread across the Florida Peninsula. In the
    increasingly likely event a tropical cyclone eventually develops in
    the Gulf and moves towards the Florida Peninsula mid to late week,
    this will be the first day of the predecessor rain event, or PRE.

    Given high FFGs areally and this being the first day of the PRE, a
    Marginal Risk was left intact for this area, but further increases
    in forecast rainfall may require a Slight Risk for some of the
    urban areas with future updates.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Oct 07 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 08 2024


    Conditions across the Florida Peninsula will continue to
    deteriorate on Monday. The PRE is expected to continue to
    intensify, making for a second full day of periodic heavy rainfall
    across the Peninsula. Both overall rainfall amounts and coverage
    north up the Peninsula will increase on Monday as compared with
    Sunday. All but the fastest guidance suggest that should a tropical
    cyclone form over the Gulf, it will remain well west of the Florida
    Peninsula through Monday night. This means the PRE will remain in
    full force across the Peninsula. Once again, there will be a
    bimodal distribution of the precipitation...but much more
    pronounced. The focus will remain along both coasts, albeit heavier
    and spread north. Given the expected heavy rainfall from Day
    2/Sunday, by Monday most soils should be at or near saturation.
    This means most of the day's rains will convert to runoff in most

    With heavier rainfall expected in the urban areas along both
    coasts, a Slight Risk upgrade was introduced with this update, in
    coordination with MFL/Miami, FL; TBW/Tampa, FL; and MLB/Melbourne,
    FL forecast offices. With better definition as to how and where any
    tropical cyclone may develop over the Gulf, this will improve the
    forecast for the PRE on Monday. This will apply both to where the
    heaviest rain may occur as well as how heavy the amounts will be.
    Further, with the hindsight of where Sunday's rainfall will occur,
    it's possible additional upgrades may be needed with future
    forecasts...though a preponderance of the guidance suggests any
    direct effects of a potential tropical cyclone will hold until
    after this period. Depending on how the heaviest rain areas align
    on Monday with Sunday, some areas may be approaching 2 day totals
    of 10 inches of rain by Tuesday morning. These amounts of rain in
    any urban areas could approach Moderate Risk level impacts.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, October 06, 2024 09:59:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 060758

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    358 AM EDT Sun Oct 6 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Oct 06 2024 - 12Z Mon Oct 07 2024


    In coordination with the MFL/Miami, FL forecast office, a Moderate
    Risk upgrade was introduced with this update.

    A weak surface low is developing over the eastern Gulf well east of
    T.S. Milton, but in the same plume of incredibly deep tropical
    moisture. The low will drift southeastward toward south Florida.
    This will increase the easterly flow over the Straits of Florida
    between the Bahamas and Florida. This increased easterly flow in an
    air mass with PWATs between 2.25 and 2.5 inches will both increase
    the concentration and intensity of resultant thunderstorms over the
    Gold Coast.

    Portions of the Ft. Lauderdale and Miami metros saw up to 3 inches
    of rain on Saturday. Rainfall amounts today and especially tonight
    may accumulate to over 6 inches in that time. With saturated soils
    and urban effects, the threat for ponding and flooding in the area
    has greatly increased. Expect numerous areas of ponding and
    flooding from today's rainfall, which necessitated the Moderate
    Risk upgrade.

    Elsewhere, the surrounding Slight Risk was expanded to include the
    Gulf Coast from Tampa south and the Atlantic coast from Cape
    Canaveral south. The aforementioned low will enhance rainfall rates
    along much of the Gulf Coast from Tampa south, where heavy rainfall
    Saturday caused localized flash flooding. This additional rainfall
    on saturated soils will cause renewed flash flooding, mostly in
    urban areas. Further north up the Atlantic coast, similar
    convergence as further south is expected, but with lesser forcing,
    resulting in lower rainfall amounts for the Treasure and Space
    Coasts. Widely scattered instances of flash flooding are expected.

