• NYPost Daily Horoscope

    From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, July 12, 2024 08:00:30
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, July 12, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    As love planet Venus opposes passion planet Pluto on your birthday there are sure to be some strong emotions flying about over the coming year. Make sure you keep a clear dividing line between affairs of the heart and your financial and business interests.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    With love planet Venus moving though the relationship area of your chart you won't be able to hide your feelings for a special person - and why would you want to? You may not be the most emotional member of the zodiac but you have your moments!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you have fallen out with a friend or a work colleague then take steps today to get your relationship back on track. You have a lot more in common than
    what keeps you apart, so resolve your differences and find ways to get along.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You should be at peace with the world now that love planet Venus has moved
    into your fellow Fire sign of Leo. However, don't let that blind you to the fact that not everyone you deal with is likely to be honest. Keep your wits about you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You won't find cash hard to come by today and over the weekend but you may
    find it hard to hold on to. Still, if spending money makes you happy then go for it - and spend some on other people too so the happiness gets spread around.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    When dealing with people in positions of power it will pay you to be less trusting than you usually are. Saturn in the career area of your chart is
    going through one of its retrograde phases, which means you need to keep your guard up 24 hours a day.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    It does not matter if the whole world is moving in one direction - if your inner voice tells you to move in the opposite direction then that is what you must do. Refusing to follow the crowd did you no harm in the past and can't harm you now.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Life looks good at the moment and will look even better if you refuse to worry yourself with the sort of petty concerns that some people get riled up about. If everyone had such a positive outlook on life the world would be a much
    nicer place.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Go out of your way to be agreeable with everyone you meet today, even those people who tend to rub you the wrong way the moment they open their mouths. Your positive attitude will have an encouraging knock-on effect on those
    around you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Can wishes come true? They can if you believe in them enough and if you are prepared to back up your dreams with hard work. Some people say Librans are
    too lazy to fulfil their potential but you will prove them wrong today and
    over the weekend.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It may be true that negative thoughts attract negative results but the
    opposite is true as well and if you adopt an optimistic outlook today then
    good things will come your way. Cosmic attraction is a real power that you can harness for your own benefit.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Take time out of your busy schedule to let someone know how much you love
    them. Chances are they know already but it never hurts to labor the point and Venus in one of the best areas of your chart will make it easy for you to be affectionate.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Don't worry if you don't feel like making much of an effort today as there is always tomorrow and the day after that and ... One of the things you need to do less of is to set yourself rigid goals and deadlines. Take life as it comes.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, July 13, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, July 13, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You may not realize it but you are on the verge of an important breakthrough, one that can change your life for the better on numerous levels, so get
    serious about your ambitions and cut out the late nights. Work must come first this year.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You have no option but to roll up your sleeves and get stuck into a task you would like to get finished by the start of next week. The longer you sit there looking at it the closer the deadline will loom and the harder your labor will be.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    What occurs this weekend has the potential to make up for a lot of previous disappointments, but only if you are alert to what's going on around you. If
    an opportunity arises you must go for it instantly - you've done enough thinking and now need to act.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you make a mess of something this weekend you must not try to cover it up. Friends and colleagues will be more inclined to forgive and forget if you hold up your hand and admit your error. They may even praise you for your honesty.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You won't find cash hard to come by today and over the weekend but you may
    find it hard to hold on to. Still, if spending money makes you happy then go for it - and spend some on other people too so the happiness gets spread around.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It may be tempting to spend your way out of your current low mood but common sense should tell you that in the long-term that could make matters worse. Instead, find yourself a quiet space and meditate on all the good things you have in your life.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Make the most of the next few days because when the Sun leaves your sign on
    the 22nd it may not be so easy to focus on your own needs and desires. In
    fact, if you don't get an important project finished soon you could run out of time.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your ability to see through lies and deceptions will come in handy this
    weekend as you will be called on to deal with people whose motives seem a bit suspect. Don't listen so much to what they are saying, watch what they are actually doing.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    What a friend or loved one tells you this weekend may be the opposite of what you wanted to hear but if you are smart you will bow to their greater experience and follow their advice. There is no shame in admitting that others know better than you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The bigger the challenge the more you will like it over the next few days - in fact you may actually go looking for dragons to slay. You are in one of those moods when you feel the need to prove yourself, so the bigger the threat the better.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It is not in your nature to compromise but at some point over the next 48
    hours you will have to retreat from your current position and meet others halfway. Just because you have drawn a red line does not mean you have to
    stick with it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    What you think you see and what is actually there could be two entirely different things this weekend. No, it's not your eyesight that's at fault,
    it's your expectations - you seem to have persuaded yourself that white is black and right is wrong.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Assess your aims carefully before going after them this weekend. A little bit of thought will go a long way, especially if you are the kind of Capricorn who tends to jump in where angels fear to tread. In other words, look before you leap!

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 3 days, 59 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, July 14, 2024 08:00:20
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, July 14, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    As a Cardinal sign you enjoy a challenge and over the coming year you will get the chance to showcase your talents and your tenacity. Employers, colleagues, friends and loved ones will all sing your praises, and even rivals will admit you've got what it takes.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't worry too much if family members play up a bit over the next few days as their words and actions, though negative in nature, are not intended to make life tough for you personally. They just need to get all that pent-up frustration out of their system.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be feeling a bit world-weary at the moment but what occurs next will give your mood a boost and put the spring back in your step. All things considered, life has been good to you of late and will favor you even more
    this week.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The next few days could bring major opportunities of a professional or financial nature your way, so be ready to act and don't let others' doubts
    hold you back. They may not believe the risks are worth it but they don't possess your winning mentality.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Having got it into your head that someone is out to get you it will be difficult to stop looking over your shoulder every five minutes. The good news is what occurs next will dispel those anxieties and make you realize how foolish you have been.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There is something about you at the moment that others find amazingly attractive, so expect to get the red carpet treatment over the next few days. No doubt they are also motivated partly by self interest but it's still nice
    to be looked up to.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Whatever plans you may be cooking up at the moment you must make sure they are going to be palatable to employers and colleagues as well as profitable for yourself. You won't get far without other people's assistance, so go out of your way to be friendly.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Take a few risks over the next few days but make sure you know what the potential downsides are going to be, and make doubly sure you can afford to cover any losses you may incur if it all goes wrong. Be positive but be sensible too.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The situation you are faced with this week could get out of hand unless you call on your leadership skills to keep the warring factions in line. If you
    let them just fight it out the planets warn there will be no winners, and that includes you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Keep your eye on the big picture and let others take care of the boring details. That applies to all areas of your life but especially to your career, where by making educated guesses as to what your superiors are planning you
    can position yourself ahead of your rivals.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be a creature of habit but you must break free of routines that are holding you back. Some people will be annoyed that they can no longer predict and therefore profit from your actions but they're the ones you need to get
    rid of.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    What is your highest ideal? Are you striving for it? If not, why not? Your actions in the world at large must reflect what your heart knows is best, because no matter how successful you may be you won't be happy if you are not being true to yourself.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There is an optimistic look to your chart at the moment but don't get carried away and start thinking you can cut corners and break rules as that is sure to invite some sort of cosmic retribution. Plan an honest route to success and then really go for it!

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, July 15, 2024 08:00:22
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, July 15, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You have made a number of life-changing decisions over the past year or so and because of those decisions your future looks exceedingly rosy. But don't stop there because in several areas you still have unfinished, and potentially profitable, business to take care of.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It amazes you that some people can get worked up over the most ridiculous things but not everyone can be as emotionally detached as you, so make allowances when dealing with loved ones and co-workers. Do what you can to
    help them get a grip.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Travel and social plans will be disrupted today but if you stay calm and adapt as you go along you will still get where you need to be and have a lot of fun along the way. The best way to deal with unexpected changes is to embrace

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    What seemed such a difficult situation over the weekend won't seem so
    difficult now and you must take advantage of that fact to push ahead with your plans, especially on the work front where decisive action could lead to the making of some serious money.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Mars and Uranus join forces in your sign today, which among other things suggests there will be major disruptions over the course of the week. Those disruptions are more likely to work in your favor if you are the one who sets them off.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your enthusiasm may take a bit of a dive as the new week begins but that's no bad thing and could in fact be a good thing if it means you are not quite so hyperactive as you have been of late. Try slowing down once in a while.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A minor setback could knock you off your stride today but the planets indicate you will be back on course by this time tomorrow, so don't make a big issue of it. Besides, life would be extremely boring if everything always went
    according to plan.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You seem to be a lot happier with your lot of late, and that's great, but you must not settle into the kind of self-satisfied mood that stifles your
    creative instincts. By all means take it easy today but keep looking and planning ahead.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There is no reason why your recent run of good luck should not continue and what happens today will open up new possibilities and make it possible for the future to be even better than the past. Don't lower your expectations, raise them higher!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may not want to admit that you were wrong about something but there is nothing to be gained by pretending that a decision you took was a good one. In the greater scheme of things it may not amount to much but you can still learn from it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be at a loss to understand why a loved one is behaving badly but their anger cannot be ignored. Most likely they will be back to normal by this time tomorrow but it will pay you to find out why they are suddenly so hostile.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The harder you have pushed yourself in recent weeks the more essential it is now to ease back a bit and take time out from your labors. Even a dynamic Sag needs to recharge their physical, mental and emotional batteries once in a while.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A simple situation could quickly get complicated today and you will need to keep your wits about you if you are to stay on top of it. You may be panicking a bit on the inside but don't let the outside world see it is getting to you.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +22C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You have made a number of life-changing decisions over the past year or so and because of those decisions your future looks exceedingly rosy. But don't stop there because in several areas you still have unfinished, and potentially profitable, business to take care of.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It amazes you that some people can get worked up over the most ridiculous things but not everyone can be as emotionally detached as you, so make allowances when dealing with loved ones and co-workers. Do what you can to
    help them get a grip.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Travel and social plans will be disrupted today but if you stay calm and adapt as you go along you will still get where you need to be and have a lot of fun along the way. The best way to deal with unexpected changes is to embrace

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    What seemed such a difficult situation over the weekend won't seem so
    difficult now and you must take advantage of that fact to push ahead with your plans, especially on the work front where decisive action could lead to the making of some serious money.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Mars and Uranus join forces in your sign today, which among other things suggests there will be major disruptions over the course of the week. Those disruptions are more likely to work in your favor if you are the one who sets them off.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your enthusiasm may take a bit of a dive as the new week begins but that's no bad thing and could in fact be a good thing if it means you are not quite so hyperactive as you have been of late. Try slowing down once in a while.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A minor setback could knock you off your stride today but the planets indicate you will be back on course by this time tomorrow, so don't make a big issue of it. Besides, life would be extremely boring if everything always went
    according to plan.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You seem to be a lot happier with your lot of late, and that's great, but you must not settle into the kind of self-satisfied mood that stifles your
    creative instincts. By all means take it easy today but keep looking and planning ahead.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There is no reason why your recent run of good luck should not continue and what happens today will open up new possibilities and make it possible for the future to be even better than the past. Don't lower your expectations, raise them higher!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may not want to admit that you were wrong about something but there is nothing to be gained by pretending that a decision you took was a good one. In the greater scheme of things it may not amount to much but you can still learn from it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be at a loss to understand why a loved one is behaving badly but their anger cannot be ignored. Most likely they will be back to normal by this time tomorrow but it will pay you to find out why they are suddenly so hostile.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The harder you have pushed yourself in recent weeks the more essential it is now to ease back a bit and take time out from your labors. Even a dynamic Sag needs to recharge their physical, mental and emotional batteries once in a while.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A simple situation could quickly get complicated today and you will need to keep your wits about you if you are to stay on top of it. You may be panicking a bit on the inside but don't let the outside world see it is getting to you.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 10 hours, 16 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, July 17, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    It's your life and it must always be your decision as to what you are going to do with it. Having said that, don't close your ears to advice this year
    because a friend may see opportunities that you cannot. Your dream could be their dream too.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The planets warn if you come on too strong over the next 24 hours you run the risk of creating enemies that did not exist before. A more measured approach
    to negotiating with colleagues and rivals is the best way to bring lasting success.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    As the Sun nears the end of its journey through the most dynamic area of your sign you can and you must bring a project of some kind to a conclusion. You have already achieved more than expected so don't push too hard and risk
    losing those gains.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you are losing interest in something you have been working on for the past few weeks it may be because you can sense you are destined for bigger and better things - and you're right, you are. Why push ahead with something that no longer inspires you?

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may think you can do ten things at once and do them all well but you are wrong. The message of the stars today is that you need to cut your commitments back to the bone. Do one thing really well and leave it at that.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The planets warn this is probably not the best time to gamble with your cash
    or take on any kind of risky new venture. Also, be wary of people who look and sound as if they know what they are talking about but refuse to offer you firm guarantees.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You must expect a few upheavals in the run up to the Sun leaving your sign at the start of next week but they don't have to be traumatic. Upsets of an emotional nature are probably best dealt with by pretending they do not exist.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You don't have to choose between pleasure and duty - there is room for them both in your life - but over the next 24 hours you will have to put yourself out more for other people. In return, they will feel it's their duty to bring pleasure to you!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't waste time and energy trying to keep other people's schemes afloat because you can see they are not going to work. Why use up your precious resources helping them salvage their dreams when your own dreams are so much more attainable?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Go out of your way to be nice to someone who, while not a close friend, is certainly a colleague or contact it will pay to have on your side. What you do for them now they will happily do for you later on in the year.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You won't change other people's beliefs by coming on strong and beating them over the head with facts and figures. Your arguments may be persuasive but
    what if they don't want to be convinced? Try offering them something that will buy their support.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It's not like you to lack confidence but the Sun's journey through one of the more sensitive areas of your chart of late has depressed your expectations a bit. Never mind. Come the start of next week you'll be back to your go-getting best.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You need to accept that there are some battles in life that can never be won and one such battle is right there in front of you now. Accept that it's not worth fighting over a lost cause and find a way to back away from it gracefully.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 day, 10 hours, 17 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, July 18, 2024 08:00:20
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, July 18, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    It's your life and it must always be your decision as to what you are going to do with it. Having said that, don't close your ears to advice this year
    because a friend may see opportunities that you cannot. Your dream could be their dream too.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The planets warn if you come on too strong over the next 24 hours you run the risk of creating enemies that did not exist before. A more measured approach
    to negotiating with colleagues and rivals is the best way to bring lasting success.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    As the Sun nears the end of its journey through the most dynamic area of your sign you can and you must bring a project of some kind to a conclusion. You have already achieved more than expected so don't push too hard and risk
    losing those gains.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you are losing interest in something you have been working on for the past few weeks it may be because you can sense you are destined for bigger and better things - and you're right, you are. Why push ahead with something that no longer inspires you?

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may think you can do ten things at once and do them all well but you are wrong. The message of the stars today is that you need to cut your commitments back to the bone. Do one thing really well and leave it at that.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The planets warn this is probably not the best time to gamble with your cash
    or take on any kind of risky new venture. Also, be wary of people who look and sound as if they know what they are talking about but refuse to offer you firm guarantees.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You must expect a few upheavals in the run up to the Sun leaving your sign at the start of next week but they don't have to be traumatic. Upsets of an emotional nature are probably best dealt with by pretending they do not exist.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You don't have to choose between pleasure and duty - there is room for them both in your life - but over the next 24 hours you will have to put yourself out more for other people. In return, they will feel it's their duty to bring pleasure to you!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't waste time and energy trying to keep other people's schemes afloat because you can see they are not going to work. Why use up your precious resources helping them salvage their dreams when your own dreams are so much more attainable?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Go out of your way to be nice to someone who, while not a close friend, is certainly a colleague or contact it will pay to have on your side. What you do for them now they will happily do for you later on in the year.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You won't change other people's beliefs by coming on strong and beating them over the head with facts and figures. Your arguments may be persuasive but
    what if they don't want to be convinced? Try offering them something that will buy their support.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It's not like you to lack confidence but the Sun's journey through one of the more sensitive areas of your chart of late has depressed your expectations a bit. Never mind. Come the start of next week you'll be back to your go-getting best.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You need to accept that there are some battles in life that can never be won and one such battle is right there in front of you now. Accept that it's not worth fighting over a lost cause and find a way to back away from it gracefully.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +15C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, July 19, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, July 19, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You may have all the talent in the world but unless you can harness it to vision and effort you are unlikely to fulfil your potential. Make this the
    year when you finally get serious about making your mark on the world - and make sure it's a positive one!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The planets warn if you let your standards slip over the next few days it may be very hard to raise them up again, so don't be tempted to compromise your beliefs, your values or your ambitions. An honest life is more valuable than
    an easy life.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    As Mars is about to move into the domestic area of your chart it's likely that family matters could be a little disruptive. No matter what loved ones may say and do, if you stay calm then any problems between you can be easily settled.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Mars, your ruling planet, is about to move into the most eloquent area of your chart, so don't be afraid to speak up and let others know your opinions. Even if they disagree with you they will be impressed by the confident way you present your arguments.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There are some powerful emotions doing the rounds at the moment, so be on your guard and try not to get caught up in the inevitable chaos. No matter how excited friends and loved ones may be you must stay calm and stick to the facts.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some changes happen so quickly that even quick-witted Geminis get taken by surprise. The good news is that what occurs today, while unexpected, won't
    faze you at all. With some serious dollars at stake you won't be playing catch-up for long.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may prefer to stay out of the limelight but the current cosmic picture means you are unlikely to get much choice in the matter - the world wants to know your name and what you are up to. Put on a show for your adoring public.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The more of an effort you make to communicate with people whose ideas and beliefs reflect your own the more you will enjoy yourself today and over the weekend. New friendships will be easily made and they promise to be extremely profitable.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You must not give in to pressure today, not even when it comes from people in positions of authority. Listen to what they say but don't think you are
    obliged to follow their orders to the letter. You have a mind of your own, so use it!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you have been thinking of a major change in your life, maybe switching careers or moving away from your location, now is the time to get serious
    about it. There can be no more excuses for doing nothing, it's time to break out of your comfort zone.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You will have to be ruthless with someone who has been benefitting from your protection in ways that are clearly not good for them or for you. However much of a friend they may be you can no longer afford to carry them, especially financially.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    As Mars moves into your opposite sign over the next few days you may have to
    do things for partners and loved ones that don't feel right. Help them if you can but make sure they know this can be nothing more than a short-term arrangement.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may be tempted to push yourself ever harder on the work front so that employers and colleagues know what you are capable of but don't overdo it.
    They are unlikely to be impressed if you exhaust yourself, so know your limits and stay within them.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 3 days, 10 hours, 17 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, July 20, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, July 20, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You can no longer afford to coast along in the same old groove and living off the same old glories. Over the coming year events will conspire to force you
    to move in a new direction - a direction that will bring even greater
    successes than before.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There will be times this weekend when it seems as if you are the only one who does not know what is going on but it really isn't that bad. Come Monday morning you will probably find that no-one else knew what was going on either!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The past few weeks have been hugely creative and some of the ideas you came up with were touched by genius. Now though you most decide which of those ideas are worth taking forward. Aim to do just one or two things really well.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You have a tendency to leave things until the very last minute and usually
    that approach works well, but you will need to be more organized this weekend. On the work front, especially, you could fall out of favor if you miss an important deadline.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You must be open about what you are doing and honest about what you know you cannot do. The full moon warns if you try to muddle through or make claims you won't be able to keep you will soon be found out, with potentially disastrous results.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Don't worry too much about a financial matter that appears to have no
    solution, because the planets warn it will resolve itself when the time is right. In fact, the worse things look over the next 48 hours the more likely
    it is that a breakthrough will occur.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may prefer to stay out of the limelight but the current cosmic picture means you are unlikely to get much choice in the matter - the world wants to know your name and what you are up to. Put on a show for your adoring public.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Although life may seem a bit subdued at the moment the pace will pick up from Monday when the Sun enters your sign. Your only goal this weekend must be to conserve your energy, physical and mental, so you are ready for big changes up ahead.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Be careful what you say this weekend because some people are going to be awfully touchy and a word out of place or even the wrong sort of look could
    set them off. Your criticisms may be valid but do you really want to be the villain of the piece?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It is inevitable that someone will make a drama out of a crisis over the next 48 hours and all you can do is keep your head down and don't let their hysterical nonsense get to you. By the start of next week the emotional storm will be over.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Life has been enjoyable of late but a change is coming and over the next few days you are going to have to get serious about your long-term ambitions. Get out and about and have fun this weekend but start thinking about the future as well.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your number one aim this weekend must be to make sure you don't spend too much money. A full moon in the financial area of your chart could easily tempt you to splash out on things you probably don't need and most certainly cannot afford.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A full moon in your sign this weekend means you will need to call on all your powers of self-control, especially when dealing with people whose outlook on life seems irresponsible or even dangerous. Have as little to do with them as you possibly can.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 4 days, 10 hours, 16 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, July 21, 2024 08:00:22
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, July 21, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    A full moon on your birthday means both that there are challenges ahead and that you have the physical, mental and emotional strength to turn them to your advantage. It won't always be an easy year but it will be a satisfying and profitable one.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    What happens over the next few days will catch you by surprise and make you wonder how you can have been so short-sighted not to see what was coming in your direction from over the horizon. Once you've got over the shock you must act fast.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be tempted to tell a friend or loved one what they want to hear over the next few days but that would be a mistake. A dose of harsh reality is the only thing that will jolt them out of their stupor and get them moving again.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Try not to worry about who wins and who loses over the next few days. There will be opportunities for everyone to get a share of the spoils and you won't have to work hard to stay ahead of the game. Like all games, it's supposed to be fun.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The next few days will be tremendously exciting as new developments at home
    and at work open up a new range of possibilities, some of which had never occurred to you. Keep thinking, keep moving and, above all, keep believing in yourself.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Although today's full moon warns you cannot afford to go mad with your money you may find it hard to hold on to your cash. There are so many bright, shiny objects out there you've just got to possess. Make sure they have a decent resale value!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The critics will go out of their way over the next few days to suggest that
    you have not been as successful in your endeavors as you should have been, but they are wrong. You have accomplished a lot in recent weeks and you're not
    done yet.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The Sun moves into your sign tomorrow and a new solar year gets under way. Start it the way you mean to go on by pushing ahead with a creative project that not everyone thinks is a good idea. You believe in it and that's all that matters