    Finally, for the middle of the Florida Peninsula, the area will be
    furthest from the strongest forcing, resulting in a local minimum
    of rainfall. Since the area will not have tidal flooding concerns
    and is somewhat less developed, only isolated flash flooding is
    expected. The threat for heavy rainfall will continue up to the
    Georgia coast however, where a local convergence zone may develop
    as indicated in several of the CAMs. The Marginal was expanded
    north to account for this possibility.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Oct 07 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 08 2024


    The weak surface low that will bring heavy rain to south Florida on
    Sunday will continue eastward over the Peninsula and into the
    Bahamas by Monday afternoon. Heavy rain will likely continue over
    the southern Peninsula through at least Monday morning. There is
    considerable disagreement on the track, strength and the speed of
    the low, which will play a major role in how long the heavy rain
    persists into Monday afternoon. With somewhat better agreement that
    rainfall amounts will at least be lower than on Sunday, the Slight
    risk for the area that was inherited was largely maintained, albeit
    including some of the interior of the Peninsula as soils become
    saturated area-wide, resulting in close to 100% conversion of heavy
    rain to runoff. An internal higher-end Slight is in place for the
    Gold Coast, for the potential that should amounts from Sunday
    verify, then another targeted Moderate Risk upgrade will be
    necessary. Meanwhile, a second day of very heavy rain and
    thunderstorms is expected to impact all of the Keys, which at high
    tide times may cause flooding due to poor drainage.

    With some of the other CAMs moving the low across the southern
    Peninsula and east to the Bahamas, portions of the Gulf Coast,
    especially north of Ft. Myers/Cape Coral up through Tampa are in
    the rare decreasing trend in the forecast rainfall amounts on
    Monday. Thus, the Slight that extended up through Tampa was
    downgraded to a Marginal north of Ft. Myers/Cape Coral with this


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Oct 08 2024 - 12Z Wed Oct 09 2024


    The PRE (predecessor rain event) will enter its third and final day
    over the Florida Peninsula on Tuesday. The trough that occasionally
    spins up weak surface lows will remain in place across the
    Peninsula. The circulation of what will then be Hurricane Milton
    will make its approach to the Gulf Coast of Florida, likely near
    Tampa very late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning. At this
    time, expect little of the rainfall directly associated with
    Milton's core to yet impact the Florida Peninsula. Of course, with
    future updates and forecast changes from NHC, this may change.
    Given the inherent uncertainty with the track and speed of this
    small hurricane, the Slight over the Peninsula was maintained,
    albeit with some filling in in the middle of the Peninsula near the
    Orlando area. There remains a bimodal distribution of the rain with
    much more expected along the Gulf coast from Tampa down through
    Naples, but with a secondary maximum for the Space and First

    With the latest guidance, there is some offset of the axis of
    heaviest rainfall ahead of Milton. The northward trend will reduce
    amounts in portions of the hard-hit Gold Coast in favor of more
    rain for the northern Peninsula towards the First Coast. By Tuesday
    the greatest overlap will be over the Gulf Coast. It is here than
    an internal higher-end Slight was introduced for the Tampa through
    Naples area due to increasing amounts of heavy rain moving into the
    coast, being moved along by the predominant southwesterly flow in
    the trough ahead of Milton's core circulation. Heavy rainfall both
    the past couple days as well as expected both today and Tuesday
    should keep all of the soils on the Florida Peninsula at or near
    saturation, resulting in nearly all of the rainfall converting to
    runoff. Thus, progressively less rainfall will be needed to result
    in flooding.

    Despite Milton and directly associated rains largely holding to the
    Day 4/Wednesday period, it appears that similar to Helene, most of
    the rain over the Florida Peninsula will be associated with the
    PRE, while the heaviest rain (as well as wind and storm surge) will
    conclude the multi-day rain event with Milton moving through,
    causing much more widespread flooding.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Monday, October 07, 2024 09:52:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 070823

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    423 AM EDT Mon Oct 7 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Oct 07 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 08 2024


    Very few changes were made to the inherited EROs for this period.

    A leading low, front, and surface trough over the eastern Gulf and
    Florida well ahead of Hurricane Milton continues to spread rain
    over nearly all of the Florida Peninsula this morning. The low will
    shift east over the Everglades and South Florida today. Ahead of
    the low, additional showers and thunderstorms capable of very heavy
    rainfall rates due to the extremely moist environment will
    continue. Portions of the Gold Coast saw 2-4 inches of rain
    yesterday, resulting in localized flash flooding, so the potential
    for that much rain again today supports the continuance of the
    Moderate Risk. The trailing front south and west of the low will
    remain stationary near Southwest Florida and the Keys. This will
    keep the threat for heavy rainfall ongoing through tonight. The
    Slight Risk area remains in place for these regions as far
    southwest Florida is the swampy Everglades and the Keys present
    very small targets for heavy rain. If training cells were to move
    over the Keys during high tide then flooding is probable.

    HREF probabilities suggest the heaviest rain today all over south
    Florida are more likely to remain offshore, so the heavy rain
    threat is slightly lower today compared to yesterday/Sunday.
    Convergence along the Atlantic coast remains prevalent today, so
    the Slight Risk remains in place to the north through the Space and
    Treasure Coasts. With the center of the low tracking over south
    Florida and off to the east towards the Bahamas, this should give
    the likely landfall areas of the Gulf Coast north of Ft. Myers
    through Tampa a general reprieve from heavy rain for most of today.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Oct 08 2024 - 12Z Wed Oct 09 2024


    There will be a general lull in the overall general rainfall across
    Florida on Tuesday. The "calm before the storm". The low impacting
    most of the state Monday will be well east of the Bahamas by
    Tuesday, while the rainfall directly associated with Hurricane
    Milton will likely remain off or just arriving at the Gulf Coast
    before 12Z Wednesday. Nevertheless, widespread light to moderate
    rainfall will impact the state Tuesday and Tuesday night. Thus, any
    resultant flooding will be largely due to favorable antecedent
    conditions due to generally widespread saturated soils across the
    Peninsula. Further, continued extremely moist atmospheric
    conditions consistent with the deep tropical air mass with PWATs
    around 2.25 inches will still support locally heavy rainfall with
    any convection that manages to form.

    On the Atlantic side, a convergence zone may remain over the Space
    and Treasure Coasts on Tuesday, which could locally organize any
    convection and result in locally heavier rainfall over these mostly
    urban areas. Meanwhile over the Gold Coast, a local minimum of
    rainfall may develop, but the heavy rain there the past couple days
    as well as some chance of shower and thunderstorm activity may
    cause widely scattered localized flooding. No changes were made to
    the ERO risk areas.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Oct 09 2024 - 12Z Thu Oct 10 2024


    The main circulation of Hurricane Milton will cross the Florida
    Peninsula on Wednesday. There remains considerable uncertainty as
    to where the center will make landfall, which will of course play a
    huge role as to where the heaviest rainfall amounts will be. See
    the NHC forecast for the latest track. The storm is expected to be
    undergoing increasing shear, beginning extratropical transition,
    growing in size, and ingesting dry air. Thus, there is decent
    agreement that at landfall, the storm will be weakening. This
    should help to reduce the rainfall south of the circulation center
    as dry air ingestion associated with extratropical transition
    should quickly erode the rain-producing storms southwest of the
    center. Very dry air behind a southward moving front will greatly
    cut into rainfall amounts on the northern fringe of the
    circulation. Thus, expect there to be a tight gradient of rainfall
    both on the south and north sides of the circulation, but for
    different reasons. The ERO risk areas have been expanded in both
    directions due to track and storm size uncertainties, especially
    towards the north, with the Moderate Risk expanded into far
    southeastern Georgia, and the surrounding Slight and Marginal
    expanded into the Low Country of coastal southern South Carolina.
    This may be optimistic, but these expansions were made primarily
    due to uncertainties, and will likely be refined in the coming

    For the moment, there are several reasons a High Risk was not
    considered in no particular order: 1) The storm will be weakening
    prior to landfall which may temper rainfall amounts a little bit,
    2) Milton's small size should reduce the areal coverage of the
    heaviest rain, 3) The primary rain footprint of Milton over north
    Florida will largely miss where the hardest hit areas of the PRE in
    south Florida are. Of course there is some overlap, but not nearly
    as much as with Helene, 4) The core of the heaviest rain at the
    moment is expected to track from north of Tampa northeast through
    around Jacksonville. This area has been relatively dry in recent
    days compared to areas further south, 5) Milton will be moving
    quickly and accelerating. This will reduce the time the heaviest
    rain has along and north of the track to result in widespread and
    numerous flash floods, 6) The inclusion of CAMs and higher
    certainty with the track may help to narrow down where a potential
    High Risk may be needed with future forecasts. For now with Day 3
    being outside the CAMs time range, the large Moderate will

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tuesday, October 08, 2024 07:44:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 080816

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    416 AM EDT Tue Oct 8 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Oct 08 2024 - 12Z Wed Oct 09 2024


    No significant changes were made to the ERO risk areas for this period.