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If a loved one says they need to spend some time by themselves during the
    early part of the week don't stand in their way. It's not you they are trying to get away from, they just need some time and space to get their thoughts together.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Stand back from your life for an hour or two and assess, with total honesty, where you have done well and where you have fallen short of the targets you
    set yourself. Overall you are in a pretty good place but can still find ways
    to make it better.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your expectations for yourself are no doubt sky high but don't fall into the trap of thinking that everyone is as ambitious as you. If some of the people you work with seem to be holding you back then trade them in for a better
    class of colleague.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may think you need to make financial cutbacks in order to balance the
    books but the planets tell a different story. With the Sun moving in your
    favor this week you can easily find ways to increase your income and add to your wealth rather than reduce it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If the current full moon brings out the cautious side of your nature that's probably no bad thing. The Sun's move into the wealth area of your chart this week will bring opportunities of a business nature but you need to be restrained in your investments.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +18C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, July 22, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, July 22, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    If you find yourself torn between opposing ambitions this year, go for the one that brings benefits to other people as well as yourself. No matter how high you may rise and no matter how much money you may make, helping others will bring the greatest joy.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    What happens over the next few days will catch you by surprise and make you wonder how you can have been so short-sighted not to see what was coming in your direction from over the horizon. Once you've got over the shock you must act fast.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't let it annoy you if you are required to take a back seat to someone
    whose abilities are clearly on a lower level than your own. When they mess things up - and they will - the powers that be will turn to you to put things right.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The Sun moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today and if you didn't have a spring in your step before you certainly will now. Forget about recent disappointments and think and act as if you cannot possibly lose - and you won't!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    What happens next may seem like a significant setback but even if it is you will benefit from stepping back a bit and taking a wider view of what is going on in your life. The fact is you have been too close to your problems of late.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The more pressure you have been under in recent weeks the more you will
    benefit now the Sun is moving into one of the more positive areas of your chart. Get out and about as much as you can, because new friendships will
    bring new opportunities.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The critics will go out of their way over the next few days to suggest that
    you have not been as successful in your endeavors as you should have been, but they are wrong. You have accomplished a lot in recent weeks and you're not
    done yet.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A new solar year begins for you today, so put any and all disappointments out of your head and look to the future with happiness and hope. Why feel sorry about your failures when the universe promises that what comes next will be truly amazing?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel a bit subdued and unwilling to join in with social activities today but that's no bad thing. Your main aim over the next few weeks must be
    to look deeply into yourself and confront not just your fears but your motivations as well.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You should know by now that trying to impose your beliefs on other people
    isn't going to work, so forget about trying to win over the doubters and mix only with those who share your outlook on life. You need friends more than followers.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The Sun moves into the career area of your chart today and almost immediately you will feel a strong desire to come up with a plan that can move you rapidly up the professional ladder. Make sure it's a plan that is grounded in reality, not wishful thinking.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You will discover something on your travels today that reminds you it is never a good idea to look at life as if everything is going to stay the same. There are some major upheavals on your horizon and it's your responsibility to be ready for them.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Over the next few weeks you will be confronted with a number of interesting
    and attractive possibilities but you must look at them in detail before committing time, energy and money. Who is likely to benefit most, you or your would-be partners?

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 6 days, 10 hours, 17 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, July 23, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    If you find yourself torn between opposing ambitions this year, go for the one that brings benefits to other people as well as yourself. No matter how high you may rise and no matter how much money you may make, helping others will bring the greatest joy.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    What happens over the next few days will catch you by surprise and make you wonder how you can have been so short-sighted not to see what was coming in your direction from over the horizon. Once you've got over the shock you must act fast.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't let it annoy you if you are required to take a back seat to someone
    whose abilities are clearly on a lower level than your own. When they mess things up - and they will - the powers that be will turn to you to put things right.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The Sun moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today and if you didn't have a spring in your step before you certainly will now. Forget about recent disappointments and think and act as if you cannot possibly lose - and you won't!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    What happens next may seem like a significant setback but even if it is you will benefit from stepping back a bit and taking a wider view of what is going on in your life. The fact is you have been too close to your problems of late.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The more pressure you have been under in recent weeks the more you will
    benefit now the Sun is moving into one of the more positive areas of your chart. Get out and about as much as you can, because new friendships will
    bring new opportunities.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The critics will go out of their way over the next few days to suggest that
    you have not been as successful in your endeavors as you should have been, but they are wrong. You have accomplished a lot in recent weeks and you're not
    done yet.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A new solar year begins for you today, so put any and all disappointments out of your head and look to the future with happiness and hope. Why feel sorry about your failures when the universe promises that what comes next will be truly amazing?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel a bit subdued and unwilling to join in with social activities today but that's no bad thing. Your main aim over the next few weeks must be
    to look deeply into yourself and confront not just your fears but your motivations as well.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You should know by now that trying to impose your beliefs on other people
    isn't going to work, so forget about trying to win over the doubters and mix only with those who share your outlook on life. You need friends more than followers.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The Sun moves into the career area of your chart today and almost immediately you will feel a strong desire to come up with a plan that can move you rapidly up the professional ladder. Make sure it's a plan that is grounded in reality, not wishful thinking.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You will discover something on your travels today that reminds you it is never a good idea to look at life as if everything is going to stay the same. There are some major upheavals on your horizon and it's your responsibility to be ready for them.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Over the next few weeks you will be confronted with a number of interesting
    and attractive possibilities but you must look at them in detail before committing time, energy and money. Who is likely to benefit most, you or your would-be partners?

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 10 hours, 16 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, July 24, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    There is no doubt at all that you will get what you want from life this year and having got it you must then turn your attention to helping loved ones get what they want as well. Good fortune is like manure, it works best when spread around!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you keep telling yourself that you cannot fail then your belief will sooner or later make it a fact. Don't try to do it all on your own though - you have friends and allies who would love nothing more than to work alongside you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Something that previously confused you will start to make sense today, mainly because the way you look at it has been shifted by recent events. Once the missing piece of the jigsaw has fallen into place you will realize it was all part of a higher plan.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You will be at your imperious best today. Anyone who thinks they can take you on will learn the hard way that when you are in this kind of commanding mood you are simply unbeatable. Even the toughest of rivals won't stand a chance.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Trust your instincts and act on what they tell you quickly and decisively. The more other people say you are tempting fate and heading for a fall the more
    fun you will have proving them wrong. The so-called experts don't know what they are talking about.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You will accomplish more over the next 24 hours than most people accomplish in a month. You are so pumped up and ready for action that even the toughest of tasks won't faze you in the slightest. You know you're a winner and soon everyone else will.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    No matter how stormy things get today if you refuse to panic you will come through unscathed. Your cardinal nature means that while colleagues and rivals are running here, there and everywhere like headless chickens you will stay calm and thrive.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Stop dreaming about what you are going to do and actually start doing it. The Sun in your sign means you have all the tools you need to create something outstanding, something that has the potential to transform your existence. So start creating!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Some of the ideas that are floating around in your mind are pretty explosive and if you are smart you will keep them to yourself for the time being. Not everyone is ready to hear about your radical solutions to all the world's problems!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If someone offers you what you want most on a plate you will, of course, be suspicious, but the good news is they really do want you to have it. Think of it as a deserved reward for all the good things you did for them in the past.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Changes on the work front will improve your life in a number of ways over the next few weeks but not all of them will be easy to begin with. Take the rough with the smooth and recognize that the occasional setback makes success taste even sweeter.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There is no such thing as a perfect time of year but the Sun in the most adventurous area of your chart certainly makes this seem like one. Don't sit
    at home waiting for good things to come your way - get out there and make them happen!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Something you have been trying to ignore for several weeks can no longer be disregarded. Resolve to get to grips with the situation and then move on from it once and for all. If you face up to it now it won't ever bother you again.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 1 day, 10 hours, 17 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, July 25, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, July 25, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Mercury's influence on your birthday will help you work out what you should be doing to bring the most happiness into your life. Don't worry if your ideas of success and other people's ideas of success don't match up. What they think is of no importance.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't let everyday matters distract you from more important objectives. You
    may have to close your ears to the kind of people, even some of your friends, who never seem to stop chattering and gossiping but it will be worth it in the long-term.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You must not allow anyone, no matter how well-intentioned or how much you respect them, to tell you that certain things cannot be said and certain
    topics are out of bounds. You have a mind of your own and have every right to express yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The best way to solve your current dilemma is to approach it from a completely different angle. The old ways are not always the best ways and with the Sun moving through the most dynamic area of your chart you must be willing to experiment.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you need to find a way out of some sort of commitment then Mercury's change of sign today will no doubt give you some interesting ideas. But here's a better idea: having made a promise, albeit a loose one, why not try keeping

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    What seems of massive importance to other people today will seem trivial in
    the extreme to you but if you are smart you will keep your opinion about it to yourself for the time being. They will come round to your way of thinking soon enough.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You need to find a way to turn your dreams into dollars and what occurs
    between now and the weekend will throw up some interesting ideas. You must though be selective. Focus on the idea that grabs you the most and give it 100%.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You will be on inspired form now that the Sun is moving through your sign and one of the things you will be most inspired about is making money. Mercury in the financial area of your chart will bring opportunities to make some decent bucks.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The only thing that matters now is that the facts of a particular situation
    are all on your side and because of that you don't have to give ground to anyone. A little bit of mental stubbornness will go a long way towards winning the argument.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Unless you intend to carry them out there is no point making threats - and since when have you been the sort to throw your weight around? If others won't do what they have an obligation to do then simply end your association and
    move on.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may or may not be inspired by the pursuit of fame and fortune but you will get your share of opportunities to excel over the next few weeks. Whatever
    your motivation, aim to be the best at what you do, the undisputed No. 1.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your ability to see things that rivals have missed will put you in a good position between now and the weekend. Use that ability to plan ahead so you
    are the one most likely to benefit from the changes that are clearly (to you) on the way.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    No matter what the rational part of your mind may tell you today you must listen to your feelings as well. There is a deeper part of you that can sense when something is so obviously right that it cannot be ignored, whatever your logic circuits may say!

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, July 26, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, July 26, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    The influence of Mars on your birthday means that assistance will always be there for you if you need it this year. But it is unlikely to just appear as
    if by magic. Speak up and let friends and loved ones know what it is you require.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Close your ears to a friend's sob story today because they are not nearly as hard done by as they claim to be. Not only that but where they are in a bit of trouble it is entirely of their own making and only they can resolve the situation.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Seize the opportunity to make a difference in some way over the next 24 hours. If it is in your power to help a friend or loved one come through a
    challenging phase in their life there can be no excuse for passing by on the other side.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't disrupt your own routine today merely to accommodate someone else's needs. Why should you be the one who is penalized for being organized and on top of the job? Put your own needs first and don't feel the tiniest bit guilty about it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The planets warn that while you may think you know what is going on around you there is a good chance you have got the wrong end of the stick and arrived at
    a mistaken conclusion that could cost you dear. Get a second, and expert, opinion.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The Sun in Leo puts you in a sociable mood but you need to be choosy about who your companions are and what you do together. If you allow them to lead you astray you will have only yourself to blame.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your financial situation may not be as satisfactory as you would like it to be but neither is it in such a dire state that you have to make radical changes. Just be more selective about how you spend your well-earned cash.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The Sun in your sign linked to energy planet Mars today will make it possible for you to resolve a problem that has plagued you for many weeks. You should
    be focusing on more enjoyable things now, so get it done and then get past it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You need to be under a certain amount of pressure to make the most of your abilities and that pressure is about to come down on you quicker than you expected. The good news is you have what it takes to deal with whatever life sends your way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If it turns out that a friend or loved one has been less than honest about
    what they've been up to of late be smart and refuse to get angry about it. It could be they had a very good reason for keeping you out of the loop.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be tempted to take a chance of some sort on the work front and it may well pay off but don't push your luck too far. The planets warn that while you may get away with taking risks today that won't be the case over the weekend.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Try not to jump to conclusions about what a friend or work colleague has been up to. No doubt there are clear signs that they have gone off the rails a bit but by this time tomorrow it's more than likely they will be back on track.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is a good time to plough through that backlog of jobs you started but never quite got round to finishing. The Sun's link to Mars will give you the energy you need to see it through to the end - but first you must make a

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 day, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, July 27, 2024 08:00:22
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, July 27, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Aim to be even more assertive than usual this year. There is a place in the world for people who are meek and mild and put others first, but it's not your place, at least not for now, so be true to yourself and make great things happen.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There is no point fantasizing about being some place else with people who
    share your interests and passions. You are where you are and the universe expects you to get to grips with what has been placed in front of you. Do so with a smile.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You are pretty good at human psychology and if you apply just a little bit of pressure in the right place the results could be spectacular. The trick, of course, is to get others to believe that what is good for you is good for them as well.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You have a lot more going for you now than you appear to believe, so stop wondering if you should attempt to do something out of the ordinary and just
    go for it. Aim for the top of the tree and don't be surprised to reach the stars.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Something you say without thinking is likely to offend someone this weekend
    but that's their problem not yours. Yes, maybe you should be a bit less confrontational, but life is too short to check each and every word that comes out of your mouth.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    With so much energy at your disposal you can and you must do something
    special, and if you really want to have a good time you should do it with people whose positive attitude reflects your own. The rest of the world can be safely ignored.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you have any unfinished business to take care of then you must get on top
    of it now, because soon you will have even more responsibilities to deal with. Catch up this weekend if you don't want to be playing catch up for the whole
    of next month.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The risk-taker in your nature will come to the surface over the next 48 hours and although there may be a minor setback or two on balance you will come out ahead of the game. Let others play it safe while you have fun being impetuous.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If someone tries to intimidate you this weekend all you have to do is stay
    calm and refuse to give in to their bullying. The fact is they don't have any real power over you and most of their threats are nothing more than empty words.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It will pay you to listen to advice this weekend, especially when it comes
    from people whose guidance you have benefited from in the past. If they
    suggest that it's time to update your methods and routines, deep down you will know they are right.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you want to impress employers, senior colleagues and people in positions of power then you must put yourself into positions where they can see what you
    are capable of. They won't come looking for you, so you must go looking for them.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you get the urge to travel then go for it and ignore those who say you have chores to take care of at home and at work. They may be right but this is one of those occasions when your own happiness ranks higher than everything else.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may be suspicious of what others are saying this weekend but don't waste time trying to find out if each and every word is true. Listen carefully to what your instincts communicate and act in the knowledge that they at least would never lie to you.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, July 28, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, July 28, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You are not at the mercy of events and must not allow yourself to think that you are. The coming year will bring a succession of events where it is
    entirely up to you to choose which direction to move in. Choose wisely and enjoy the results.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you have any chores to finish off you are advised to whizz through them quickly, because the early part of the new week will bring opportunities that you won't want to miss. Keep the tempo going - don't slow down for even a moment.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If others expect you to go above and beyond the call of duty you will do your best to please them but don't push so hard that you risk hurting yourself. Little things may seem important but ultimately the big picture is the only
    one that matters.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The Sun in the most dynamic area of your chart will not only give you the strength to tackle a difficult task but also the determination to make the
    best possible job of it. Some people say you lack staying power but you are about to prove them wrong.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There are things in life that are far more important than making money and getting ahead in the rat race and one of those things is your family. Take
    time out of your busy schedule to let your nearest and dearest know how much you love them.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Pleasant surprises of one sort or another await you over the next few days and by this time next week you may be in need of a rest. Will you take it?
    Probably not. Your livewire Gemini nature is always searching for the next big thrill.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You will need to call on all your powers of self-discipline when dealing with people who refuse to see being reasonable as a matter of honor. They may think of themselves as brilliant mavericks but to you they are just a pain. Don't hold back - let them know.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Nothing stays the same forever and if you have to move on from a relationship over the coming week then so be it. But make sure this really is the right
    time to cut ties. You could still be good for each other for a while yet.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If the constant buzz of ideas in your head means you don't feel much like socializing over the next few days that's fine. Take some time out to get your thoughts in order and then come back to the world refreshed and raring to go.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may be inclined not to compromise on an issue you feel strongly about but the planets warn it could easily turn into a vendetta that eats into your time and energy. Is it worth getting so worked up about? No. Few things ever are.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Career matters and business issues are under excellent stars, so if you see a chance to improve your position on the work front or boost your bank balance then go for it. When making deals make sure you get paid your full worth, not
    a cent less.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You have never been a stickler for following the rules, you are too much of a free spirit for that, but if you cut corners now the rules you break could end up breaking you later on. Be sensible and, on this occasion, do everything by the book.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Progress may seem limited but if you keep plugging away and believe that a breakthrough will happen when the time is right then it surely will. It may
    not seem like it every single moment but you are laying the foundations for future success.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 3 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, July 29, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, July 29, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Your huge self-confidence is impressive but over the coming year you must balance it with equally huge doses of common sense. The targets you set yourself will require more than just blind self-belief, so plan ahead and prepare well for the challenges to come.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    What has gone right in your life and what has gone wrong? Make it your
    priority today to answer that question as honestly as you can - then set about making changes that will make the weeks and months to come even more