    "The calm before the storm" will be in place over much of Florida
    today. This isn't to say it won't rain anywhere...but the risk of
    heavy rain causing flooding on most of the Peninsula today will
    most certainly be the lowest of the next few days. A stationary
    front in the same tropical moisture plume as Milton is draped
    across southern Florida. This is providing a focus for heavier
    showers and storms south of the front from Miami south through the
    Keys. Since the storms are tracking parallel to the front, training
    is a significant concern this morning. As any mesolow tracking
    along the front moves off, the heavy rain threat in the Keys should
    diminish by this afternoon due to increasing influence of Milton.
    For the rest of the Florida Peninsula, most of today should be dry,
    especially the further north you go. This is because drier air
    associated with a jet across the Panhandle is sinking southward
    with a front and will ultimately catch Milton and force
    extratropical transition as it approaches Florida. For today
    however, it will keep things largely dry along and north of the
    eventual track of the storm.

    The rainfall threat (and the basis for the ongoing Slight) is
    largely tied to any showers and storms that may form...most likely
    from mesoscale effects like differential heating and sea breezes.
    Due to an excess of atmospheric moisture over most of Florida with
    PWATs of 2.25 to 2.75 inches today, any storms that form, even if
    disorganized and not associated with any discernible forcing...will
    have a superabundance of moisture to work with to convert to
    rainfall. Much of south Florida has seen multiple inches of rain
    over the past few days. While not prolific enough to cause
    widespread flooding concerns, they have kept soils close to
    saturated. This will play a role in the eventual flooding concerns
    with Milton. 00Z HREF guidance highlights portions of the Treasure
    Coast with the highest chances of 3 inches or more of rain today
    not directly associated with Milton.

    A higher end Slight remains in place for the Gulf Coast from Tampa
    south through Naples. This is largely tied to the initial rain
    bands from Milton which will begin to impact the coast in the
    predawn hours Wednesday before the start of the Day 2 period.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Oct 09 2024 - 12Z Thu Oct 10 2024



    With the ingestion of some of the longer range CAMs into the model
    suite, the forecasted rainfall directly associated with Hurricane
    Milton's crossing of the Florida Peninsula has increased markedly
    from previous forecasts. The latest storm total rainfall has over
    11 inches of rain for Tampa, 8 inches near and north of Orlando,
    and 5.5 inches for Jacksonville. The corridor of the High risk
    following the entire length of I-4 has seen the most impactful
    increases in forecasted rainfall. Obviously there has been a nearly
    historic increase in Milton's strength in the last 24 hours, and
    all of this added energy and Gulf moisture will mean more rainfall
    to come along its track, despite its fast forward speed.

    The heaviest rainfall amounts along I-4 and north will generally
    will be immediately along and north of the most probable track of
    Milton's center. As mentioned in the NHC discussions, Milton is
    expected to be well into the process of extratropical transition by
    the time the storm crosses the Peninsula. This process should
    greatly limit the amount of rainfall expected south of the center,
    as dry air entrainment into the southwest quadrant of the storm is
    an essential aspect of the extratropical transition process. Thus,
    nearly all of the impressive tropical moisture associated with
    Milton will be focused along and north of the center, and therefore
    represents the greatest threats for flash flooding. The ERO risk
    categories drop off a bit slower on the south side since the
    predecessor rainfall event (PRE) of the past couple days and today
    was largely focused on south Florida, as the stationary front that
    has been there has persisted. Inflow into Milton's circulation and
    the eventual development of a cold front south of the center
    should still lead to bands of rain criss-crossing south Florida
    from west to east. Since the PRE saturated this area the most...the
    lesser amounts of rain expected here may still cause flooding
    impacts...so the ERO risk categories south of the track may be a
    bit generous.

    Meanwhile on the north side of the circulation, abundant dry air
    associated with a separate cold front and jet streak over the
    Panhandle and far north Florida should act as a very effective sink
    for the portion of Milton's rainfall that drifts too far away from
    the center. Since this area has been quite dry in recent days, the
    threat for flooding will be much more constricted, and therefore
    the ERO risk categories are much more compact.

    The additional rainfall now in the forecast will be one factor for flooding...while another one will be storm surge and tidal
    flooding, especially south of the center where the flow will be
    onshore and to a slightly lesser but still impactful extent, to
    the north of the center on the Atlantic side where there will also
    be onshore flow. At the time of high tide and the storm surge, the
    added water from the Gulf/Atlantic will effectively block effective
    drainage from the rainfall falling over the interior. The 6-12
    inches (with locally higher amounts of rainfall) having nowhere to
    drain due to the high tide and storm surge flooding will also work
    to exacerbate the flooding impacts from Milton since that rain
    water will have nowhere to drain.

    Given all of the above, and despite the small to medium size of the
    storm and the acceleration of the storm in the forecast, a High
    Risk was introduced in coordination with TBW/Tampa, FL;
    MLB/Melbourne, FL, and JAX/Jacksonville, FL forecast offices. It's
    probable that the greatest flooding impacts will be with storm
    surge primarily, but also the portions of the nearshore rivers,
    streams, and creeks (especially near landfall) where the inland
    flood waters from heavy rainfall are unable to drain to the Gulf.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Oct 10 2024 - 12Z Fri Oct 11 2024


    A rare double upgrade was introduced with this update, with
    potential for further adjustments with future updates. The latest
    guidance suggests that the wraparound rain to the north and
    northwest of the center of Milton will persist well into the day on
    Thursday. Thus, associated forecast rainfall has increased
    markedly from the previous forecasts. For the Moderate Risk area,
    expect an additional 2 to 4 inches of rain after the 12Z/8am
    Thursday start of the day 3 period. With a High Risk on Day 2,
    further increases in the forecast rainfall may require a High Risk
    in this general area to continue into Thursday. Obviously,
    adjustments in the speed and track of Milton as it races off the
    coast will result in additional big changes to this ERO forecast.

    Essentially, the Day 3 ERO is just a continuation of the Day 2
    rainfall with Milton. The vast majority of the rainfall for the
    period will fall during the day Thursday, and expect trimming and
    downgrades through the day as the rain ends from west to east.
    Expect widespread and catastrophic flooding from the Day 2 period
    to continue through the Day 3 period as the rain ends.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thursday, October 10, 2024 08:03:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 100827

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    427 AM EDT Thu Oct 10 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Oct 10 2024 - 12Z Fri Oct 11 2024


    Heavy rainfall from Milton continues to quickly move east across
    the Florida Peninsula. Additional rain of 1 to 4 inches is likely
    over the next couple hours along portions of the central and
    northern FL east coast. However based on recent radar and HRRR
    trends it appears likely that most, if not all, of this heavier
    rain will be offshore by 12z this morning. Thus while areas of
    considerable flash flooding will continue over the next few hours,
    the expectation is that additional flash flooding after 12z will be
    minimal. For that reason we will carry only a Marginal risk on the
    new day 1 ERO that goes into effect at 12z this morning. The
    ongoing High risk remains valid for the next couple hours until
    12z. Keep in mind that even after the heavy rain ends, significant
    areal and river flooding will continue to be a concern in areas
    that have received significant rainfall.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Oct 11 2024 - 12Z Sat Oct 12 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Oct 12 2024 - 12Z Sun Oct 13 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Friday, October 11, 2024 08:27:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 110721

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    321 AM EDT Fri Oct 11 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Oct 11 2024 - 12Z Sat Oct 12 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    Easterly low level flow will bring showery conditions to the
    central and southeast Atlantic coast of FL today into tonight.
    However with PWs below 2" and instability limited not currently
    expecting rainfall rates or totals to reach levels of concern for
    flash flooding. Thus we will continue to carry no risk area in the


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Oct 12 2024 - 12Z Sun Oct 13 2024


    Moisture and instability return northward into southern FL Saturday
    into Saturday night, with PWs increasing towards 2.25" and CAPE
    over 1000 j/kg. Meanwhile a weak wave moving into the eastern Gulf
    of Mexico may result in an uptick in low level flow and
    convergence. Thus expect we should gradually see an uptick in
    convective coverage this weekend over the Keys into south FL.