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Like it or not you are going to have to do more things for other people than they do for you, but that's OK. The less of an issue you make of it the more people in positions of authority will be inclined to applaud and reward you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Make use of the Sun in the sympathetic sign of Leo to push ahead with your plans in your personal life and work. Creatively, this is one of the best
    times of the year to do something special with your talents.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't worry too much if you find it hard to get into the week as recent events have taken their toll physically and you will need time to recover from your exertions. Make things easier for yourself by not trying to meet unrealistic deadlines.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There is a spring in your step and hope in your heart and if you act as if you cannot lose then you won't. Yes, it's as simple as that. Use that big brain to imagine you are already a huge success - and you will be.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may be inclined to start the week in a rush but the planets warn you
    should take life at a more sedate pace, at least for now. You will move ahead in leaps and bounds over the next few weeks, but start off with smaller steps.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is your time of year and you must make the most of it. Forget about what happened last week or last month and imagine a future of unlimited success. A positive attitude is a must, because it will inspire you to give of your best.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    What occurs during the early part of the week may seem like a stumbling block but if you stand back from your problems and take a more expansive view of
    what is going on you will see it is all for the good. Think long-term, not short.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The message of the stars this week is that you must speak up and say your
    piece and then just leave it. It's unlikely that everyone will agree with you but if others are too dumb to listen and learn that's their problem, not

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The ambitious side of your nature will come to the fore over the next few days and that's a good thing, but don't be so ambitious that you lose sight of the reasons you push yourself so hard. Success isn't just for you but for loved ones too.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Don't make the mistake that so many people do of believing that tomorrow will be just a slightly updated version of today. The planets indicate most
    strongly that tomorrow is going to be radically different, and in a very good way.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There are a number of openings and opportunities available to you now and it
    is essential that you don't choose between them too quickly. Despite what others may say you are not on the clock and can take your time to get it

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 4 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, July 30, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    There will be times this year when you have to make decisions that you know will affect the futures of a lot of people. You may want to make those decisions with your heart but if you are aiming to do the greatest good they must be strictly rational.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You don't have to prove that you are smarter than your rivals but you will do so anyway just for the fun of it. Venus in your opposite sign means that even those who are made to look foolish will be charmed by your wit and wisdom.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You don't care much for fame or fortune but you do care that people treat you with respect and you may have to remind someone of that fact over the next 24 hours. Don't let them get away with criticizing the things in life you value the most.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    No matter how difficult a spell a relationship has been going through it will come together again as from today. You may still disagree on some issues but you both now realize that compromise is possible and communication is the key to mutual respect.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you need assistance today just open your mouth and ask for it. If you keep your head down and say nothing then others will assume that everything is okay and not lift a finger to help you. They cannot be expected to read your mind.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A difficult task lies ahead of you but if you are serious about making a good job of it then it is sure to be a success. With Mars and Jupiter moving
    through your sign the one attribute you are not lacking at the moment is confidence.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You have taken some tough decisions in recent weeks, some of which seemed a
    bit ruthless to those on the receiving end, but you are in no mood to play games or forgive people who have let you down. You may have to be ruthless again today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is your time of year and you must make the most of it. Forget about what happened last week or last month and imagine a future of unlimited success. A positive attitude is a must, because it will inspire you to give of your best.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Some very important people have been watching you closely and there could soon be a promotion of some kind coming your way. They particularly admire the way you handle yourself when dealing with those who are openly hostile to your plans.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    No, Lady Luck has not deserted you and what occurs over the next few days will restore your belief that you are destined for bigger and better things. Opportunities are most likely to arrive via friendships - a perfect excuse to keep your social life active.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    No good deed ever goes unnoticed and you will receive something worth having today in return for all the favors you have done for other people in recent weeks. The universe especially values those who help friends and colleagues in their hour of need.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You will leave a task to the very last minute today but you enjoy the pressure and will make a thoroughly good job of it. Not everything in your life needs
    to be on a deadline though - there is no cut-off point for telling people you love them.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Recent events may have been frustrating in that they did not yield the results you expected but you stuck to it and refused to be beaten and now you will receive your reward. Something both unexpected and amazing is about to happen in your life.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 5 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 08:00:14
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, July 31, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    No one flies higher than Leo and what you focus on next will boost your reputation for creativity and courage to even more impressive levels. If
    you've got what it takes - and you most certainly do - then you can have it
    all over the next 12 months.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The more you try to convince someone that you know what you are doing the more they will attempt to interfere. This is one of those occasions when you have
    no choice but to tell them in no uncertain fashion to mind their own business!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You can afford to take a few risks over the next 24 hours, even if it appears that the odds are against you. The universe owes you a favor or two and will see to it that you don't come to any great harm. Don't be too reckless though.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You could find yourself in a potentially explosive situation today and you
    must stay calm and refuse to be provoked by people who want to see you lose your temper. Look for practical ways to bring people together so your differences no longer matter.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Keep your eye on the big picture today and let other people take care of the nuts and bolts. Uranus in your birth sign means you have the ability to look beyond the obvious and come up with solutions that no one else has the vision to see.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It's clear that you have become addicted to a pattern of behavior that is not good for you. Identify what it is and then do something about it. Start by breaking free of a routine that is holding you back rather than holding you

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Aim for your highest ideal and don't give up on it just because some of the people you live and work with cannot see the point. The fact that it means something to you is the only thing that matters. You won't be happy unless you follow your dream.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Watch your back on the work front today because some of your colleagues are
    not happy that you are getting all the praise and attention and will be
    looking for ways to bring you down a peg or two. Don't make it easy for them
    by doing something silly.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The more certain people go out of their way to ridicule your ideas and find fault with your actions the more you will realize that you are on the right track. Ignore what they say and carry on as before. You're not far from your goal now.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You feel alive and full of beans again and that's just as well because there are some big opportunities coming your way and you need to be in the right frame of mind to take advantage of them. Your can-do attitude will take you far.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you have the courage to strike out in a new direction between now and the weekend you will be amazed by how much progress you make. The critics may say you are heading for disaster but you are in fact heading for a major success.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You seem to have got it into your head that if you make even the smallest mistake it could go badly for you. More likely by far is that you have allowed your imagination to get the better of you, so stop fretting and live without fear.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Wherever you go and whatever you do today others will open doors and offer you favors. Which is all very nice but it's unlikely they will be doing these things out of the goodness of their hearts. What might they want from you in return?

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +21C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 01, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 1, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You may think you can go your own way and do your own thing but if you are going to reach the top you will need some assistance. The more of an effort
    you make to network this year the more likely it is that your career will

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It does not matter if the whole wide world believes you are crazy, the fact that you have faith in your ideas and your abilities means you are at least halfway to success already. The efforts you make today will yield amazing results later in the year.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    People in positions of authority may be getting on your case more than you would like but the fact is they can see that you are not living up to your
    full potential. If you act on their advice today you will benefit from it significantly later on.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Keep telling yourself that your actions CAN make a difference and keep pushing until you start making progress. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so why not take that step today? Start walking and keep going.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Something you have been working on for quite some time does not seem to be making much progress, so maybe now would be a good time to get a second
    opinion from someone whose judgment you trust. A minor adjustment could have major benefits.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You have spent far too much time lately thinking about what is best for other people and now you must think about what is best for you. It's not wrong to make your own happiness your number one priority, because then those around
    you will be happy too.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Make a point of letting a loved one do their own thing today. You may think
    you know what is best for them, and no doubt you do, but sometimes you have to let them take risks. Even if they get it wrong they will learn from the experience.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The Sun in your sign means the gods of fortune are on your side at the moment and if you are smart you will listen to what your inner voice tells you and
    act on it without a moment's hesitation. You already know what is best for yourself.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you want something enough you will find a way to make it happen, even
    though friends and family members will shake their heads in disbelief and say you are crazy for believing in the impossible. They will change their tune
    when your dream comes true.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Some of your colleagues seem to believe that to get ahead in the world they must consider other people as rivals and enemies. That isn't true. There are enough good things to go around for everyone, so work with people rather than against them today.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be in a thoughtful mood at the moment but there are practical issues that will need to be dealt with over the next 24 hours, so don't disconnect completely. Focus on what must be done, do it well, then go back to your meditations.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The pace of life has picked up a lot of late and you are loving every moment
    of it. What occurs between now and the weekend will require you to think fast and act fast, so don't waste your energy on trivial pursuits and trivial people.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    What occurs over the next few days has the potential to turn your world upside down and because you are quite conservative by nature it may be an unwelcome shock. However, this particular upheaval will bring new opportunities - so use it, don't fear it.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 02, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 2, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Values planet Venus is strong on your birthday this year and it's quite likely that you will have to deal with people who don't share your outlook on life. Deal with them kindly and with the understanding that not everyone can be as big-hearted as you.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It's not like you to get emotional but someone's stupidity could reduce you to tears of frustration today. You should know by now that no matter what you say or do they are not going to change, so it's really not worth getting upset about is it?

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A decision about a partnership matter will at some point have to be made but don't force the issue just yet. Let the approaching new moon do its work in clarifying the situation. With luck, changing circumstances will make the decision for you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There is no point lashing out at someone who is annoying you - in fact that
    may be what they want, to provoke you so as to make you look bad. Bite your tongue, put on a smile and act as if you find them amusing rather than irritating.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Something you have been working on for quite some time does not seem to be making much progress, so maybe now would be a good time to get a second
    opinion from someone whose judgment you trust. A minor adjustment could have major benefits.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A topic that has not interested you much in the past will suddenly become most appealing and you will spend a lot of time today and over the weekend getting to know more about it. What you learn will benefit you in ways you had not expected.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You want to be friends with everyone at the moment and will go out of your way to keep things sweet. That's fine as far as it goes but don't go too far or
    you could give people the idea that you can be easily manipulated.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Not everything in life has a rational explanation and what happens today will most likely leave you baffled. Instead of obsessing over it just accept that it's one of those things that is likely to remain a mystery and that life
    would be less fun without it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you are smart you will sense which way the wind is blowing and put off making an important decision until next week. The approaching new moon is
    going to shake up your thinking in radical ways, so relax and keep things as they are for now.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    At some point today you will get the impression that you have been moving in the wrong direction and need to change course, but don't be hasty. Come Monday's new moon you will realize you are still on the track that is right
    for you personally.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Even if you are finding it hard to get motivated on the work front you can and you must keep going. The harder you have to work for something today and over the weekend the more you will appreciate it when you finally succeed.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Give your imagination permission to roam over the next 24 hours and don't put any limits on what you are allowed to believe. Your mind is a powerful tool
    and no matter what you may imagine today, however fanciful, it could be your reality tomorrow.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Try not to let little things annoy you today because you cannot change the
    fact that some people are obsessed by trivial matters. What you can do though is to put as much distance between them and you as possible and ignore their petty behavior.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 1 day, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 03, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 3, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Be more assertive in your dealings with partners, rivals and employers but don't take it to extremes. There is a fine line between looking confident and acting like someone who expects the world to jump at your commands. Don't overstep the mark.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It may be a good idea this weekend to go along with other people's plans, even though you agree with no more than half of what they are doing. This is one of those occasions when it will profit you more to accept a supporting role.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you are finalizing a deal of some kind this weekend you must make sure it has lots of wiggle room in case you have second thoughts. If you allow yourself, and your money, to be tied down you may come to regret not having a get-out clause.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The new moon will stir your creative juices this weekend and get you moving on a project that can change your life for the better. Don't keep your ideas to yourself though - invite friends, colleagues and loved ones to give you some feedback.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    According to the planets you have been avoiding an emotional problem of some kind but now the approaching new moon will compel you to deal with it. If your chosen course of action upsets friends and family members that's too bad - it needs to be done.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are so many excellent cosmic influences working in your favor now that the idea of losing or failing won't enter your head for even a moment. That's good, because the most potent weapon in your arsenal is your huge self-belief.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A financial incentive of some kind will tempt you to start a fresh endeavor even though several old ones have still not been finished. Knuckle down this weekend and complete those existing projects and only then turn your attention to something new.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you have a clear idea of what you want from life then the upcoming new moon can make it happen for you. There is a perfect alignment this weekend between your own self-belief and the universe's belief that you have much more to offer.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may think that a certain person can be trusted but do you have any real evidence for that or is it wishful thinking? Most likely it's the latter, so
    be on your guard and listen to what your instincts are telling you - they
    alone won't lie to you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If some of the rules and regulations you are expected to follow seem outdated and illogical then ignore them. The powers that be may not be happy about your radical stance but what can they do? By all means make a few waves this weekend.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you believe you deserve more respect on the work front you must let colleagues and employers know that you are no longer going to accept being overlooked while lesser lights get promoted. The new moon invites you to kick up a fuss.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The approaching new moon will boost your sense of adventure and spur you to visit places you have never been to before. You are not the sort to sit back and watch the world go by outside your window, so get out there and join the parade.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Others can call in their investments if they wish but as someone who likes to play the long game you know this is not the time to cash in your winnings. Tomorrow's new moon urges you to keep your nerve and boost your long-term profits.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +22C, UV Index: 6
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 04, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 4, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Whatever it is you want most from life you have the power to reach out and
    take it. A new moon on your birthday means you only
    have to think of a desire, and keep that thought firmly in your mind, to see
    it come true. Make it happen!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A few harsh words may have been spoken in recent weeks but it is not too late to make amends and get a relationship back to how it was before. Be smart enough and big enough to accept that the first move needs to come from you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Because there is a new moon in the area of your chart that governs your everyday routines this is the ideal time to swap things around and come up
    with some fresh ideas. Anyone who says you are a creature of habit will be proved very wrong indeed.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The Leo new moon makes this an exciting time to be an Aries as it invites you to unleash your creativity and give substance to your vision. Some people will say you are expecting too much of yourself but they are wrong - for you there are no limits!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You must resist the temptation to get involved in other people's private affairs. Even if you truly believe you have the answer to their problems it is highly unlikely they will thank you for poking your nose in. Let them learn
    for themselves.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The path you have been on of late has been difficult but you have proved time and again that you are up to the job. Another challenge is about to come your way and there is no doubt at all you will tackle it with purpose and poise.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you find yourself at odds with the accepted way of doing things that may be a good thing. This is one of those occasions when
    those who possess the ability to approach problems from unusual angles will come up with match-winning ideas.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The new moon in your sign will encourage you to take the kind of risks that most people steer clear of, but you're not most people you're a Leo and that makes a world of difference. As far as you are concerned life is too short to play safe.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You need to answer two questions. First, are you strong enough to take on your shoulders a responsibility that would crush most people? Second, is there a good reason why you should take it on? Only proceed if the answer to both questions is Yes.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There are so many opportunities available to you now that it may be hard to decide which of them to focus on. If you are smart you will choose no more
    than two objectives, at least one of which must benefit other people as much
    as yourself.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you have been looking for a chance to move up on the work front it should soon be here. Keep your eyes and ears open and don't be afraid to put your
    hand up if someone in authority asks for volunteers. It could be the making of you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Something in your life is about to change in such a profound way that you
    won't be the same person that you were before. It may be a material change but more likely it will be a change in the way you choose to interact with the wider world.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A development that comes out of nowhere will take you by surprise this week
    but you will recover your wits quickly and find ways to take advantage of it. When you get an opportunity to move ahead you are not the sort to waste it.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +19C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 05, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 5, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Whatever it is you want most from life you have the power to reach out and
    take it. A new moon on your birthday means you only
    have to think of a desire, and keep that thought firmly in your mind, to see
    it come true. Make it happen!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A few harsh words may have been spoken in recent weeks but it is not too late to make amends and get a relationship back to how it was before. Be smart enough and big enough to accept that the first move needs to come from you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Because there is a new moon in the area of your chart that governs your everyday routines this is the ideal time to swap things around and come up
    with some fresh ideas. Anyone who says you are a creature of habit will be proved very wrong indeed.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The Leo new moon makes this an exciting time to be an Aries as it invites you to unleash your creativity and give substance to your vision. Some people will say you are expecting too much of yourself but they are wrong - for you there are no limits!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You must resist the temptation to get involved in other people's private affairs. Even if you truly believe you have the answer to their problems it is highly unlikely they will thank you for poking your nose in. Let them learn
    for themselves.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The path you have been on of late has been difficult but you have proved time and again that you are up to the job. Another challenge is about to come your way and there is no doubt at all you will tackle it with purpose and poise.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you find yourself at odds with the accepted way of doing things that may be a good thing. This is one of those occasions when
    those who possess the ability to approach problems from unusual angles will come up with match-winning ideas.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The new moon in your sign will encourage you to take the kind of risks that most people steer clear of, but you're not most people you're a Leo and that makes a world of difference. As far as you are concerned life is too short to play safe.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You need to answer two questions. First, are you strong enough to take on your shoulders a responsibility that would crush most people? Second, is there a good reason why you should take it on? Only proceed if the answer to both questions is Yes.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There are so many opportunities available to you now that it may be hard to decide which of them to focus on. If you are smart you will choose no more
    than two objectives, at least one of which must benefit other people as much
    as yourself.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you have been looking for a chance to move up on the work front it should soon be here. Keep your eyes and ears open and don't be afraid to put your
    hand up if someone in authority asks for volunteers. It could be the making of you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Something in your life is about to change in such a profound way that you
    won't be the same person that you were before. It may be a material change but more likely it will be a change in the way you choose to interact with the wider world.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A development that comes out of nowhere will take you by surprise this week
    but you will recover your wits quickly and find ways to take advantage of it. When you get an opportunity to move ahead you are not the sort to waste it.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 4 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 06, 2024 08:00:30
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 6, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    There will be times this year when events appear to conspire against you but
    in reality it is just the universe giving you hints that you need to try
    harder to reach those life goals you are supposed to be striving for. They are still very much within reach.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The harder you try to bring happiness into the life of a friend or loved one the more they seem to wallow in despair. Take the hint and let them get on
    with it. They will come to their senses eventually, when the time is right.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your outlook on life may make perfect sense to you but others just don't seem to "get it", most likely because they are unable to elevate their thinking to
    a level where ideas of "good" and "bad" don't have to be opposites. It's their loss.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may think that bending the truth a little in pursuit of an ideal is no big thing but someone in a position of power could take it as an indication that you are not to be trusted. Honesty is always the best policy, whatever the consequences.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may want your life to stay exactly as it is but deep down you know that isn't going to happen. There are some major changes taking place in the world around you at the moment and some of those changes are going to affect you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Keep telling yourself that your current situation is nowhere as bad as some people say it is, and keep doing those things you know to be right. No matter what might occur over the next few days it will work itself out for the best
    in the end.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Don't get angry or upset if a friend refuses to support what you are proposing to do. Just because it is the right thing for you does not mean it will be the right thing for them and they have every right to follow a different path.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you need to get over some sort of emotional upset the best way is to throw yourself into your work so your mind is kept occupied. Come this time tomorrow you will no longer see it as a problem, just a memory that can be allowed to fade.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The pace of change in the world is such that if you don't try to keep up with it you will soon get left far behind. What occurs today will encourage you to get to grips with a new theory or technique that will soon become everyday knowledge.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Everything seems to be going your way at the moment but there is one cloud on the horizon in that someone you are close to emotionally is feeling low and it worries you a lot. Find out why they seem so vulnerable, then find ways to
    help them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There may be one or two setbacks on the work front over the next few days but you won't be dismayed and you won't be put off because you have total self- belief. Others may falter but your strength of purpose will see you through.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Money may not be everything but you do need to take into account how much a
    new hobby or project is likely to cost you. Or do you rake in so much cash
    that you can afford to throw it around like confetti? Probably not.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A situation that looks bleak today will look a lot better by the end of the week, so try not to dwell on it and focus instead on activities that bring a smile to your face. Reject negativity and adopt a more positive outlook on life.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 5 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 07, 2024 08:00:22
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 7, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    A Sun-Jupiter link on your birthday this year will raise your spirits and make you believe that all things are possible. If you focus on your number one ambition and see it through to the end it won't be long before your name is up in lights.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There are always new mountains to climb and Jupiter's influence in the most dynamic area of your chart means you are very much in the mood to scale the highest and toughest peaks. What is your final goal? It doesn't matter, just enjoy the climb.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You have been feeling a bit tense of late but today's Sun-Jupiter link will loosen things up and make it easy to be cheerful again. Others may try to drag you back down to their low and unhappy level but you won't let them extinguish your smile.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There may indeed be a rational explanation for every event under the Sun but what you encounter today is sure to defy logical analysis. It may, however, open your mind to possibilities that you had not previously considered and that's a good thing.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today's Sun-Jupiter link will give you the confidence to tackle the kind of work-related issues you usually try to steer clear of. You may not know all
    the answers but you do know enough to look and sound more convincing than your rivals.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The choices you make over the next few days will have a huge impact on your future prosperity and they are more likely to be the right choices if you
    trust your instincts. Back those instincts with courage and confidence and you are sure to succeed.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    No matter how many times you have tried and failed at something if you give it another go today there is no doubt it will come right. One of the positive traits of your sign is that you never give up. Staying power is your magic ingredient.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Call it as you see it today, even if your words are likely to antagonize
    people both at home and at work. Telling the truth will work in your favor in that no one will be able to say later on that you were dishonest like everyone else.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may be a bit worried about a family or work situation but try not to let your anxiety show. If loved ones and colleagues can be persuaded to believe
    you know what you are doing they are more likely to make the right kind of choices themselves.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Whether or not you enjoy what happens next depends on your attitude to life
    and with the Sun and Jupiter on good terms at the moment there is little doubt it will be hugely agreeable. Life is what you make of it, so make it very,
    very good.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Matters related to your wealth and your career are under excellent stars and
    if you are faced with a situation where you have to make a snap decision about your future it is sure to be the right one. Don't think about it too deeply, just do it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If a personal relationship has fallen into a bit of a rut of late then what occurs between now and the weekend will give you the chance to raise it up again. Don't be shy about reminding the object of your affection just how much they mean to you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your practical nature will give you a big advantage over rivals who prefer to act on impulse. Because you have done your homework and put in the hard mental and physical work what seems like a challenging situation to them won't worry you in the slightest.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +16C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 08, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 8, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    A new friendship, or maybe even a new romance, will light up your life over
    the next 12 months and the pleasure you get from it will have a knock-on
    effect on your working relationships as well. Treat people well and they will treat you even better.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It would appear that someone is trying to keep you in the dark about a situation you want to know more about. You have every right to dig deeper and find out what is going on but there is no guarantee you will be delighted by what you find.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You seem to be flavor of the month at the moment and long may that happy situation continue, but don't fall into the trap of thinking you can do as you please without fear of the consequences. Others people's goodwill is unlikely to be limited.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may be tempted to retreat into your shell and keep the big, bad world at bay but that approach is unlikely to work for long. Instead, try identifying why you are under so much pressure and then find innovative ways to do something about it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It's quite possible that you could go over the top emotionally today, especially if you feel that you are being ignored or in some other way treated unfairly. Whatever the provocation, don't lose your cool, because it may take
    a while to find it again.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Mars in your sign makes it easy for you to take chances but other aspects warn this may not be the best time to push boundaries. Also, if someone you work with is critical of your actions find out why they feel that way, don't just get angry.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Venus in the travel area of your chart makes this a good time to get away with family and friends but as Mercury is now moving retrograde you must plan your route carefully. If you just head out into the wide blue yonder you could get lost!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may be of the opinion that if you had more cash in your pocket you would
    be happier but that isn't necessarily true. Attitude is everything and if you think rich today you will be rich in ways that don't just require more money
    or possessions.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Whatever your number one passion happens to be that is what you must focus on today. Others may say you should concentrate more on tasks that they want you to do but they are wrong - nothing matters more now than your own personal happiness.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Try not to pay too much attention to what is going on around you today because if you focus on what other people are saying and doing you will be easily distracted. You have an important task to take care of, so pretend you can't see or hear them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    In the greater scheme of things there is no such thing as coincidence and what occurs over the next 24 hours will make you aware that a number of seemingly random events are coming together in a very unrandom way - and very much to your benefit.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If a personal relationship has fallen into a bit of a rut of late then what occurs between now and the weekend will give you the chance to raise it up again. Don't be shy about reminding the object of your affection just how much they mean to you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Cosmic activity in the most adventurous area of your chart makes it easy to start something new but because mind planet Mercury is going through its retrograde phase you must plan carefully every step of the way. Be daring but don't be reckless.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 10 hours, 13 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 09, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 9, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    If you encourage a loved one to be more adventurous this year their efforts will benefit you in various ways as well. Most importantly they will
    appreciate your willingness to let them spread their wings and reward your generosity with an even deeper love than before.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't just accept what the so-called experts tell you. The planets warn they are every bit as confused by events as you are, so reject their advice if it doesn't sound right and act on what your instincts tell you. Deep down you already know what the truth is.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't sit back and wait for the world to beat a path to your door over the
    next 24 hours. Take your show on the road and let everyone know what you are capable of - which is much more than most people have given you credit for.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Nothing will disturb you today. No matter how worrying the news that comes
    your way may be you will just shrug it off and get on with your life. As far
    as you are concerned it's not worth getting worked up over things that cannot be changed.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You can be somewhat obsessive at times but that is not necessarily a bad thing and today it could even be a good thing in that it keeps you searching for answers to life's big questions. Don't stop probing until you understand everything.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Affairs of the heart are under generous stars at the moment, so if there is someone you are attracted to don't be afraid to approach them, because you may get a warmer response than expected. You must though be serious in your intentions.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Venus in the travel area of your chart makes this a good time to get away with family and friends but as Mercury is now moving retrograde you must plan your route carefully. If you just head out into the wide blue yonder you could get lost!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Do something dramatic over the next 24 hours, something that cannot be
    ignored. Cosmic activity in and around your birth sign urges you to soar above and beyond the limits you have imposed on yourself. Aim higher, try harder and make great things happen.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may not want to accept that a colleague has done better than you on the work front but it's a fact and there is no point moaning about it. Look carefully at what brought them success, then find ways to adapt their methods for your own use.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Go out of your way to mix with people socially today, even if you still have a heap of work to get through. If you force yourself to knuckle down and get it all done you could miss out on some interesting and potentially profitable gossip.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    According to the planets your overactive imagination is causing you problems, not least in that you seem to believe you are heading for the poor house. Stop worrying and start looking for ways to boost your income, ways that you are in full control of.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may think that you are special but it would appear that someone in a position of power has their doubts, so make it your business today to prove that you are up to the tasks they have set you. You were born to be Number

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There is nothing you need to be afraid of, so why are you always looking over your shoulder? Whatever the reason you need to get over it because there are some fantastic opportunities coming your way - opportunities that will
    approach from the front, not the rear.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 20 hours, 41 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 10, 2024 08:00:22
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 10, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Saturn's influence on your birthday is such that both rewards and penalties will be magnified many times over, so always follow the rules and always make sure the people you work with are following them too. Honesty plus hard work will bring lasting success.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If a friend or family member tries to warn you about something this weekend
    you would be a fool to ignore them. They can see pitfalls that you, in your desire to believe that nothing can go wrong, have managed to overlook. Listen, learn and act.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Saturn in your sign urges you to knuckle down and do what is expected of you
    on the work front, but don't push yourself too hard. You have
    responsibilities, to be sure, but you also have rights, including the right
    not to exhaust yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If a friend asks you for a favor this weekend you will of course help them out but don't let them depend on you to such an extent that you have no time left to do your own thing. Be brutal and insist they do more for themselves.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Although a friend or relative appears to be on their best behavior at the moment the planets warn they may be up to something they don't want you to
    know about, so be on your guard and, if possible, find out what's cooking.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    According to the planets you have been deceiving yourself about how much
    effort you are going to have to put in to make a success of a new creative project. You cannot approach it in a half-hearted manner - it really is all or nothing.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You have been pushing yourself extremely hard of late and if you don't slow down and give your body and mind a break this weekend it will take a lot
    longer to recover later on. You have limits like everyone else, so be smart
    and respect them.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The Sun in your sign makes a challenging link to Saturn this weekend, so don't expect everything in your life to run smoothly over the next 48 hours. When confronted by obstacles you must use your brain, as brute force won't be
    enough to get past them.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may be on the verge of giving up on a problem you have been struggling
    with for ages but don't be hasty. Put it on the back-burner for a while and focus on more enjoyable things. The answer will pop into your head early next week.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If it seems as if everyone is talking about you at the moment it's most likely because they are. What have you done to provoke so much gossip? Who knows, but now you have got their attention make sure they know you are serious about
    your intentions.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't let it worry you if someone else's misfortune works in your favor this weekend. It isn't your fault they got themselves in such a muddle and it would be foolish of you not to take advantage of it - as they would if the roles
    were reversed.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You demand freedom of action for yourself and what happens this weekend will remind you that friends and family members are entitled to their liberty every bit as much as you are. Encourage them to go off and do their own thing for a while.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may be tempted to try and hold back the tide of events but what's the point? The world is changing at a rate of knots and there is no way you will
    be able to slow it down, let alone stop it. Try changing with it instead.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 day, 20 hours, 41 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 11, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 11, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You will find yourself drawn to a cause or movement of some kind over the next few months and the more you get involved the more of a positive impact you
    will have and the happier you will be. Connect with something bigger and better.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may be a nice guy by nature but sometimes you have no choice but to get tough with people who are rude for no good reason. You don't have to put up with discourteous behavior, so come down on them quickly and come down on them hard.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The best way to get past a disappointment of some kind is to immerse yourself in an activity that requires 100 per cent focus. If both your mind and body
    are fully occupied there will be no room for negative emotions to get a hold
    on you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You will find it hard to ignore your emotions this week but that's okay. It won't hurt to let others see your vulnerable side and they won't think any the less of you for it. Be careful though. You don't want your rivals to think you've gone soft!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You don't take risks for the fun of it but there are good cosmic reasons why you should take a risk or two now. The planets indicate there is much to be gained by backing your hunches, so trust them even if they seem somewhat illogical.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be in the mood to get things done but the earlier you start and the later you finish the more likely it is you will exhaust yourself, so be sensible and know when to take a break. Balance periods of intense activity with periods of relaxation.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Family issues will weigh on your mind this week and there will be times when you wonder why you bother trying to be fair with loved ones. The reason, of course, is because it is in your nature to care and that isn't about to change any time soon.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The more the critics say your dreams will never come true the more determined you will be to prove them wrong. Anyone who thinks you will allow yourself to be affected by such blatant negativity clearly doesn't know the first thing about you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Even such a self-sufficient sign as Virgo needs help once in a while and if
    you are smart you will ask for assistance when a task starts getting too much for you. What seems such a challenge for one person will be easily resolved by two or three.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There is an air of excitement and expectation about your life at the moment
    and it will increase rapidly over the next few days. The upcoming union of
    Mars and Jupiter in the most adventurous area of your chart will see you at your very best.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There will be a lot of sound and fury in your life over the next few days, so prepare yourself mentally and promise that you won't add to it by getting worked up about trivial things. You are a serious individual with serious issues to deal with.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The more you do for other people the more the universe will do for you, so if you get the chance to assist someone in need don't hesitate for a single moment, dive right in and do a good deed. They will never stop thanking you
    for it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Changes on the work front may be unsettling but they are also exciting, so
    stop worrying about what the end result might be and focus on making the most of the opportunities coming your way. Change is good for you, so make it your friend.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 12, 2024 08:00:20
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 12, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Resist the temptation to go for short-term gains when the long-term rewards could be so much better. That applies in particular to anything of an artistic nature - create something that lasts rather than something that brings instant but temporary gratification.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Cosmic activity in the most creative area of your chart urges you to get serious about a long-term project. Up until today you have been just tinkering with it but now you must knuckle down and get it finished. It's your big
    chance to shine.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Do what you can to bring a smile to the face of a loved one who is feeling a bit down in the dumps. As a Water sign you have a knack for highlighting the absurdities of life and in doing so can help people feel better about themselves.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your insights into what makes a friend or loved one tick will come in useful today as you should be able to predict what their next move is going to be.
    You will also be well placed to step in and rescue them if they get it wrong.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Do you cash in some kind of investment now or do you hang on to it a bit
    longer in the hope that it will appreciate in value even more? Only you can make that decision but the planets warn you may have pushed your luck far enough already.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may not see eye-to-eye with a friend or family member over every little thing but your aims are still generally in alignment, so strive to stay on
    good terms. Remember, their way of doing things is as valid for them as your way is for you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    It's quite likely that you will get a bit emotional over the next few days as cosmic activity in the most sensitive area of your chart comes to a head. But that's okay - in fact it's good, as it helps to let off steam once in a while.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The fact that you enjoy being the center of attention will work in your favor today as all eyes will be on you rather than on someone you are trying to protect. Don't do anything too outrageous though or they may see through your act.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Upheavals on the career front are likely today but there is no need to be alarmed. The fact that there are so many things up in their air at the moment will work in your favor as you adapt quicker than most people to new opportunities.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Not everyone will be happy with the events of the next few days but you will
    be delighted in that you have been bored with a lack of movement in recent weeks and can take advantage of the chaos and confusion to get your life
    moving again.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you find yourself torn between two equally attractive offers today choose the one that helps other people more than it helps you. Not only will you feel good about yourself but in the long-term the universe will reward you for your generosity of spirit.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Mars and Jupiter in your opposite sign will bring some serious tensions to the surface over the next few days and you can and you must deal with them so they never bother you again. Be ruthless if you have to - this is no time for sentiment.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The next few days are going to be super busy, so let loved ones know that you won't be able to devote your full attention to them but that you will make it up to them later on. They'll understand - they know how much your work means
    to you.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +14C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 08:00:30
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 13, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    When are you going to get serious and make that big dream of yours a reality? Your birthday chart indicates that the next 12 months could be make or break, so commit yourself to your vision 100 per cent and write your name in the stars.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You don't have to follow a script that has been drawn up by other people. You have a mind of your own and are perfectly at liberty to take a completely different path through life if you so choose. You know what is best for yourself.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A major challenge will have to be faced today and it is of the utmost importance that you stay calm in the face of the storm. The more rivals try to get under your skin the more you must refuse to play by their rules. They
    can't force you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    No matter how much your rivals may try to intimidate you today if you refuse
    to get angry there is nothing they can do about it. Ignore the threats they make and carry on as before. Your friends and allies are far more important than your enemies.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There are times when it is sensible to let others take the lead and this is
    one of them. What occurs over the next few days will transform your current situation to such an extent that there is no sense trying to exert too much control.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The message of the stars today is that you need to pay attention to what is going on in the world around you. If you ignore something that seems to be of minor importance you may find out later on that it was actually hugely significant.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Things are going so well for you at the moment that you may start believing there is some sort of catch. The good news is there's absolutely no need to worry - there is no downside to your current run of good fortune, so enjoy every moment of it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you try to force a colleague to do your bidding today you could stir up a lot of resentment. Whatever it is you are trying to accomplish it is more likely to be a success if you focus mostly on other people's needs. What's in it for them?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Be honest about what you've been up to in recent weeks and then let friends
    and family know what you are going to be doing next. If they are kept in the loop as to your ambitions they are less likely to try to stand in your way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Big opportunities are heading your way and the planets suggest if you keep
    your eyes and ears open and then act quickly and decisively you could make a fortune. At the very least you will impress people whose support could be priceless.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You will find yourself in a situation that calls into question your notions of what is right and what is wrong. It's never easy for someone so set in their ways to see things from the other person's point of view but it will pay you
    to try.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your confidence may take a bit of a dive over the next day or two but nothing much will come of it, so keep telling yourself that while your mood may be on the down slope now it will be soaring again by the end of the week.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Someone whose outlook on life is the opposite of your own will rub you up the wrong way today but it is entirely in your own power to either react to their provocations or to ignore them. What can they do to actually hurt you? Nothing at all.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 08:00:22
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 14, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Mars and Jupiter join forces on your birthday in a way that encourages you to expand your outlook on life and get involved in wider world issues. A cause that is close to your heart will benefit from your outstanding leadership qualities.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A Mars-Jupiter union in the most dynamic area of your chart will endow you
    with endless energy and self-belief. Identify the goal that means the most to you and aim to reach it in hours and days rather than weeks and months. It CAN be done.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There could be a few disruptions today and friends and loved ones are likely
    to be touchy in the extreme. Promise yourself that no matter what they might say or do you won't overreact. They don't mean it and you don't need to let it hurt you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Make a point of doing something different over the next 24 hours, something that reminds those around you that you should never be taken for granted. If you break a few rules or shatter a few taboos along the way so much the

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you want to get on top of your workload today you will have to start at the crack of dawn and labor through until after the sun has gone down. If you put in a serious effort now the rest of the week should be easy going.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    With Mars and Jupiter joining forces in your birth sign today nothing and no one can stand in your way - you are an irresistible force and there is not an immovable object in sight. Get moving and don't stop until you have reached your goal.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    It may be true that someone is talking behind your back but what of it? It's only words and words can only hurt you if you allow them to. Besides, friends and work colleagues are unlikely to be taken in by a rival's obvious lies.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you try to force a colleague to do your bidding today you could stir up a lot of resentment. Whatever it is you are trying to accomplish it is more likely to be a success if you focus mostly on other people's needs. What's in it for them?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It is a sad fact of life that some people never seem to learn from their mistakes, but what occurs today will force a friend or relative to look at the world from a different angle and then start making changes. Help them make those changes if you can.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Time is not a factor as far as your aims and ambitions are concerned, so don't put needless pressure on yourself by constantly looking at the clock. Decide what it is that needs to get done and then just do it regardless of the hour.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If a friend or loved one takes you into their confidence over the next 24
    hours you must make sure you keep their secrets. If you accidentally let slip what they have told you it's unlikely they will ever feel able to trust you again.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may be tempted to cover up for a friend who has got themselves in a spot
    of trouble but the planets indicate it would be better for them in the long- term if you refuse to get involved. On this occasion let them sort it out for themselves.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Someone whose outlook on life is the opposite of your own will rub you up the wrong way today but it is entirely in your own power to either react to their provocations or to ignore them. What can they do to actually hurt you? Nothing at all.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +13C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 15, 2024 08:00:30
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 15, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Mercury's influence on your birthday is such that you will need to question every assumption that you usually feel comfortable with. If you start from the premise that the opposite of what you believe is closer to the truth then you won't go far wrong.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A mix-up in communications could lead to a falling-out with a friend or colleague and it may be quite a while before you mend fences and get back together again. That could though be a blessing in that time spent apart will be good for both of you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't waste your time trying to get a colleague to see sense today because
    they are in one of those moods when whatever you say they will take the opposite viewpoint. If you have to push ahead with your plans on your own then so be it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may get it into your head today that everything in your life needs to be torn down so you can start again from scratch, but that is completely wrong.
    By all means have a serious purge but why throw out what still seems to work?