    Easterly low level flow and westerly upper level winds support the
    potential for slow moving convective cells near the coastal
    convergence axis. Timing remains a bit uncertain, and the better
    convective coverage may end up more over the Keys this period
    (where flash flooding is harder to come by), but given the
    increasing moisture and instability there is at least a conditional
    threat of localized flash flooding Saturday into Saturday night
    into the more urban areas of southeast FL. If deep convection does
    indeed develop then urban flash flooding is possible from the
    upper Keys into southeast FL.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Oct 13 2024 - 12Z Mon Oct 14 2024


    The risk on day 3 is a continuation of the threat on day 2 over
    Southeast FL. The overall thermodynamic ingredients remain the
    same, however there is a chance that forcing will be stronger by
    Sunday. Still some timing and positional differences amongst the
    guidance, but the general consensus is for a weak wave to move
    across FL Sunday, which should both result in a subtle uptick in
    mid/upper forcing and locally enhance lower level convergence.

    Thus currently expecting a greater chance of loosely organized
    convective clusters Sunday into Sunday night...and with wind fields
    still supporting slow moving cells...this activity could tend to
    anchor along the coastal convergence axis for a while. Thus
    isolated urban flash flooding is considered possible. Certainly a
    chance that a Slight risk may be needed for one of these weekend
    days...but given some uncertainty with the synoptic evolution and
    convective coverage, think a good first step is just introducing
    Marginal risks for both days 2 and 3 (Sat and Sun) and continue to
    monitor trends.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Saturday, October 12, 2024 08:57:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 120752

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    352 AM EDT Sat Oct 12 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Oct 12 2024 - 12Z Sun Oct 13 2024


    Moisture and instability return northward into southern Florida
    today which should result in deeper convection and the potential
    for higher rainfall rates with PWs increasing towards 2.25".
    Meanwhile a weak wave moving into the eastern Gulf of Mexico should
    result in an uptick in low level flow and convergence. Thus expect
    we should gradually see an uptick in deeper convective coverage
    over the Keys into south FL and the adjacent waters today into

    The overall synoptic pattern still looks to favor slow moving
    convective cells along and near the coastal convergence axis given
    easterly low level flow and westerly upper level winds. Timing and
    the CAPE distribution over land remain a bit uncertain. Some model
    guidance wants to keep the better instability and convergence
    offshore or over the Keys, while others shift these ingredients
    more into the Southeast Fl coastal urban corridor. This decreases
    confidence with regards to convective evolution.

    The ingredients in place in the vicinity certainly support the
    potential for a localized higher end flash flood event somewhere
    within the southeast FL urban corridor today and/or tonight.
    However the signal in the 00z HREF guidance is mixed, and overall
    just not seeing enough in the probability fields to suggest we are
    at Slight risk level coverage or confidence at this time. Thus we
    will maintain the Marginal risk and continue to monitor
    observational and model trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Oct 13 2024 - 12Z Mon Oct 14 2024


    The risk on day 2 is a continuation of the threat on day 1 over
    Southeast Florida. The overall thermodynamic ingredients remain
    similar, however there is still spread with the mesoscale to
    synoptic setup. The 00z GFS and ECMWF have trended quicker with the
    weak wave and suggest the better organized convective risk Sunday
    will now be offshore and over the Bahamas. However the Gem Reg and
    some HREF members appear slower and focus more convection over
    south FL.

    The uncertainty in these details appears too large to go with
    anything more than a Marginal risk at this time. Overall do tend to
    think the flood risk Sunday is trending down compared to what it
    looked like last night (given the trends noted in the ECMWF and
    GFS), but favorable moisture and instability parameters suggest at
    least a localized flash flood risk could persist.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Oct 14 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 15 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Sunday, October 13, 2024 08:55:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 130801

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    401 AM EDT Sun Oct 13 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Oct 13 2024 - 12Z Mon Oct 14 2024


    No changes were made to the inherited Marginal risk area over the
    southeast FL urban corridor. Isolated convection will be ongoing at
    12z this morning along the coastal convergence axis...with another
    round of activity likely this afternoon. It is the afternoon
    convection that appears to have better instability to work with,
    and thus a better chance of more robust development. Coverage
    remains a question, but high res guidance suggests a weak surface
    trough/wave moving across south FL should help locally enhance
    convergence this afternoon.