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your thoughts will be all over the place today, so try not to make decisions that could have serious repercussions down the line if they go wrong. On the home front, especially, you are under no obligation to do what loved ones say is your duty.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    While Mercury, your ruler, is moving retrograde it is of the utmost importance that you focus on the positive things in your life and refuse to give the negative things even a minimum of head space. Act as if you cannot lose, and you won't.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you approach an employer or someone else in a position of authority for a favor today they either won't grant it or will attach so many conditions that it is not worth the effort. Go your own way and do your own thing - you don't need anyone's help.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Do only what matters to you today, even if some of your closest friends say
    you should be doing more for other people. What they mean, of course, is that they would like you to do for them what they are too lazy to do for

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Something you have kept secret for quite a while could become public knowledge today. There is no point trying to deny the fact that you made an error of judgement, so hold up your hand and own your mistake. It's really not such a big deal.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Unexpected feelings of anxiety will plague you today and make you believe the world is against you. Keep telling yourself there is no evidence for that and even if the worst were to happen it would not put more than a minor dent in your ambitions.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be minded to make an issue of something on the work front but as communications planet Mercury, now in its retrograde phase, moves back into
    the career area of your chart today there isn't much point - because no one will be listening.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Something you have wanted to own for a very long time is now within reach but you may have to wait a bit longer before you get your hands on it. Be patient and stay alert so you are ready to grab it when the opportunity finally arrives.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If a friend needs your assistance today you will of course do what you can,
    but you also need to be smart and recognize that just giving them money won't solve their problems. Instead, give them the sort of practical advice they
    seem incapable of giving themselves.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 6 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 16, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 16, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    The bigger your ambitions this year the clearer you must be about how you are going to finance them. You may believe in yourself 100% but others will need
    to be convinced if you expect them to back you with cold, hard cash.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    No doubt you are tempted to tell friends and family members what they want to hear but deep down you know that protecting them from the truth is likely to
    be harmful in the long-term. Be honest with them today, no matter how much it stirs things up.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Saturn in your sign is at odds with Mars today, so don't be surprised if you find yourself disagreeing with what loved ones and work colleagues are up to. It is not, however, your place to insist they change their ways. Let them make their own mistakes.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may be eager to push ahead with a project that means a lot to you but
    while your ruler Mars is at odds with Saturn you must be cautious. If you take too big a step forward today you may have to take several steps back later on.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You try to be sensitive to other people's feelings but this is one of those occasions when it may be impossible not to tread on a few fragile egos. Say what needs to be said and don't worry too much how other people choose to take it.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The facts may be all on your side but that won't change the beliefs of people whose outlook on life is tainted by various conspiracy theories. Don't waste time and energy challenging their viewpoints, because it's highly unlikely
    they want to know.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    As one of those zodiac's cardinal signs your standards tend to be higher than most people's, so don't be too disappointed today if a friend's efforts fall short of the mark. Help them make a better go of it next time around.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Do only what matters to you today, even if some of your closest friends say
    you should be doing more for other people. What they mean, of course, is that they would like you to do for them what they are too lazy to do for

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The time for excuses is over: you know what needs to be done and you know that if you begin now it won't be long before it is successfully completed. The first step may be the hardest but it can also be the easiest if you start out small.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Take time out of your busy schedule to look ahead and envisage where you would most like to be a month or two from now. You won't be able to start on your journey immediately but you can at least lay the groundwork for later on.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Do something that excites you today. Better still, make it something that shocks some of the people around you. It won't take much to stir things up and it will do friends and family members good to know they can no longer take so much for granted.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Something you have wanted to own for a very long time is now within reach but you may have to wait a bit longer before you get your hands on it. Be patient and stay alert so you are ready to grab it when the opportunity finally arrives.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Although new ideas are pouring into your head at a rate of knots you cannot possibly make use of them all, so be selective with those you choose to build on. And remember, it's only a truly good idea if it works for everyone.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 17, 2024 08:00:20
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 17, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Each birthday is a milestone but you can sense that this anniversary is of special significance. If you make the most of your many opportunities over the coming year your life will be transformed in ways that seem miraculous. Make magic happen.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you rush around trying to get fifty things done at the same time today you will quickly wear yourself out. Instead, focus on the two or three aims that are of most importance to you and forget about the rest. No one expects you to be Superman!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your head may be full of big ideas but can you be sure they are good ideas? Mercury's retrograde phase means your mind may not be as sharp as you would like it to be, so maybe get a second opinion before embarking on anything new.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't waste your time complaining about other people's behavior this weekend because it won't make any difference. Instead, save your breath and your
    energy and focus on a creative activity that makes you feel as if you are
    doing something positive in life.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Someone you socialize with will say controversial things for the fun of it
    this weekend and if you are smart you won't take a word of it seriously. No matter how outrageous their claims may be don't rise to the bait. Laugh at
    them instead.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A work-related issue is not as bad as you think it is, so stop worrying about it and focus instead on people and activities that make you happy. Your mind creates your reality, so be positive in thought and deed and don't forget to smile!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You need to be careful with money over the next few days because both the approaching full moon and Mercury's retrograde phase will make it all too easy to waste your resources on things you don't need - and on people who do not deserve your generosity.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The Sun in your sign at this time of year makes you eager to push ahead with your plans but other influences are likely to frustrate you over the next 48 hours. That's okay. Just because the clock is ticking does not mean you have
    to hurry.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A half-hearted effort is better than no effort at all, so force yourself to at least get started on a chore of some kind this weekend. Once you get into a rhythm you may be surprised to discover that it's not such a boring job after all.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Friends and loved ones could be rather demanding this weekend and there will
    be times when you are inclined to tell them to get off your back. A better response might be to say the words they want to hear and then do things your own way anyway.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your enemies are few and your friends are many, so why are you so bothered about those who oppose you? The message of the stars today is that you need to lighten up a little. You don't need to spend every last moment of your life on edge.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    What a colleague or maybe even your employer tells you today will most likely annoy you but don't get so uptight about it that you neglect to look ahead and see where this turn of events might lead. It could nudge you in a profitable new direction.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It may seem as if everyone but you knows what is going on at the moment but there is no need to panic. Partners, colleagues and loved ones are as much in the dark as you are, only they tend to disguise that fact better than you do!

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +20C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 18, 2024 08:00:18
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 18, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    There can be no turning back: you have started down a new path through life
    and now you must go all the way. It's not about personal or professional success, it's about staying true to who you are on the deepest level of your being.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A full moon in your sign will bring strong emotions to the surface over the next day or two, so promise yourself now that you won't let your feelings overheat. But don't go to the other extreme and be needlessly cold. Strike the right balance.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Keep your standards high at all times and don't be tempted to lower them
    merely to avoid friction with partners at home and at work. Some people are happy to go against their beliefs for material gain but you don't have to be one of them.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Social events could be disrupted over the next few days as friends and family members find it hard to make plans and stick with them. So long as you stay flexible and don't expect too much from those around you no lasting harm will come of it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may be at a loss to understand why someone is being obstructive but it is clear they do not want you to move ahead with work-related plans. Be smart and don't force the issue, because a few days from now their attitude will change for the better.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There is no point trying to run away from your troubles because wherever you
    go they will follow you there. Make use of the full moon to engineer a
    showdown with people who obviously don't want to see you succeed. It's time to get tough.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Like it or not you are going to have to do what others tell you during the early part of the week but when the Sun changes signs on the 22nd you will again be free to plot your own course. In the meantime, keep a low profile.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Identify your number one priority and focus on it relentlessly over the next few days. The more others try to distract you the more you must keep your attention fixed on what matters most. As much as you can, shut yourself off from outside influences.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Being a bit of a control freak you enjoy calling the shots but you are also smart enough to understand that sometimes a lighter touch is required. There are times when cracking the whip can work well for you but this isn't one of them.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Disruptions are likely under the influence of the full moon but if you stay calm and ignore minor setbacks there's not much that can hurt you. If you are involved in anything of a creative nature maybe leave it a few days before taking it further.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Once you have chosen a course of action no force on earth can stop you but
    that could be a problem now as the full moon puts you at odds with an equally determined opponent. Just agree to disagree and go your separate ways.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You seem to have got too much of one thing in your life and not enough of another and the full moon will highlight that situation over the next few
    days. Like it or not you are going to have to take some kind of remedial action.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It's possible that your career will get a boost this week but don't take your good fortune for granted. Like a game of snakes and ladders you could find yourself on the down slope again if you don't make the right choices, so think before you act.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +19C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 19, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 19, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Not only is there a full moon on your birthday but Mercury's influence will affect you as well, so promise yourself now that you will take an upbeat attitude to everything that occurs. Think happy and you will be happy - it's
    as simple as that.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A full moon in your sign will bring strong emotions to the surface over the next day or two, so promise yourself now that you won't let your feelings overheat. But don't go to the other extreme and be needlessly cold. Strike the right balance.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    What you hear today may not be music to your ears but it's not the end of the world either, so don't overreact. If you can recognize that some people are getting distraught for no good reason you can have a few laughs at their expense.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The most important thing as the new week begins is that you follow the letter of the law, whatever that law may be. Under no circumstances can you cut corners or break rules, because you simply won't get away with it. Be honest
    at all times.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today's full moon occurs at one of the more challenging angles of your chart, so you cannot afford to go to extremes no matter what the provocation might
    be. Whatever happens, at home or at work, you must stay in control of your emotions.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There is no point trying to run away from your troubles because wherever you
    go they will follow you there. Make use of the full moon to engineer a
    showdown with people who obviously don't want to see you succeed. It's time to get tough.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Like it or not you are going to have to do what others tell you during the early part of the week but when the Sun changes signs on the 22nd you will again be free to plot your own course. In the meantime, keep a low profile.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Identify your number one priority and focus on it relentlessly over the next few days. The more others try to distract you the more you must keep your attention fixed on what matters most. As much as you can, shut yourself off from outside influences.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    At some stage over the next 24 hours you will have no option but to request assistance from people who are more in tune with what is going on at your
    place of work. If you speak up and call in some favors you should get through okay.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You have been on a lucky streak of late but that streak may be coming to an end, so get serious about your obligations and don't just assume that everything will turn out for the best. Above all, avoid the kind of impulsive actions you too often enjoy.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Once you have chosen a course of action no force on earth can stop you but
    that could be a problem now as the full moon puts you at odds with an equally determined opponent. Just agree to disagree and go your separate ways.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you act on the assumption that travel arrangements may be subject to last minute delays you are less likely to get angry when plans have to change.
    Don't worry about being late, just make sure you get to your destination in
    the right frame of mind.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    What happens today may come as a shock but if you think about it a bit you
    will have to admit that the signs were there and you should have seen it coming. Fortunately, it will look more of a big deal than it actually is.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 3 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 08:00:18
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 20, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Because you have such a big personality you attract people who feed off your confidence and life force. This year though you would be wise to limit how
    much you give of yourself, so you have enough left in the tank to fuel your
    own ambitions.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may be an ideas person by nature but you need to accept that other
    people's minds don't always work along the same mental grooves as your own. Partners and colleagues are entitled to disagree with you and you must not
    take it personally.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you use your imagination today you can easily conjure up an image of where you would most like to be and what you would most like to be doing before the end of the year. Hold that vision in your head and work towards a major transformation.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you attempt to push loved ones in directions they don't want to go they
    will dig in their heels and refuse to move. The way to win them round to your way of thinking is to inspire them with a vision of a great future together.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The fact that you have received no thanks at all for helping someone in need must not be allowed to cloud your thinking or change your approach. You did
    not put yourself out to earn applause, you did it because it was the right thing to do.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are downsides to your current celebrity status and one of them is that people are watching you wherever you go and whatever you do. Make an effort to duck out of the limelight today, so you can act with a little more freedom.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Do you have a philosophy of life? If not, you would be wise to start thinking about what drives you and how you can use that drive to help make the world a better place. Put aside some time today to meditate on the meaning of life.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The Sun is coming to the end of its stay in your sign but that does not mean you should slow down or abandon what you are working on. In fact the opposite is true: make a superhuman effort to finish that important project you
    recently started.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    By all means go your own way and do your own thing today but don't go
    overboard and start behaving outrageously as that will inevitably turn people against you. You will have a lot more freedom to act when the Sun enters your sign on Thursday.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Some kind of creative endeavor needs to be completed before the Sun changes signs on the 22nd. After that date you will have a lot less room for maneuver and certainly won't be able to do as you please. A great many people are depending on you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you keep pushing at a door that has been shut to you in the past it will eventually swing wide open. The cosmic picture is changing and in a matter of days you could find yourself on the brink of a major breakthrough. Be ready
    for it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you act on the assumption that travel arrangements may be subject to last minute delays you are less likely to get angry when plans have to change.
    Don't worry about being late, just make sure you get to your destination in
    the right frame of mind.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A financial issue of some kind needs to be dealt with before the Sun changes signs on Thursday. You may not be worrying about it now but you will certainly be worrying about it later on when you incur losses that could have been avoided.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +10C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 21, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Neptune's influence on your birthday means you will need to be on top of your game when negotiating financial matters. You may want to think the best of the people you deal with but can you afford to take the chance? No you cannot.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You are not usually affected by jealousy but there may be moments today when you wish that someone paid you as much attention as they have been paying someone else. Could they have been doing so deliberately to see what effect it has on you?

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The Sun's move into the partnership area of your chart tomorrow will make it easy for you to reach out to other people. Decide what it is you need from them, then make your request in a confident but respectful manner. They are unlikely to refuse.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There are a number of practical problems to be dealt with and you must
    approach them in the right frame of mind. Do what has to be done and don't let anyone, not even loved ones, persuade you to pull your punches. This is no
    time for sentiment.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You've done plenty for other people in recent weeks, so now do something for yourself. With the Sun about to move into the most dynamic area of your chart you cannot allow emotional commitments to hold you back. Go for it 100

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are downsides to your current celebrity status and one of them is that people are watching you wherever you go and whatever you do. Make an effort to duck out of the limelight today, so you can act with a little more freedom.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There haven't been too many opportunities to relax of late but when the Sun moves into the most social area of your chart tomorrow you should find it easier to let your hair down. Put fears and worries out of your mind and just have fun!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You have been buzzing around non-stop in recent weeks but not even a Leo can keep up this level of activity forever. Give yourself permission to wind down
    a bit over the next few days. Let other people do the running around for a change.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A new solar year is about to begin and it won't be long before the smile that has been missing from your face is back to stay. On a practical level the most important thing now is that you focus on one aim at a time. Less is more.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may think you can get your way through sheer force of personality but as from tomorrow that won't be so easy. As the Sun moves into the most sensitive area of your chart you will accomplish more if you try to be a touch less intimidating.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may seem imperious and hugely self-confident to the world at large but
    deep down you have fears and doubts like everyone else and some of them will come to the surface today. Don't let them hold you back. Your prospects are exceedingly good.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    As the Sun moves towards the career area of your chart your drive to succeed will become more pronounced and you will be less inclined to let friends and colleagues waste your time on trivial matters. Don't lose your playful touch entirely though.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Life has been tough of late but conditions should get easier not long after
    the Sun changes signs tomorrow, so stop acting as if there is a nasty surprise around every corner and start believing that only good things will occur - and they will.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +11C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 22, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 22, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You will encounter a number of powerful people over the coming year and some
    of them may be difficult to deal with. The more they try to push you in one direction the more you should ignore them and follow your own favored path. They can't hurt you.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The planets are encouraging you to focus on financial matters between now and the end of the week, because if you feel good about your money situation you will feel good about personal and professional relationships as well. Aim to
    be rich.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    As the Sun is now moving into your opposite sign it's possible that some
    people may start to throw their weight around a bit. If friends and colleagues make unreasonable demands you can and you must stand up for yourself. It's
    okay to say "No".

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You would be wise to leave nothing to chance today, especially on the work front where even a minor mistake could lead to major repercussions. This most definitely isn't one of those times when you can afford to play things by ear.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You can sense that something special is approaching but you cannot work out what it might be. No matter: just sit back, relax and let life come to you. With the Sun on your side over the next few weeks you have nothing to worry about.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be tempted to hunker down and pretend that the world outside your door does not exist but that is the worst possible approach you could take.
    Whatever challenges might be coming your way you must be brave and face up to them.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your mind will be full of good ideas over the next few days and one of those ideas may even be a great idea. Listen carefully to what your intuition tells you and be prepared to back it 100 per cent no matter what the doubters say.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Although the Sun leaves your sign today there is no need to feel sad. On the contrary, you have achieved so much over the past few weeks that you should be giving yourself a pat on the back. And there is still so much more you can do.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    No doubt there were times of late when it seemed as if the whole world was conspiring against you but with the Sun moving into your sign today your outlook on life will be much more positive. Live in the present and plan for the future.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may think you can get your way through sheer force of personality but as from tomorrow that won't be so easy. As the Sun moves into the most sensitive area of your chart you will accomplish more if you try to be a touch less intimidating.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    How much progress you make over the next few weeks depends in large part on
    how successful you are in winning people round to your way of thinking. Don't hit them over the head with a deluge of facts and figures - turn on the charm instead.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Pursue objectives that mean something to you personally and don't waste your time on people whose aims are at odds with your own. If they get the
    impression that you can be easily manipulated they won't leave you alone for a single moment.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The more you have been held back in the past by friends and colleagues who don't share your vision the more opportunities there will be to go after your dreams now. A more adventurous phase is beginning, so don't be afraid to take
    a few chances.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +8C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 23, 2024 08:00:20
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 23, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Work-related issues will take up a large slice of your time and energy over
    the coming year and if you play your cards right you could end up in a
    position of power. Anyone who says you are too nice to succeed may have to eat their words.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may be inclined to do something provocative today but before you do try looking ahead and working out how much it might cost you if it goes wrong. Is it worth the risk? Maybe, maybe not, but you certainly don't have to take it right now.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today's Venus-Mars link warns that while a loved one may be hugely
    enthusiastic about a project of some kind you are under no obligation to fall in with their plans. If it does not appeal to you just let them know and wish them the best.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You don't lack for ambition but take care that in your rush to get ahead in life you don't upset some very important people along the way. Another attribute you have plenty of is charisma, so turn on the charm and make allies rather than enemies.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today's Venus-Mars link is sure to make one-to-one relationships tense but there is no reason why there should be a major falling out either at home or
    at work. Meet others halfway every chance you get -- it will be a sacrifice worth making.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Make sure you have done everything expected of you on the domestic front
    before venturing out and having fun in the wider world. Partners and relatives have a right to expect that you pull your weight around the home, and will let you know if you don't!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The number one lesson you need to learn is that perfection is unattainable. It's okay to set high standards but if you make them so high they become impossible to reach what good does that do? Remind yourself often that you are still human.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Push ahead with your plans but don't think that you can do it all by yourself because the planets warn there may be obstacles up ahead that only a team can deal with. There will be more than enough glory for everyone to share in.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you owe someone a favor then it must be repaid on demand. If you have to change your plans to accommodate a friend's or loved one's needs over the next 24 hours then do so with good humor -- you cannot have it all your own way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If your sixth sense tells you to take certain claims with a large dose of
    doubt you must not ignore them. Even if the person who is advising you has never let you down before there is a chance they could do so today. Don't take unnecessary risks.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you can keep your head clear of other people's gossip and tittle-tattle you will see clearly what needs to be done today. Should the noise get too much just put on your headphones and drown out their voices. And don't worry about looking rude.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Do you stick with what you know and trust or do you try something new? Only
    you can decide but the planets suggest you are more likely to come up with the right answer if you leave it for a day or two. Seriously, what's the rush?

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Mars in the work area of your chart will encourage you to make a series of
    rash decisions today, each one potentially more harmful than the one before. Just because you are feeling more adventurous does not mean you have to be reckless.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +10C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 24, 2024 08:00:22
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 24, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You will have plenty to say for yourself this year and others will be left in no doubt as to what you believe. But try not to be too fixed in your opinions because your vision isn't the only one of value. Listen occasionally too.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Refuse to settle for second best this weekend and insist that everyone you
    deal with, socially and professionally, makes a proper effort to live up to your high standards. If they are not prepared to do that, don't waste your precious time on them.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Some of the things you thought were fixtures in your life will start to shift over the next few days and you must be ready and willing to adapt to the new reality. You know you cannot hold back the tide of change, so don't even try.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may find that some individuals make a point of being unhelpful this weekend. Don't take it personally and don't change a thing. The fact is you don't need their assistance and you're not the sort to change your ways to please other people.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There is no reason to stay quiet about your plans. Let everyone know what it
    is you are going to be doing and let them know too how they can help if they want to share in the spoils. If not, tell them to stay out of the way.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You will be called on to make some tough decisions over the next few days but with both Mars and Jupiter moving through your sign you won't hesitate to do what needs to be done. Don't feel too sorry for those who lose out or get left behind.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may truly believe that you can change the world but hopefully you are
    smart enough to realize you can't do it all on your own. Get involved with people who share your aims and your outlook on life and start making good things happen together.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It should be easy enough to convince friends and colleagues that your plans deserve their full support. Point out the many ways they will benefit personally from what you propose and promise them that you won't keep all the rewards for yourself.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Try not to analyze your motives and your actions too deeply over the next 48 hours. Now the Sun is moving through your sign you can afford to trust your instincts - you really don't have to dissect each and every decision you make.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A positive mental attitude is essential if you are to attract the kind of success you desire. It won't be easy now the Sun is moving through the most sensitive area of your chart but if you focus on the future rather than the past it can be done.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The Sun in one of the more outgoing areas of your chart will help you reach
    out to people and build alliances that both they and you can profit from. You may be a loner by nature but you can accomplish great things as part of a

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The vital thing now is that you make sure employers, senior colleagues and all the other important people in your life know what it is you are hoping to accomplish. If you spell it out for them you will get all the assistance you need.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The more others rave about the latest big thing the less inclined you will be to add your name to its growing list of admirers. The only danger is that this particular big thing could actually turn out to be the wave of the future. Don't get left behind!

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +12C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 25, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 25, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    If you have the courage to go after your dreams this year there is precious little you cannot do. For best results, listen to what your inner voice tells you and follow its advice to the letter. You are destined to accomplish some seriously special things.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Any doubts you may have about a relationship will start to fade and then disappear completely over the coming week. Looking back you will realize there was precious little to be worried about in the first place - it was your mind playing tricks on you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    How committed are you to your current vision? Around the time that mind planet Mercury ends its retrograde phase in midweek you will come to the conclusion that maybe that vision was not the right one for you. Don't fret about it,
    just find a new one.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    What has been bothering you the most in recent weeks won't worry you in the slightest once mind planet Mercury ends its retrograde phase on Wednesday. And once your mental outlook changes your luck will change as well, very much for the better.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you feel the need to force the pace, either at home or at work, over the next few days just go for it and don't worry if friends and colleagues and loved ones seem unconvinced. They may doubt you but you must not doubt yourself.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    As your ruling planet Mercury is coming to the end of its retrograde phase you need to look back at the changes you made in recent weeks and ask yourself honestly if you made the right calls. There is still time to change them back again.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    New opportunities are opening up for you now and you must not hesitate to take advantage of them. The social side of your life will be especially busy over the next few days and some of the contacts you make will bring unexpected benefits.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Something that has been preying on your mind for several weeks can and must be dealt with over the coming week. Most likely it is not the potential disaster you led yourself to believe it was, and what happens next will come as a huge relief.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may not have been on the best of terms with certain people of late but
    when Mercury, your ruler, moves in your favor again in midweek the issues that have divided you will no longer seem so important. The simple fact is they never were.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You need to choose a path and stick with it. You have chopped and changed so often in recent weeks that you are no longer sure which direction you are facing. If you don't know your own mind how can you expect others to assist you?

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you are frustrated with the lack of progress you've been making on the work front then do something about it. Mercury's influence will clarify what you have been doing wrong, so you can make the right choices next time - and there is always a next time.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The planets indicate not only that you have a duty to perform but that there
    is no way you can get out of it. Identify what needs to be done and then apply yourself with 100 per cent mental and physical effort. There must be no half measures!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Something you see or hear over the next few days will spark your interest and get you thinking along more adventurous lines. But don't get carried away and end up rejecting everything that went before. Build on what you know, don't junk it.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 26, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 26, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    What seems baffling now will make perfect sense later in the year, so stop trying so hard to work out what is going on and just go with the flow. Your birthday chart indicates you are on the right path and heading rapidly toward personal and professional success.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The more someone tries to convince you that they know what they are talking about the more you will doubt them. Be smart and reserve final judgment until after mind planet Mercury turns direct on Wednesday, as only then will you
    know for sure

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You appear to be in one of those situations where the harder you work the less progress you make. So why not take the hint and slow down a bit? There is no cosmic law that says you must work flat out 100 per cent of the time.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Yes, some of the ideas doing the rounds at the moment are clearly a bit silly, but don't cut yourself off from new perspectives. Creatively, this is a really good time for you, so keep your mind open to new ways of doing things.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Something you have believed in for most of your life is looking less certain
    by the day and what occurs this week may change your outlook completely. Nothing in life is permanent and what looks like a sure thing today could be a non-starter tomorrow.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You have set your ideals way too high in recent weeks and will need to trim them back to conform to reality over the next few days. That will be easier to do if you admit, at least to yourself, that you are human like everyone else.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you must take risks you should take them in areas that are not likely to cost you a fortune if you make the wrong choices. Being bored is one thing but it's preferable to being broke, so don't risk your hard-earned cash on long shots.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Mind planet Mercury ends its retrograde phase in your sign in midweek, so even if you are desperate to make a decision of some kind you would be wise to
    leave it a few more days. It could be there is something you have still not quite understood.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your ability to get through to other people has been undermined in recent
    weeks by Mercury, your ruler, behaving erratically, but the good news is that phase is coming to an end. Partners and loved ones will soon understand you again, for better or worse.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you are faced with a situation that has no obvious solution today just go with the first idea that comes into your head. It could be right, it could be wrong, but at least you will be doing something positive. Doing nothing is not an option.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Generally speaking you feel safer thinking along tried and trusted lines but
    as Mercury nears the end of its retrograde phase you will be more inclined to take a chance or three, and that's a good thing. What have you got to lose? Nothing at all.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you are a typical Sag then long-term planning no doubt bores you to tears, but it will pay you to look ahead and try to work out what challenges might
    lay ahead. A little bit of forethought now could save you a lot of anguish later on.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Just because a plan did not work out for you this time does not mean it won't work out for you next time. Keep plugging away at it and keep believing that your ideas are good ones - and they might even turn out to be great ones!

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 27, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    As one of the zodiac's Earth signs you tend to stick with what you know and trust, but with innovations planet Uranus strong on your birthday it will pay you to be more adventurous in your thinking. There really is no limit to what you can achieve.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Family and financial matters are under good stars today and there is a real possibility that you will profit from the assistance you gave a loved one or partner a week or two back. You didn't expect to be rewarded, of course, but you will be.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you are involved in something of an artistic or creative nature you can guarantee its success by bringing other people into the mix. What you do on your own will be good but what you do as part of a team could border on

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you want to make a good impression on a senior work colleague, or even your employer, try doing something different today. They are so used to your co- workers playing it by the book that a more innovative approach from you will
    be welcomed.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It will come as a shock to discover that a friend or family member has been bending the rules not just a little bit but a lot. Don't be too judgmental though. It's not as if you have not cut a corner or two yourself over the years.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Changes you made earlier in the year are beginning to filter through to your everyday reality and what occurs over the next two or three days will
    encourage you to believe that the benefits could be huge. That's the dividend you get for looking ahead.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you are of the opinion that what you have accomplished in recent months is not that important then what occurs today and tomorrow will encourage you to change your tune. Some of the small changes you made are about to yield very big returns.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An anxiety that has been holding you back from doing your best work in recent weeks will fade rapidly over the next few days, leaving you to wonder why on earth you allowed yourself to get so worked up. Whatever the reason, make up for lost time.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may be concerned that some of the changes taking place in the world around you are going to impact negatively on your plans but if anything the opposite is true. Don't fear new technologies and new ways of doing things, embrace
    them instead.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If a friend or colleague starts saying things you know are not true you must come down on them quickly and come down on them hard. If you don't stick up
    for yourself then no one else will, so get tough and make sure they get the message.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your feelings for a certain individual will reach a peak over the next 24
    hours but don't allow yourself to get so obsessed by them that you lose all sense of proportion. They may be special but they are not infallible. They
    have faults, just like you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you are a typical Sag then long-term planning no doubt bores you to tears, but it will pay you to look ahead and try to work out what challenges might
    lay ahead. A little bit of forethought now could save you a lot of anguish later on.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A partnership of some kind has been on a rocky road of late but it will get a major boost over the next few days. If it is a professional or business partnership there is every chance it will pay off in ways you may not have expected.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 5 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Matters of the head and matters of the heart are likely to clash over the coming year and you must be honest with yourself about who and what motivates you the most. Be honest with friends and loved ones too so they know where
    they stand.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Try not to set your standards so high that you have to constantly struggle to reach them. Life is not an Olympic sport and you don't have to function at 100 per cent every minute of every day. Be kind to yourself, and to other people too.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If your aims and ambitions have drifted a bit off course in recent weeks it's no big deal as no major damage appears to have been done. As from today though you need to start making adjustments that will get you moving in the right direction again.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The final piece in a puzzle of some kind will fall into place today and once you see the bigger picture you will realize that recent challenges were actually blessings in disguise. Your life is about to start moving in a more exciting direction. Don't fight it!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Something that looked so difficult yesterday won't look so difficult today and by tomorrow it could turn out to be the easiest thing you have ever done.
    Which just goes to show how important it is to adopt and keep a positive
    mental attitude.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Something you have kept secret for weeks, maybe even months, will become
    public knowledge over the next few days and as there is no way you can deny it you might as well go to the other extreme and embrace it as your own.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You must trust your instincts today, even if they have let you down a few
    times in recent weeks. As Mercury comes to the end of its retrograde phase the information you get from your inner self will no longer be tainted by wishful thinking.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Everything will feel right with your world today, so start planning social and travel activities and don't listen to those who say you need to tone down your expectations. On the contrary, as so much more is possible now you must raise your sights.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The fact that you cannot explain how you came to a certain conclusion does not mean that conclusion is wrong. In fact, as your ruling planet Mercury is about to move in your favor again your mind can be trusted to give you the correct information.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    At some point today you will realize that you may have been too harsh when dealing with people who don't share your ambitious nature. Instead of apologizing, do something of a practical nature that makes it clear you appreciate the efforts they've made.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You can and you must be more optimistic about the work you do in the world. There have been times of late when you started to wonder if the efforts you make are actually worth it, but what occurs today will convince you they are.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    As mind planet Mercury ends its retrograde phase today it will feel as if the restrictions and limitations you have been laboring under in recent weeks have finally been lifted. That is not, however, an excuse to go mad - well, not too mad anyway.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Although there were times in recent weeks when you felt as if you were behind in the game the fact is you are still up there with the front runners - and about to get your second wind. Step up the pace between now and the end of the week.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 6 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 29, 2024 08:00:18
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 29, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Identify what your highest ambition is going to be and then go after it with every ounce of physical, mental and emotional energy you possess. The
    influence of Pluto on your birthday guarantees that your efforts will pay off like never before.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The entry of Venus into the most adventurous area of your chart will brighten your outlook and encourage you to believe that life does not have to be a constant struggle. If you are in the market for love, try looking outside your usual environment.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Cosmic activity in the wealth area of your chart will encourage you to take a more laidback approach to money and investment activities. It may be true that cash is king but there is more to life than making a profit. What about love?

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    As love planet Venus moves into your opposite sign today relationships won't seem quite so tense as they have been of late. That does not, however, mean
    you can take your nearest and dearest for granted. Always take their feelings into consideration.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you have fallen out with someone on the work front in recent weeks, with maybe a few harsh words passing between you, now is the time to get past those bad feelings and get things back to how they were before. Be the first to say sorry.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Keep telling yourself that your efforts will come good in the end and keep believing that the universe wants only good things for you, and your belief will make it a fact. Do what you can with what you have got - it will be more than enough.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Try to be a bit more relaxed in your dealings with loved ones and relatives. Whatever may have been said and done in recent weeks it is now in the past and can and must be forgotten. What can you do jointly that will bring you closer together?

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    There seems to be a lot of drama in your life at the moment but how much of it is really necessary? Probably very little. Ignore what others may be saying about you and just do what makes you feel good. A positive attitude is a must.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A strong link between values planet Venus and power planet Pluto will
    encourage you to patch up a partnership that should be profitable but which
    has been on the slide. You both have too much to lose to keep arguing for no good reason.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    As your ruling planet Venus moves into your birth sign today the better side
    of your nature will come to the fore and you will be far less concerned about petty disputes and petty people. A beaming smile will cure all ills - well, most of them anyway.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Something you have been fearful about for quite some time needs to be confronted and as Venus moves into the most sensitive area of your chart today now is the time to face up to it. Seriously, what can it do to hurt you? Nothing at all.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    No matter what might be happening at the moment, either at home or at work, strive to remain upbeat and do what you can to help those around you feel better about life as well. Put on your happy face and greet the world with a smile.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If an opportunity to improve your status on the work front comes your way
    today you must seize it with both hands, because it may no longer be there
    come the start of next week. It's possible to be competitive and still be a nice guy as well.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 30, 2024 08:00:10
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 30, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You may not know precisely how or why you reach certain conclusions over the coming 12 months but you will know instantly that they are correct. By adding
    a dash of intuition to your usual Virgo practicality success will come quickly and often.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    At some stage over the next few days it will become obvious that you have been going down the wrong route and need to turn back before you go too far and cannot return. Don't be too stubborn to accept that you made a mistake. It's
    no big deal.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Forget about what happened yesterday and the day before that, and don't waste time trying to look into the future. The only thing that matters now is that you tackle what is in front of you and make progress a day at a time. Why make life complicated?

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Cosmic activity in one of the more sensitive areas of your chart will make it easier to confront whatever differences of opinion you may have with the
    people you love. You are actually not that far apart in the way you look at
    the world.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Travel and social activities should go well for you today and over the weekend but you need to be aware of the fact that there may be unexpected delays. Then you can be ready with your back-up plan if you find that your chosen route is blocked.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Life seems to be getting more complicated by the day and even by the hour but how much of that is due to events that are genuinely outside your control and how much to your own expectations? Life will be good to you if you want it to be.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There should no longer be any doubts about what you want to be doing with your life, and if there are then it's time to move beyond them once and for all. Others will sense your newfound sense of purpose and go out of their way to assist you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The more you think about a situation that has been troubling you the further away the answers seem to be, so take the hint and put it out of your mind completely. Some issues need to be allowed to resolve themselves and this is obviously one of them.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    An idea that comes to you out of thin air today will be so amazing that you cannot believe you did not think of it before. The reason you didn't is
    because your previous outlook was too narrow in focus, but now your horizons have expanded dramatically.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Make sure people in positions of power know who you are and what you are capable of. Sometimes you can be a bit too reticent to push yourself forward but if you do so now the results could be sensational. Don't be shy - make a big impression!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You are under no illusions about what needs to be done to resolve a situation that has been on your mind constantly, so get on and do it and put it behind you once and for all. Scorpios are supposed to be ruthless, so don't hold

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Something that has been a bit of a mystery these past few weeks will become crystal clear to you over the next 24 hours. A lot of people will still be in the dark though, which gives you a distinct advantage over your rivals and competitors.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may think you know what is right and what is wrong but not everyone will agree with you, so be on your guard and try to avoid people who clearly don't share your values. They don't need you and you don't need them.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +14C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 31, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 31, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    If there is some aspect of your lifestyle that you would like to change then start making the moves that can make it happen. Set yourself goals that align with your dreams but which are easy to reach if you take it a step at a time.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Anyone who expects you to fold under pressure is going to learn that you are tough enough mentally to go your own way and do your own thing regardless of what powerful people might want from you. No way will you be toeing the party line.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    As Uranus, planet of changes, turns retrograde this weekend you must be extra careful when making plans that involve travelling and socializing. Get out and about and have some fun but don't be reckless, and do make sure you know the way home!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may be in the mood to do something spectacular this weekend but make sure you know in advance how much it is going to cost you. If you don't do your
    sums correctly you could find yourself seriously out of pocket come the start of next week.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may want to do something that makes a difference in the world at large but you need to make sure it is practical and won't make things better in the short-term but worse in the long-term. Maybe, just maybe, you should leave things as they are.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Cosmic activity in the most sensitive area of your chart has shaken you up a bit and now you seem to be jumping at shadows that are not in the least bit threatening. You will probably be happier this weekend just keeping a low profile.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you are expecting others to play by the rules over the next 48 hours you
    are going to be disappointed, not least because as changes planet Uranus
    begins its retrograde phase no one seems to know for sure exactly what those rules should be!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may be tempted to do something different on the work front this weekend
    but if you do there is a real possibility that you will upset people in positions of power. Just this once, blend into the crowd and curtail your desire to make an impression.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    An activity that has always come easy to you is about to get a serious shake- up and you may even have to abandon it and follow a different path for a
    while. It may be annoying but it's no big deal and won't derail your long-term ambitions.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If the going gets rough this weekend you will need someone to lean on. You may be tempted to put on a brave face and soldier on alone but this is one of
    those occasions when you really must get assistance. All you have to do is

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Relationship upheavals are likely over the next 48 hours as Uranus begins its retrograde phase in the partnership area of your chart. The good news is that even if you do fall out with someone special it won't be long before you kiss and make up.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A situation that calls for quick and decisive action will confront you this weekend but you may be unsure how to deal with it. For best results just go with your instincts and don't worry about the consequences. There is no right or wrong way to react.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may think you know what is right and what is wrong but not everyone will agree with you, so be on your guard and try to avoid people who clearly don't share your values. They don't need you and you don't need them.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 2 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, September 01, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 1, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    The influence of Uranus on your birthday is likely to lead to some disruption over the coming year but it will also encourage you to embrace solutions that might previously have been too scary for you. What have you got to lose, apart from your fears?