    With any deeper convection tapping into the stronger westerly flow
    aloft, the tendency may be for cells to have more of an eastward
    motion this afternoon, limiting rainfall duration as cells move
    offshore. However if low level easterly flow is strong enough
    and/or the low level convergence axis is persistent enough, then
    we could see at least some cell training for a period of time.
    Overall the ingredients are in place to suggest a localized flash
    flood risk is a possibility. HREF guidance supports isolated 3"
    totals, but there is minimal model support for amounts much higher
    than that. The Marginal risk should cover this isolated urban
    flash flood threat...as not seeing enough support for Slight risk
    level impacts/coverage at this time.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Oct 14 2024 - 12Z Tue Oct 15 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Oct 15 2024 - 12Z Wed Oct 16 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 09:26:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 160802

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    402 AM EDT Wed Oct 16 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Oct 16 2024 - 12Z Thu Oct 17 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less than
    5 percent.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Oct 17 2024 - 12Z Fri Oct 18 2024

    ...2030Z Update...

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Oct 18 2024 - 12Z Sat Oct 19 2024


    Longwave pattern will evolve into a fairly prolific upper
    trough/closed-low over the Great Basin, slowly migrating eastward
    with sights on the Four Corners. Large scale ascent will become
    maximized downstream of the mean trough with a pronounced diffluent
    pattern in-of the Southern Rockies, including the Sangre de Cristo
    and San Juan mountain ranges where heavier precip is forecast. A
    cold front will slowly propagate eastward from the primary
    disturbance with a return flow setup pressing westward across the
    Eastern NM plains on the western flank of a sprawling surface high
    east of the Mississippi. A secondary cold front to the north will
    plunge southward thanks to a strong ridge of high pressure
    developing upstream in wake of the primary western low, along with
    a lee side trough developing over the Front Range. The tandem of
    boundaries and backed flow will converge over Northern NM with a
    strong isentropic ascent pattern initiating later Friday evening
    through Saturday AM and beyond.

    Convective signals are most pronounced in the initial stages of
    the pattern evolution mainly due to the return flow setup where
    more unstable air will advect northwestward into the Eastern NM
    plains before banking against the lee of the Southern Rockies. Both
    ensemble and deterministic output for heavy precip are locked in
    across the area encompassing much of Northern NM, but especially
    within the confines of places like Raton and points south where
    topographic enhancement within the convergent axis will generate
    local precip maxima when the convergence pattern truly solidifies
    late in the period. Totals of 1-2" of precip are forecast on the
    southern edge of the San Juans down into portions of the Sangre de
    Cristos, closing in on some of the prevalent burn scars in the
    region. A secondary maxima of 1-2" is forecast over that main axis
    of convergence over Northeastern NM in vicinity of the eastern
    flank of the Sangre de Cristos, including places like Taos and
    Angel Fire over into parts of the plains in the lee of the mountain
    chain. The period before will be more of a primer for the main
    event this period through the following D4 time frame. The
    combination of better moisture return and large scale forcing via
    diffluent mid- level flow and jet coupling provides ample support
    for a continuation of the previous MRGL risk, as well as an
    expansion of the risk area further southwest and east to match the
    ensemble QPF footprint in areas of highest convective potential.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thursday, October 17, 2024 08:57:00
    FOUS30 KWBC 170804

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    404 AM EDT Thu Oct 17 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Oct 17 2024 - 12Z Fri Oct 18 2024

    Relative progressive nature of precipitation across Northern NM
    will alleviate much of the flash flood concerns this afternoon,
    however the very low FFG's in place over each existing burn scar
    within the Sangre de Cristos will offer an opportunity for
    localized flooding within each impacted zone. Current HREF probs
    for >1" of precip is around 50-60% within the neighborhood derived
    analysis. This is still very lacking within the EAS prob field
    leading to a pattern of less widespread heavier precipitation
    totals and more relegated to very localized maxima likely over the
    tops of the mountain chain. The best depiction is outlined over the
    San Juan Mountains where a majority of the precipitation will fall
    as snow or a rain/snow mix mitigating the threat for flash flooding
    during the period. This has allowed for a continuation of the nil
    ERO across the CONUS, but still a non-zero presence within the burn
    scars of Northern NM.

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less than
    5 percent.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Oct 18 2024 - 12Z Sat Oct 19 2024


    Longwave pattern will continue evolving into a fairly prolific
    upper trough/closed-low over the Great Basin, slowly migrating
    eastward with sights on the Four Corners. Large scale ascent will
    become maximized downstream of the mean trough with a pronounced
    diffluent pattern in-of the Southern Rockies, including the Sangre
    de Cristo and San Juan mountain ranges where heavier precip is
    forecast. A cold front will slowly propagate eastward from the
    primary disturbance with a return flow setup pressing westward
    across the Eastern NM plains on the western flank of a sprawling
    surface high east of the Mississippi. A secondary cold front to the
    north will plunge southward thanks to a strong ridge of high
    pressure developing upstream in wake of the primary western low,
    along with a lee side trough developing over the Front Range. The
    tandem of boundaries and backed flow will converge over Northern NM
    with a strong isentropic ascent pattern initiating later Friday
    evening through Saturday AM and beyond.

    There has been very little deviation in the guidance to amass much
    of a change compared to the previous forecast, so a general
    continuity was maintained from the inherited MRGL risk across the
    Four Corners into Northern NM. Ensemble guidance is in relative
    agreement on the placement of two maxima during the forecast
    period; one located Northeast AZ into Southeast UT with the initial
    diffluent signature ahead of the evolving upper low over the Great
    Basin, and the secondary maxima across Northeastern NM where the
    convergence pattern aided by increasing large scale ascent will
    generate a period of heavier precip Friday evening into Saturday
    morning and beyond. Each areal maxima is similar with regards to
    precip magnitude with a general neighborhood 1-2" max with a small
    chance at upwards of 2.5" across the western maxima within the best
    upper ascent within the nose of the 100kt 250mb jet streak. The
    secondary maxima is generally within the last 12-hr window
    encompassing 00-12z Saturday with the heaviest QPF footprint
    actually highest in D3 (More on that in the D3 period below). In
    any case, the very dry antecedent conditions, slot canyons, and
    flashier river basins within the Four Corners area will offer a
    greater risk of flash flooding with a secondary threat over the
    remnant burn scars in Northern NM. This allowed for a maintenance
    of the previous MRGL risk.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Oct 19 2024 - 12Z Sun Oct 20 2024


    Closed upper circulation will slowly migrate eastward with a
    persistent diffluent channel focused in-of the Eastern NM High
    Plains up into the Colorado Front Range for Saturday. A uni-
    directional flow located within the lowest 600mb will persistent
    through much, if not all the forecast period allowing for moist
    unstable air to be pulled poleward into the confines of the Caprock
    and points north. ECENS PWAT anomalies are forecast to run upwards
    of 3-3.5 deviations above normal with an M-Climate Percentile
    (Forecasts relative to the last 20 years during time of year) that
    is peeking into the seasonal max, a testament to the anomalous
    nature of the moisture advection regime. With the poleward
    advancement of the airmass, regional theta-E's spike with a theta-E
    ridge positioning located right over the NM/TX border running clear
    into Front Range of CO and nearby KS. This signal is consistent
    with a persistent band of rainfall likely to be situated within the
    theta-E ridge mentioned above and just out ahead of the slow-moving quasi-stationary front trailing the very slow moving to perhaps stationary
    low pressure across Southern CO.

    Precip totals of 2-4" with locally higher amounts are increasingly
    likely within that corridor between Clovis up through Southeastern
    CO with the max likely driven by repeating convection as small
    mid-level perturbations rotate around the general upper circulation
    and move overhead of the areas above. The only saving grace for a
    more significant flash flood potential is the antecedent conditions
    leading in are very dry with the 0-10cm relative soil moisture
    percentiles running between 5-20% across the area anticipated to
    see the most rainfall. Initial rains will be beneficial, but will
    add through the course of the period with waves of heavier rain
    likely exacerbating areas by later in the period into early Sunday.
    The previous SLGT risk was generally maintained with a MRGL
    surrounding. Both risks were expanded somewhat on the southern and
    northern peripheries to account for a trend in an expansion of
    precip latitudinally in either direction. The heaviest will likely
    encompass Eastern NM into Southeast CO with these areas likely
    trending towards the higher end of SLGT risk if the signal remains
    and/or amplifies further.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)