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Having made a snap decision about something you now realize was probably the wrong thing to do, but it may not be possible to turn back the clock, at least not for a while. Sometimes you just have to live with the consequences of your choices.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The best way to get back into a loved one's good books is by doing something you know they will appreciate. It doesn't have to be anything big but it must have meaning and you must make it clear that it genuinely comes from the

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You need to open up a bit and put your feelings into words. It's not a sign of weakness to let other people know of your worries, it's a sign of strength and also a recognition that some issues are best faced with people you love by
    your side.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There is magic in the air and deep down you know that whatever you wish for will somehow be granted. With the universe on your side there is no reason why you should hold back - whatever you are working on you must give it 100 percent.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Don't be taken in by people who promise what they may not be in a position to deliver. Chances are they are trying to play on your desire to make a name for yourself so they can enrich themselves. They need you but you don't need them.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Let others know what it is you want and they will go out of their way to get
    it for you. You must, however, make sure that what you ask for is going to be good for you, because you won't be able to hand it back later on.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The message of the stars now is that you need to update your methods and not rely so much on the old ways of doing things. It's not always easy embracing new theories and technologies but if you don't you may find yourself falling behind.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You have a tendency to act within a narrow band of what you believe to be acceptable behavior but the planets indicate this is a good time to break out of your self-imposed limitations. Do something a bit more adventurous this week.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Like it or not a family member is committed to a certain course of action and you must offer them your support even if you have doubts. According to the planets they know what they are doing and will do it regardless of your opinions.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Forget about your everyday cares for a while and let your mind wander wherever it pleases. A little bit of daydreaming never hurt anyone and on this occasion might actually do you some good. One of those daydreams could make you some serious money.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Not everyone looks at life through the same lens as you, so try to accept that partners and loved ones and colleagues won't always accept your suggestions or follow your lead. It's not in the least bit personal, so don't go off in a sulk.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    As Pluto, planet of passion, moves back into your sign the intensity of your emotions may take you by surprise over the next two or three days. You need to keep a lid on your feelings but you also need to find a constructive outlet
    for them.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 3 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, September 02, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 2, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You need to go back and take another look at something you were working on earlier in the year. Can it be improved? It most definitely can, so make it your priority over the coming year to make it the best thing you have ever done.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may not be in the mood to work hard today but that's okay. Start the week at a slow and easy pace and only speed up later on when your energy is on the rise and the idea of making an effort no longer bores you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It may seem as if everyone but you is having a good time at the moment but it isn't true. Get past your negative thinking and get busy on a creative project that means a lot to you. It means a lot to partners and loved ones too.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Resist the urge to poke fun at someone who is making an easy task look difficult. Not everyone is as switched on mentally and physically as you, so make allowances and maybe give them a few pointers so they get it right next time.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Everyone wants to be your friend at the moment, which is nice, but don't fall into the trap of believing that all those who are currently singing your praises will be there for you when times get hard. Only rely on people you
    know you can trust.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Few things in life come without some kind of risk, so make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a project you hope will go well. It might even be wise to put off making a final decision about it until later in the week.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Although a number of minor things could go wrong today the big things in your life are still moving along nicely, so there is no need to panic. It may be a pain having to deal with so much unimportant stuff but don't let it spoil your day.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't waste time arguing with someone who simply refuses to look at the evidence. Accept that your views and their views will be forever at odds and keep as much distance between you as possible. Don't let their stupidity pollute your mind.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You have made a number of big decisions in recent weeks and they will pay off over the next few days. Tomorrow's new moon in your sign will encourage you to believe that all things are possible and, for you at least, that is most definitely true.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You are closer to reaching a long-term objective than you seem to realize and if you make a serious push over the next few days your goal will soon be in sight. Whatever it is you most desire that is what the universe will give you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It is of the utmost importance that you believe in your own abilities. If you give rivals even a hint that you seem hesitant or unsure they will be encouraged to challenge you at every turn. Look like a winner even if you
    don't always feel like one.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    What seems reasonable to you may not seem reasonable to a friend or relative, so don't be surprised if they reject your advice and follow a different course of action. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong but does it really matter?

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Stay focused on what you are working on even if it no longer inspires you, because there are a lot of people counting on you making a good job of this task and you must not let them down. At least pretend that you are enjoying

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +10C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, September 03, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 3, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You need to go back and take another look at something you were working on earlier in the year. Can it be improved? It most definitely can, so make it your priority over the coming year to make it the best thing you have ever done.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may not be in the mood to work hard today but that's okay. Start the week at a slow and easy pace and only speed up later on when your energy is on the rise and the idea of making an effort no longer bores you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It may seem as if everyone but you is having a good time at the moment but it isn't true. Get past your negative thinking and get busy on a creative project that means a lot to you. It means a lot to partners and loved ones too.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Resist the urge to poke fun at someone who is making an easy task look difficult. Not everyone is as switched on mentally and physically as you, so make allowances and maybe give them a few pointers so they get it right next time.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Everyone wants to be your friend at the moment, which is nice, but don't fall into the trap of believing that all those who are currently singing your praises will be there for you when times get hard. Only rely on people you
    know you can trust.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Few things in life come without some kind of risk, so make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a project you hope will go well. It might even be wise to put off making a final decision about it until later in the week.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Although a number of minor things could go wrong today the big things in your life are still moving along nicely, so there is no need to panic. It may be a pain having to deal with so much unimportant stuff but don't let it spoil your day.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't waste time arguing with someone who simply refuses to look at the evidence. Accept that your views and their views will be forever at odds and keep as much distance between you as possible. Don't let their stupidity pollute your mind.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You have made a number of big decisions in recent weeks and they will pay off over the next few days. Tomorrow's new moon in your sign will encourage you to believe that all things are possible and, for you at least, that is most definitely true.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You are closer to reaching a long-term objective than you seem to realize and if you make a serious push over the next few days your goal will soon be in sight. Whatever it is you most desire that is what the universe will give you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It is of the utmost importance that you believe in your own abilities. If you give rivals even a hint that you seem hesitant or unsure they will be encouraged to challenge you at every turn. Look like a winner even if you
    don't always feel like one.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    What seems reasonable to you may not seem reasonable to a friend or relative, so don't be surprised if they reject your advice and follow a different course of action. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong but does it really matter?

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Stay focused on what you are working on even if it no longer inspires you, because there are a lot of people counting on you making a good job of this task and you must not let them down. At least pretend that you are enjoying

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 5 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 08:02:12
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 4, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You have done more than enough thinking and more than enough planning - now
    you must take action on the grandest of scales. With Mars on your side over
    the coming year there is no excuse for holding back - seize your opportunity
    to shine!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may think you have to work twice as hard as your rivals but how long will it be before you burn yourself out? Choose your aims and ambitions wisely and only put in the extra effort when the potential rewards are genuinely worth

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Mars in the most dynamic area of your chart means the next two months or so
    are going to be of huge significance. The most important thing of all is that you knuckle down and bring a creative project to a successful conclusion. It's now or never!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    As Mars moves into the domestic area of your chart today there is likely to be a bit of tension on the home front. The best way to deal with it is to not
    take it too seriously. If loved ones want to let off steam just let them.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The fact that even some of your friends don't support what you are doing won't bother you in the slightest today. You know that you are doing the right thing and from your way of looking at the world nothing else matters. Let's hope you are correct!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    As Mars moves out of your birth sign today you should take a much-needed breather from your labors. You should also look back on a number of arguments you had in recent weeks and, if necessary, make an apology or two.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Mars remains in your sign for the next two months, so promise yourself now
    that you will make good use of the extra energy it brings to push ahead with your long-term ambitions. There is nothing you cannot accomplish if you put in the effort.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may have to work on something you don't much enjoy today but if you approach it in a positive frame of mind it won't be as big a chore as you expected. You may also discover that you quite enjoy working on tasks that require attention to detail.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    What happens between now and the weekend will encourage you to believe that there are people out there who would like nothing better than to be on your side. Start getting your team organized - you are going to be doing great things together.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    As Mars moves into the career area of your chart today it may seem as if your rivals are better placed, but why should that worry you? What you possess and they do not is the ability to plan several steps ahead. You really can't lose.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If a friend or colleague has a vision that you think is perfect for your own creative needs then steal it from them. There is no copyright on ideas and there is nothing stopping you from taking that vision and adapting it to your own ends.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The more vocal you have been about what you are going to do in the world the more you must get out there and deliver. Talk is cheap and the only way you
    are going to impress important people is by backing up those words with

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Mars in your opposite sign has the potential to make you quite ruthless when
    it comes to dealing with people on a one-to-one level. That's a useful attribute to have but don't be ruthless for the sake of it. Forgiveness is a more powerful tool by far.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 week, 6 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, September 05, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 5, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Doubts and fears will fade over the coming weeks and months and you will begin to believe you have what it takes to turn your dreams into realities. For best results partner with people who share your ambitions, because you can go ten times further together.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Be on your guard over the next 24 hours and don't be taken in by anyone who claims to know what is best for you. Instead, listen to what your inner voice tells you, even if it urges you to move in the opposite direction to everyone else.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The Sun in the partnership area of your chart makes this the ideal time to improve one-to-one relationships of all kinds but especially those of a romantic nature. Don't hold back in your affections - the more love you give the more you will get in return.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Take time to remind yourself today that in the greater scheme of things there is no such thing as coincidence - everything that takes place in your life has meaning. There is a very good reason for what is now occurring. Find out what it is.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    No matter how much disruption there has been in your life of late you can and you will get past it and maybe even benefit from it. With both the Sun and
    Mars on your side there is no excuse for not looking on the bright side today.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your current cosmic task is to come up with imaginative new ways of dealing with old challenges and problems. Use the power of your ruling planet Mercury to visualize how best to cope with situations that others find impossible to resolve.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your life has had its share of shocks and setbacks in recent months but with Mars now moving through your sign nothing can prevent you from having fun. Social and travel plans are also under excellent stars, so don't waste time sitting at home.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    No doubt your mind is full of big ideas but how many of them are sensible? Because Leo is a sign that enjoys looking at the bigger picture you sometimes see patterns that exist only in your head. Don't get carried away by your own sense of genius.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your mood will lighten considerably over the next few days and if you get together with friends and colleagues who share your sunny outlook on life then a good time will be enjoyed by all. You must though avoid people who only ever seem to frown.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You can sense it is time to move on and with Mars moving through the area of your chart that governs your position in the world there will be opportunities to do just that over the next few weeks. Don't move just for the sake of it though.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Mars in the most adventurous area of your chart will present you with a least one and maybe several opportunities to show how creative you can be. Don't force it though: just be yourself and let your natural talent come through in its own way.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you wait for exactly the right opportunity to come along you could lose out to a rival who is more proactive and goes looking for opportunities before
    they arrive. The Sun in the career area of your chart means you need to be
    more competitive.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There will be occasions between now and the weekend when you have no choice
    but to follow in other people's footsteps, because if you don't you could lose your way and get left behind. You cannot be the leader of the pack every hour of every day.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, September 06, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 6, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Something you previously thought of as a failing in your personality could actually turn out to be a strength over the coming months, so don't be too eager to junk it. Instead of trying to rid yourself of a habit why not embrace it instead?

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You need to get serious about a work-related matter that has been allowed to drift. Your can-do reputation could be at risk if you allow it to drag on much longer, so decide what needs to be done and persuade others to assist you in doing it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You will be on the go from first light to last light today and will get done
    in a matter of hours what it previously took weeks to complete. Don't overdo
    it though. After each bout of maximum exertion give yourself sufficient time
    to recover.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may be tempted to crack the whip over an issue you believe needs to be sorted but the planets warn you may no longer be in a position to force the matter. Only compromise and careful negotiation will get it moving again.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You can be a bit serious at times but with Mars moving through the most open and outgoing area of your chart you would be wise to take a more light-hearted attitude to life. You can get just as much done with a smile as with a frown.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You cannot allow someone to hustle you into making a quick decision about a money matter. The fact that they are so urgently insisting that you take
    action now should be enough to put you on your guard. It could cost you dearly if it goes wrong.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Mars in your sign means that even the smallest effort will yield amazing results, so think what a serious effort on your part might accomplish. Don't listen to those who say you are expecting too much of yourself - your
    ambitious must be limitless.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Although you may be inclined to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of life
    for a while there is something that needs to be done before you can take time out. You know what that something is, so get on with it. You can rest later

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may have strong opinions about certain issues but don't let that blind you to the fact that other people are as immovable in their outlook as you are.
    Who is "right" and who is "wrong"? It doesn't matter. Agree to disagree and leave it at that.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    As Mars journeys through the career area of your chart you will be confronted with challenges on the work front that require a swift and dynamic response. Forget about trying to be fair to your co-workers - on this occasion your own interests must come first.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Start making plans and make sure they are big. Faraway places and exciting new faces will hold a special fascination for you over the next few weeks, so be ready to get up and go if the wanderlust strikes. Give those itchy feet a scratch!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you have been sensible and managed to settle a partnership dispute of some kind then the next few days should be a lot of fun. If, however, there are still unresolved issues to be dealt with there could be some tension today and over the weekend.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Don't take it personally if a friend or colleague is a bit rude towards you today. They are not being unfriendly for the fun of it. Most likely they are having to deal with some serious tension in their life and need to blow off steam.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 1 day, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, September 07, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 7, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds over the coming year. Anyone who comes to you with outrageous ideas is not to be trusted, so give them a miss and stick with what you know and trust. Why change a winning formula?

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you can find a constructive outlet for your energy this weekend you will accomplish a lot in a short space of time. You must though steer clear of people who allow themselves to get worked up over issues that don't mean a thing. They're a distraction.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Make it a priority over the next 48 hours to resolve a partnership issue once and for all. Saturn in your sign will help you to think straight about what
    has gone wrong of late so you can come up with ideas to turn things around.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There is no point complaining that someone you thought could trust has been dishonest with you because the signs have been there all along and you chose
    to ignore them. Now you can no longer deny what they are up to, so do
    something about it!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Failure is a fact of life and even a Taurus must expect to be disappointed
    once in a while. This weekend's Sun-Saturn link will bring some sort of disappointment your way but you can and you will come storming back later on. There's always the next time.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You need to keep an open mind over the next 48 hours, especially when dealing with people whose outlook on life you may not agree with. Listen to what they have to say and try to understand what has brought them to where they are now.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There is a danger that you could get a bit too pushy and turn against you the very people who can help you the most. You don't have to elbow your way to the front, just be who you are and do what you do - brilliantly, of course.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You have never been the sort to suffer fools but as Saturn opposes your ruler the Sun this weekend it will pay you to give partners and colleagues a
    generous amount of leeway. They can't help it if they are not as with it mentally as you are.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You are going through a hugely positive phase at the moment, and that's great, but don't get carried away with your own magnificence and make the kind of mistakes that can be easily avoided. Virgos are supposed to be careful, so watch your step.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The planets warn that someone in a position of power has their eye on you,
    most likely because they consider you a threat to their position. If you do have designs on their job try to make it look as if you are still their faithful subordinate.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Instead of moaning about the state of the world start thinking about ways you can make it better. You don't have to do anything spectacular - start making improvements in your local environment and watch as the knock-on effects
    spread far and wide.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you want to get through the weekend with a minimum of fuss you must control the more aggressive side of your nature. There may be issues that make you angry but if you let your emotions take over it will most likely make matters worse.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There may be no logical reason why you should distrust someone you work or socialize with but if your sixth sense sends out warnings this weekend you would be wise not to ignore them. On a deep inner level you know there's a problem.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, September 08, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 8, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    A Sun-Saturn link on your birthday means you will have to work harder than expected over the coming year. On the plus side that means your successes, of which there will be plenty, will taste even sweeter, because you know you have done it all by yourself.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you have been living beyond your means then what happens over the next few days will bring that fact home to you in ways that cannot be ignored. Take the hint and get your finances back on an even keel. It shouldn't be too

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You are feeling good about yourself again and because you are in such a positive frame of mind those around you will feed off your upbeat outlook and feel good about themselves as well. Make it your mission to spread a little happiness.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The fact that you cannot explain why certain events have occurred does not
    mean you should ignore them. As Mercury moves back into the work area of your chart this week you need to talk less and listen more. What is the universe trying to tell you?

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    As one of the zodiac's Fixed signs you have strong opinions about just about everything, but no matter how strong they may be they can never replace the facts. Avoid wishful thinking and don't reject ideas just because they do not fit into your worldview.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You could find yourself under some serious pressure this week from people
    whose authority is greater than your own. Be smart and take a step back rather than a step forward, because if there is a confrontation you will almost certainly be the loser.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You should be making plans now to explore further afield than usual. New
    places and new faces will be a lot of fun and, for once, money should not be a problem. Don't worry if it costs you a dollar or three along the way.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You need to start looking at ways to give your cash fund a boost. As mind planet Mercury moves into the financial area of your chart this week you won't lack for ideas to build up your reserves. Don't let them run down so much in the future.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your commitment to a partnership or relationship has been tested of late but you came through the challenge okay and now you are closer than ever. Whatever it is you are minded to do over the coming week, make sure you do it together.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You appear calm on the surface but deep down you are raging about some sort of injustice. Hopefully you will be sensible enough to realize that allowing yourself to get angry is not the answer. How can you improve the situation in practical ways?

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The good times just keep getting better and with Mercury moving into the friendship area of your chart this week you won't be the only one with a smile on your face. Get together with people who share your sunny outlook on life.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Someone who is a bit emotionally volatile could rub you up the wrong way over the next few days but try not to let your annoyance show. If they think that they are getting under your skin they will act in even more outrageous ways.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You have no alternative but to confront a friend or loved one with evidence that they have been up to no good. Their specific misdeed is probably not too dramatic but don't let them get away with it or they may take even bigger liberties in future.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, September 09, 2024 08:00:28
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 9, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Take an inventory of both your strengths and your weaknesses and then set
    about planning the year ahead according to those traits. The more you know about yourself the more you will be able to focus on the aims and ambitions that truly matter.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may not want to take a leadership role but at some point today you are likely to find yourself in a position where others look to you for guidance
    and you must not let them down. Use your ingenuity to resolve a challenging situation.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You won't find it hard to be decisive today but you will have to deal with people who are not in your league when it comes to getting things done. Cracking the whip can take you only so far - what they need most is encouragement.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Ignore those who say you don't know what you are doing and keep hammering away at your current task. By the end of the day your efforts will start bearing fruit and by this time tomorrow even your critics will be singing your

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The planets warn you may have been trying too hard over the past week or two, so slow down and give your mind and your body time to recover. Even your
    rivals will admit that you deserve a break, but only you can grant yourself one.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You have every right and every reason to indulge yourself a bit, so ignore those who say you need to be serious every minute of every day, and have fun when the opportunity arises. What's that old saying? Ah yes: if it feels good, do it!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You have been incredibly patient when dealing with friends and colleagues who operate on a slower mental and physical level and they will show their appreciation today. It's a law of the universe: if you are nice to other people, they will be nice to you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You need to start looking at ways to give your cash fund a boost. As mind planet Mercury moves into the financial area of your chart this week you won't lack for ideas to build up your reserves. Don't let them run down so much in the future.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    As Mercury, your ruler, joins the Sun in your sign today your thoughts will come together and you will find it easy to do something special with all those big ideas that have been flooding your mind. Life is good and about to get
    even better.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The fact that you have got away with certain transgressions in the past is no guarantee you will get away with them in the future. No one expects you to be perfect but friends, loved ones and colleagues do expect you to be honest with them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There is no reason why you should limit yourself to the same old places and
    the same old faces. On the contrary, cosmic activity in two of the more adventurous areas of your chart demand that you get out into the world and explore new horizons.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may be going through a challenging phase on the work front at the moment but if you stay calm and keep your mind switched on you will come through unscathed. You may even impress the powers that be enough to earn a promotion.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The most important thing as the new week begins is that you focus on an activity that excites you. With the Sun and Mercury moving through the most adventurous area of your chart it could be one of the best things you have
    ever done.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 4 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 08:00:08
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 10, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Take an inventory of both your strengths and your weaknesses and then set
    about planning the year ahead according to those traits. The more you know about yourself the more you will be able to focus on the aims and ambitions that truly matter.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may not want to take a leadership role but at some point today you are likely to find yourself in a position where others look to you for guidance
    and you must not let them down. Use your ingenuity to resolve a challenging situation.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You won't find it hard to be decisive today but you will have to deal with people who are not in your league when it comes to getting things done. Cracking the whip can take you only so far - what they need most is encouragement.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Ignore those who say you don't know what you are doing and keep hammering away at your current task. By the end of the day your efforts will start bearing fruit and by this time tomorrow even your critics will be singing your

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The planets warn you may have been trying too hard over the past week or two, so slow down and give your mind and your body time to recover. Even your
    rivals will admit that you deserve a break, but only you can grant yourself one.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You have every right and every reason to indulge yourself a bit, so ignore those who say you need to be serious every minute of every day, and have fun when the opportunity arises. What's that old saying? Ah yes: if it feels good, do it!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You have been incredibly patient when dealing with friends and colleagues who operate on a slower mental and physical level and they will show their appreciation today. It's a law of the universe: if you are nice to other people, they will be nice to you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You need to let go of any lingering regrets about what you did wrong in the past and move on with your life. The simple fact is you are still one of the lucky ones and your luck will improve even more if you look forward rather
    than back.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    As Mercury, your ruler, joins the Sun in your sign today your thoughts will come together and you will find it easy to do something special with all those big ideas that have been flooding your mind. Life is good and about to get
    even better.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The fact that you have got away with certain transgressions in the past is no guarantee you will get away with them in the future. No one expects you to be perfect but friends, loved ones and colleagues do expect you to be honest with them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There is no reason why you should limit yourself to the same old places and
    the same old faces. On the contrary, cosmic activity in two of the more adventurous areas of your chart demand that you get out into the world and explore new horizons.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may be going through a challenging phase on the work front at the moment but if you stay calm and keep your mind switched on you will come through unscathed. You may even impress the powers that be enough to earn a promotion.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The most important thing as the new week begins is that you focus on an activity that excites you. With the Sun and Mercury moving through the most adventurous area of your chart it could be one of the best things you have
    ever done.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 11, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    If you have been working flat out but making only limited progress then
    clearly a change of focus is called for. Instead of doing so much on your own this year try bringing new people into your plans. Together you will take the world by storm.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you fancy a change of scenery you must make sure it won't break the bank.
    By all means take a short break, or even a longer vacation, but don't spend so much on it that when you come back you can't stop worrying about your

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There are so many things you want to be doing but you only have so much time and energy to spare, so make a list of your aims and focus on them one by one. Saturn in your sign warns that multi-tasking means nothing will get done.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There is no point feeling sorry for yourself if your plans have fallen through because there is sure to be a next time and that time will arrive sooner if
    you maintain an upbeat outlook. The situation is nowhere near desperate, so don't lose heart.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Although you may not be able to see the point in what you are asked to do
    today you should do it anyway and make a thoroughly good job of it. That way the powers that be will recognize that you are worthy of bigger and better things.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you make an effort to see both sides of a dispute over the next 24 hours
    you will not only be able to resolve it but you will make yourself some new friends and allies. Your let's-get-it-done attitude will impress some very influential people.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You can sense that something big is going to occur but no matter how hard you think about it you cannot work out what it might be. Stay loose, keep your
    eyes and ears open and be ready to move quickly when the moment arrives.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you want to criticize other people today then you must expect those people to criticize you in return. No one is perfect, not even a Leo, so try to be a bit less judgmental and also try encouraging others rather than focusing on their weak points.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The current cosmic picture is designed to help you move on from the past and embrace a brighter future, so be ready to let go of something that gave you comfort yesterday but which today is just holding you back. You no longer need it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    With Venus moving through your sign you must take every opportunity to enjoy the good things in life with friends and loved ones, even if you also have important duties to perform. Life isn't a chore but an adventure that is supposed to be fun.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Are times really tough or does your somewhat negative outlook make it appear that way? If those around you seem prone to seeing the worst in every
    situation then get yourself up and move away for a while. Find a place where people like to smile.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If the situation you are currently involved with seems to be going badly then disengage and do something else. The main problem appears to be that some of your co-workers are too uptight for their own good. You're better off without them.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Avoid doing anything that is even remotely false or immoral today. Some people may say there is no risk involved but even if that is true you still have to live with your conscience. Better to lose out than to gain by dishonest means.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 weeks, 6 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, September 12, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 12, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    If you have been working flat out but making only limited progress then
    clearly a change of focus is called for. Instead of doing so much on your own this year try bringing new people into your plans. Together you will take the world by storm.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you fancy a change of scenery you must make sure it won't break the bank.
    By all means take a short break, or even a longer vacation, but don't spend so much on it that when you come back you can't stop worrying about your

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There are so many things you want to be doing but you only have so much time and energy to spare, so make a list of your aims and focus on them one by one. Saturn in your sign warns that multi-tasking means nothing will get done.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There is no point feeling sorry for yourself if your plans have fallen through because there is sure to be a next time and that time will arrive sooner if
    you maintain an upbeat outlook. The situation is nowhere near desperate, so don't lose heart.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Although you may not be able to see the point in what you are asked to do
    today you should do it anyway and make a thoroughly good job of it. That way the powers that be will recognize that you are worthy of bigger and better things.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you make an effort to see both sides of a dispute over the next 24 hours
    you will not only be able to resolve it but you will make yourself some new friends and allies. Your let's-get-it-done attitude will impress some very influential people.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You can sense that something big is going to occur but no matter how hard you think about it you cannot work out what it might be. Stay loose, keep your
    eyes and ears open and be ready to move quickly when the moment arrives.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you want to criticize other people today then you must expect those people to criticize you in return. No one is perfect, not even a Leo, so try to be a bit less judgmental and also try encouraging others rather than focusing on their weak points.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The current cosmic picture is designed to help you move on from the past and embrace a brighter future, so be ready to let go of something that gave you comfort yesterday but which today is just holding you back. You no longer need it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    With Venus moving through your sign you must take every opportunity to enjoy the good things in life with friends and loved ones, even if you also have important duties to perform. Life isn't a chore but an adventure that is supposed to be fun.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Are times really tough or does your somewhat negative outlook make it appear that way? If those around you seem prone to seeing the worst in every
    situation then get yourself up and move away for a while. Find a place where people like to smile.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If the situation you are currently involved with seems to be going badly then disengage and do something else. The main problem appears to be that some of your co-workers are too uptight for their own good. You're better off without them.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Avoid doing anything that is even remotely false or immoral today. Some people may say there is no risk involved but even if that is true you still have to live with your conscience. Better to lose out than to gain by dishonest means.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 3 weeks, 2 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, September 13, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 13, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Aim to go further than you have ever gone before over the coming year. If you set goals that are beyond your reach at this moment in time your body and your mind will learn to adapt and take you to levels you never knew were possible.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    What happens over the next 24 hours may not seem that important but it will have a ripple effect over the coming months and some of those ripples could become a tidal wave, so watch every word you say and assess every decision you make.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you feel a bit lethargic at the moment that's a sign that you have reached your physical limit for the week and need to slow down. You've done your bit and done it well, so don't feel bad about telling others that's your lot for now.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You won't lack for confidence today and over the weekend but there is a danger you could believe you are invincible and take the kind of risks that are guaranteed to end in tears. Tone down your act a bit and be aware of your limits.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An emotional upset of some sort is making it difficult for you to think straight, so promise yourself that you won't be taking any major decisions
    over the next 24 hours. Next week's lunar eclipse will resolve what is
    worrying you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You seem happy enough on the surface but on a deeper level you worry that life may be passing you by. The cause of your distress is that you are working on things to which you have no emotional attachment. Time for a change then.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If life seems a bit dull at the moment then make it your business to shake things up. Remember though that there is a great deal of power in your words, so think before you speak and always make sure your criticisms have a constructive purpose.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You will experience a surge of energy today and if you are smart you will use it to finish a project that has dragged on too long. Don't start anything new until you are certain that you won't have to go back and correct past

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may be doubtful that you have what it takes to compete at the highest
    level but when it comes to talent and potential no one is above you. If you
    can add a little self-belief to the mix over the next few days you will be unbeatable.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You must not allow yourself to be talked into making a decision that could tie you down for weeks and months to come. The fact that your would-be partners seem so insistent that you sign on the dotted line should get alarm bells ringing.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You have been pushing yourself to your limits in recent weeks and need to slow down a bit. You don't have to work twice as hard as everyone else, nor do you have to hit the town with your friends every night just because they expect it of you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There are times when it is prudent to examine what you are doing in a little more detail and this is one of them. Put creative and social activities on
    hold for an hour or two today and assess your recent choices. Some of them may need changing.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You need to stop worrying about your financial situation and do what feels right no matter how much it might cost in the long-term. If your objectives
    are right for you - and the planets indicate strongly that they are - then sooner or later you'll start making money.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 2 hours, 54 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, September 14, 2024 08:00:26
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 14, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    You may not think of yourself as overly ambitious but you will enjoy climbing the social and professional ladder this year. You do though need to remember that the higher you fly the further there is to fall, so make sure those
    ladder rungs are solid!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Venus and Jupiter are making a perfect angle across the two most dynamic areas of your chart, so believe that all things are possible and act on that belief every chance you get. There is a real luck factor working in your favor at the moment.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It's not easy for you to give yourself completely, even when dealing with friends and family members, but the more you open up this weekend the more fun you will have and the more you will realize how loved you are. Don't be emotionally distant.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You have so much to look forward to and if you keep that thought in mind this weekend you will have a really good time. With Venus in the partnership area
    of your chart the best times by far will be when you get together with other people.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You will have to choose between working on a task that inspires you personally and a task that benefits friends and family members but which you find a bit
    of a bore. Only you can make that choice but it might pay you to make the sacrifice.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A superb link between Venus and Jupiter makes this a wonderful time to push ahead with a creative idea and turn it into something you can be proud of. Don't worry if friends and colleagues don't understand your passion, they will "get it" later on.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may think you are right to be suspicious of what a colleague is up to but the planets suggest you are barking up the wrong tree and need to be more trusting. Their aims and motives are no more and no less self-seeking than
    your own.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You need to be careful this weekend because some kind of offer will have serious strings attached and if you sign up without thinking it through you could regret it later on. It's not the chance of a lifetime, so feel free to turn it down.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Something you have set your heart on can now easily be yours. The universe has noted the sacrifices you have made in recent weeks and will go out of its way to reward you. If you want that special something enough it can be made to happen.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You have bent over backwards lately to help other people but they haven't done much for you in return. That's okay though because a fantastic link between your ruler Venus and Jupiter, planet of good fortune, will keep you smiling this weekend.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you feel the need to expand your horizons this weekend then do so without feeling guilty about it. There is no point wasting your time asking other people what they think of your plans because they will inevitably find reasons to be cautious.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The more of an effort you make to work closely with friends and colleagues
    this weekend the more of an effort the universe will make to reward you in profitable ways. Jupiter in your opposite sign guarantees good fortune in partnership situations.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The message of the stars this weekend is that you need to get your head out of the clouds and get serious about your plans. So much is possible now but your efforts will have only limited success if you aim too high or move too soon.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 day, 2 hours, 54 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, September 15, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 15, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Because Venus and Jupiter join forces on your birthday life in general will be easier and relationships in particular will go a lot more smoothly than has been the case of late. You're going to be flavor of the month - for a whole year!

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    News you receive from afar over the next few days may not be entirely positive but it won't be entirely negative either, so don't overreact. Most likely if you leave it until the end of the week it will have been overtaken by events and no longer matter.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    That nagging sense of unease you have been feeling means you know that change is inevitable - it's just a question of do you make that change yourself or do you leave it to the universe to make it for you? For best results, seize the initiative.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Get ready to make the breakthrough you have been dreaming of. The approaching lunar eclipse is going to clear away obstacles that have been slowing you
    down, making it easy for you to grasp the initiative. Don't think too deeply, just act.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Despite the occasional setback the past few weeks have been highly encouraging and what occurs around the time of Wednesday's eclipse will be the icing on
    the cake. Whatever challenges arise you can and you will turn them all to your advantage.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You have been under a lot of pressure of late and something clearly has to give. What that something is will become apparent over the next few days and, when it does finally blow, the tension will deflate like a balloon that has been popped.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    No matter how many differences of opinion there have been in recent weeks they can easily be resolved now, so long as you are prepared to admit that you were as much to blame for them as anyone else. A little humility will go a long

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The message of the stars for the week ahead is that you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and recognize that life is as good as you want it to be. A positive attitude will help you to spot money-making opportunities ahead of your rivals.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The approaching lunar eclipse means you cannot expect others to be as
    motivated as you are when it comes to getting ahead in the world. A little bit of patience and understanding on your part will go a long way to winning
    people over to your side.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Don't worry if you feel uneasy as the new week begins because the impending eclipse will put everyone on edge. A few days from now you will look back and recognize that your fears had no basis in fact. There was never anything to worry about.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A creative endeavor has reached a critical stage and what occurs around the time of Wednesday's eclipse will force you to decide whether to carry on and finish it or whether to give up and focus on something a little less challenging.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you plan carefully and work hard over the coming week there is every chance that you will accomplish something that brings rewards and applause from employers and senior colleagues. Despite what some people say you do have what it takes to succeed.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If you don't feel like joining in with what everyone else is doing this week then don't force yourself. This is one of those occasions when you will get more from life if you take a back seat for a while and watch other people having fun.

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 19 hours, 25 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, September 16, 2024 08:00:24
    NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 16, 2024

    ***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
    Some major lifestyle changes are heading your way and there is no point trying to avoid them. Instead, face them head on and resolve to embrace whatever new experiences they create. The world never stops turning and you must turn with it.

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your enthusiasm for something that used to inspire you has faltered of late
    and what occurs over the next few days is likely to end it completely, but that's no bad thing. It's time to raise your sights and focus on something
    more worthy of your talents.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It may annoy you that someone you have to deal with on a one-to-one basis is making life difficult but ranting and raving about it won't change a thing. Stay calm and avoid making an enemy of someone who can still be a beneficial ally.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The message of the stars as the new week begins is that you need to slow down
    a bit, or even a lot. The approaching lunar eclipse falls in the most
    sensitive area of your chart, so for your own good you must be aware of your limits.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Chances are you will find yourself working with people over the next few days whose outlook on life is vastly different to your own. Instead of rejecting their beliefs out of hand try to understand them from their point of view. It could be an eye-opener.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The approaching eclipse takes place in the area of your chart that governs
    your career and your status in the wider world, so be prepared for some sort
    of challenge to your authority. Can your rivals actually harm you? No they cannot.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    That feeling of dread that has been in motion in the back of your brain has finally begun to fade but before it goes completely something will occur that worries you all over again. Don't let it get a grip on your mind. It's not
    real at all.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Because the upcoming eclipse falls in one of the more secretive areas of your chart you may be reluctant to open up to friends and loved ones about issues that have been bothering you. But why suffer in silence? If you ask for help you will get it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Wednesday's lunar eclipse in your opposite sign will bring a partnership
    matter to a head and like it or not you are going to have to make a difficult decision over the next few days. Be assured that once it is dealt with it
    won't worry you again.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You like to be busy and will no doubt be on the go constantly today, but don't overdo it to such an extent that you risk some kind of breakdown later in the week. Libra is the sign of the balance. Try living up to that symbolism.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    What occurs over the next few days should be a lot of fun but you need to be aware that not everyone in your orbit - friends, family members and work colleagues - is enjoying life as much as you. What can you do to make them smile too?

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Try not to take what happens over the next few days too seriously. Better still, don't take it seriously at all. It may seem a big deal now but in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor importance, so keep a sense of perspective.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Words will come easy to you now, but that could be as much a curse as a blessing. If you speak before thinking through what effect your words are likely to have you could spend the second half of the week saying sorry to everyone!

    (C) 2024 NYP Holdings, Inc & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved https://nypost.com/horoscopes

    --- up 1 day, 19 hours, 25 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)